Mandatory Prayers in Public Schools to Be Implemented, Says Prime Minister Gaston Browne
Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced that all public schools in Antigua and Barbuda will be required to hold mandatory prayers during morning assemblies starting this September. The decision was made during a cabinet meeting last Wednesday, reflecting the government’s belief in the importance of spiritual engagement in developing a well-rounded conscience.
Prime Minister Browne emphasized the role of religious practices in shaping the moral character of individuals, citing the decline in church attendance among young people as a contributing factor to the erosion of societal values. “One of the reasons why we, as adults, have reasonably well-developed consciences is because of that spiritual engagement—going to church and so on, the fear of God,” Browne said. He expressed concern that the decrease in church attendance means that young people are not being adequately reached by religious teachings.
To address this, Browne proposed that schools collaborate with local churches to incorporate short devotional sessions into their morning routines. “It doesn’t have to be anything extensive—probably a little 10-minute devotion,” he explained. Browne pointed out that even the Cabinet begins its sessions with a pastor leading a brief prayer, and he sees no reason why students, who are the future leaders of the country, should not be encouraged to do the same.
The Prime Minister acknowledged that some students may not follow the Christian faith but noted that the majority of the population does. “Ninety-nine percent of the school population are Christians who follow the Bible,” Browne stated, adding that participation in these prayers will be mandatory for all students in public schools.
He also urged private schools to adopt a similar practice, although he clarified that the government cannot impose this requirement on them. “We can’t dictate for private schools, but we’re leading by example,” he said.
Starting in September, school principals will be expected to ensure compliance with this new mandate, and those who refuse to participate may face disciplinary actions. The government believes that this initiative will serve as a countervailing force against negative influences, such as certain types of music, that impact young people today.
Prime Minister Browne concluded by reinforcing the importance of this measure, stating, “We think that prayers in the morning during the assembly are very important, and we have taken a decision to make it mandatory.”
The government anticipates the cooperation of school administrators in implementing this policy as part of their broader effort to instill religious principles in the nation’s youth.
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We do not respect other religions apparently ? What about the right of other religions ?
Keep our state secular … no one religion should be ahead of another.
You honestly believe mandated religious activities for young people are going to make a difference. Maybe …. But I doubt it. Just more state sponsored brainwashing
Keep God in schools, I fully support this. Our young people need it. If you have an issue, go private 🙂.
I finished school a long time ago. I really thought that devotion was still mandatory in public schools. In my days of going to both Primary and Secondary school, daily devotion was mandatory and the only folks who were excused were the Jehovah Witnesses.
I salute the effort being made to bring some discipline to the kids but how do we fix the homes?
they don’t like prayer, they screw up their faces to participate then still cus bad words after. God is not getting through these children, sad!!
Really!!!!! In this day n age we still brainwashed with the Roman religion. Praying to a person that never historically existed chupppzzzzzz wake up ppl wake up. The kingdom of God is within you not in no school or a building we are all aspects of the creator. You cannot force anyone to pray, that goes against our constitution to freedom of religion ppl know your laws. Pray ain’t to help shittttt governments are always behind these problems. The parents need to show more interest to their children and stop party be responsible.
Prayer has NEVER been outlawed in schools. Most government secondary school days go like this. Monday: General assembly:Tuesday,level prayers: Wednesday,class prayers; Thursday,house prayers; Friday, general assemnly.
So this is NOT a new or even original idea.
I am no advocate of forcing anything that pertains to God on anyone. Anything God,must be voluntary. I have seen how today’s youth respond to forced prayers.
Just another case of the Browne Dawg wanting to appears relevant. A lunatic,out of original ideas and just a complete joke
Devotion had always been a part if schooling. I honestly thought it was still a practice. When did they stop it?
God does not accept force prayers and not one church in Antigua practice force worship. Can you imagine forcing an atheist to pray.
How about forcing politicians to be honest
First of all, if prayer and the Bible is not practice and done in the home it will change nothing. It’s like going to church and immediately falling asleep. Are we going to also sing ” Now thank thee all our God”?
I also heard a preacher man on the tele shouting about a National day of prayer, like if this will result in a better Antigua and Barbuda, but it’s too late now.
We sat back and watch all this slowly developing, kids getting out of hand and no Skeritt to put them, so they roam while, gangs being developed and some Government minister back then accommodate it, kids scudding school and nothing, criminals being deported from America and else where, weak and relaxing laws, plus the in effectiveness of our police, so Wadadli now becomes a welcomed paradise for criminals across the region.
People! This is the new world order and Wadadli is the America of the Caribbean, a place where everyone across the region want and tries to get to, so this crime wave am afraid will continue, crimes we’ve never witnessed before will now be seen and all this holiness, prayer, church and the the mentioned of God will make no difference. Look at NY, look USVI, look at Tortola where I used to jump on a bike and ride from East end over to Beef island on a daily basis, look at Nottingham carnival in UK, no place is the same so it’s all about watching your back now everywhere travel to.
