Marijuana users will still be “ticketed” under new ganja law


The head of government’s marijuana commission has said that decriminalization of the drug will still come with a penalty for users who breach the law.

Samantha Marshall laid down the proposed ground rules for decriminalization as she addressed a marijuana consultation here on Tuesday.

She told those gathered at the parliament building that users who think decriminalization means free use are wrong.

“A lot of persons thought that decriminalisation simply meant that would not be penalised for the use. Decriminalisation as we understand it is that you will not be given a criminal charge but of course you will be ticketed,” Marhsall said.

She said a necessary fine will be determined.

The marijuana committee did not agree to smoking in public places nor that people should have weed on them in a public place.

“The use of that substance should be in your private home,” Marshall told those gathered for the consultations.

Antigua plans to decriminalise up to 10 grams of marijuana this year.

Rastafarians will be able to use the herb as part of their religion and the public will be able to grow “at least three plants” for personal use per household.

The government also intends to set up a committee for the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes and to partner with UWI “to find out what additional benefits it could provide for our people.”

The committee also proposes “a national council” to deal with the issue of growing marijuana.

“And for that council to consider to whom licenses should be granted to allow them to grow marijuana,” Marshall said adding that NGO’s will also form part of the council.






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  1. The Government is simply using the same protocol to continue taxing individuals for utilizing a natural, organic plant/herb of Nature.
    The next move by the Government will be to give the growing rights, licencing rights, packaging, marketing, distribution, quality control RIGHTS, to the same ones who opposed the use of this herb, and their NGO’s controlled by the Oligarchs and their henchmen/women…

    • you are ah dunce that was hurry done unfair representation for US marijuana users 3 plants per house lol joke joke joke somebody need for spit inna samantha marshall face

      • That is just rude and disrespectful. Even though u don’t agree with Minister Marshall to suggest that someone should spit in her face just show u have no respect

  2. but people keep in mind that it is a tham plant ….every time i try to think about it just unbelievable. Try and find out the reason you they make it illegal, so tomorrow they can come and say fever grass is illegal what would the people say.

  3. They wanna put laws on a God given natural plant that ia proved to have medicinal properties…but cigarettes and rum that’s proven to kill you still dey bout like sand pon beach! Them just a try find more ways to thief the likkle money poor people work so hard to get to put in their already overflowing pockets! Smfh can’t get another vote from me no day!

  4. This is good news to many of our young people getting a criminal record for weed I don’t do weed but this is great news, I just pray that every one will abide under the new Law and don t get ticketed ,Samantha Marshall good job.

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