You preach God see and knows everything even before it happens and he holds the whole world in his hand, no one more powerful. One of the biggest catch is we know not the hour or time of his return, so as a believer you are now caught up in this watch and prayer till you die, then after death there comes a better place.
For some strange reason, I think that the honorable P.M may be hinting to a constitutional infraction.
Devotions should definitely be kept in schools or returned if they were taken out. A bit of prayer, Bible reading and hymn singing in the morning might put students in a better mindset after they have the opportunity to hear some wisdom. Western democracies and their laws were built on Christian principles so it is also good if the next generation understands the moral principles that inspire the laws if there is to be any hope of them keeping society stable into the future. So, devotions are actually part of a well-rounded education.
Gaston Browne, have you done any research on the behavior of young students in schools and religion. It’s obvious you think prayers or devotion in school will help however most prisoners reason the Bible and many are repeat residents of the institution
These are that which Cabinet Members know:
(i) ‘…It may make ‘…National Policies: yet
(ii) …In giving them ‘…LEGAL EFFECT: they
(iii) …Shall table such Policies in ‘BILLS’ before the Legislative Chambers: to be
(iv) …Read three times: to be
(v) …Debated and Passed ‘…Unanimously, or by the ‘…House Majority: then
(vi) …Given ‘ASSENT’ by the Governor General on behalf of ‘His Majesty KING CHARLES: and
(vii) …Published in the Government’s OFFICIAL GAZETTEE’ to become LAW.’
Do the ‘…Cabinet Members ‘…SMOKE’ the leglegislated allowable ‘…15 Grammes’ and have ‘…Planted 4-Trees?’
This now appears to have ‘gone ‘…WILDLY AND UNCONTROLLABLY OUT OF CONTROL.’
The ‘…CABINET MINISTERS’ that so voted to have ‘…MANDATORY PRAYERS’ in School, may wish to visit ‘…SECTION 11 (1): (2): (3): and (4) (a) and (b)’ of the ‘…CONSTITUTION ORDER’ [1981].
They may ascertain if it comports with:
(a) ‘…Their Electoral Mandate: or
(b) …Any other MANDATE.’
If only in jest, given this rather interesting news report, it may suggest that every Cabinet member, except ‘…HEALTH MINISTER, SIR MOLWYN AND MARIA,’ (yet passively), may have become ‘…TAMPIE IRIE.’
We need science and technology and not theology with that ethnic value forced down our brains from the day Columbus came and enslaved us, we go to respect other people religious beliefs, it’s like force sectarian psychological warfare, any problem black people have is amazingly thought to be solved by religion and superstition, so no scientific work will be done socially, like wealth redistribution instead of politicians hoarding all and create this fantasy anxiety in the country for conspicuous consumption and bling bling that causing these robberies, stop harvesting the youth brains with colonized religion and colonized god and teach them their true self and destiny, and give them land and opportunity as the politicians bless white people with that they can always do better than black people and we become a working hand for them, no future as the industry is hotel labor and not entrepreneurship, during the UPP time a lot of small business sprung up, none happen under Gaston because they won’t allow it but for themselves. As Peter tosh say ” you can’t fool the youths”
Don’t listen to the naysayers! Prayers is great! And for those who are arguing this does nothing, that’s not true. Keep your negative self to your self. Let’s stop following America and their nonsense. Put prayer back in schools, it’ll help to shape and mold our young minds. It’s not the only answer, but it’s a part of the puzzle. Great move.
One’s #fate, destiny through FAITH is about more than #prayer. It’s the WORK(force times distance or W=FD or WORK = F x D); as in, the time which it takes to moves an entity, matter, thought over a particular distance! This is the dynamics of (prayer) in its simplest form; where, the DYNAMICS are the same FORCES or PROPERTIES which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.
Therefore, the question begs Gaston Browne, PM, what force or forces are these prayers being offered down (you bow your head) or up (from what or whose perspective is “up?”)
…So, Mister PM!
…and, to others listening!
…#who’re agreeing, and singing Amen!
…I would like to know;
…fu sure! Fe sure! For sure!
…before, the original pirates and terrorists graced our shores!
…I’m quite sure!
…HUEman conflicts were happening!
…and, many were probably dying!
…therefore, as you resurrect this;
…#Prayer In The School; that thing?
…I know, Ignorance is still bliss
…but, to your knowledge
…or any other who thinks
…that, those who oppose and disgreeS
…with such, EDICTS and DECREES
…not only do they stink!
…there’ll be, no place for them in your HEAVEN??
…so, can you tell me!
…how many of you! You! U! or You
…144,000.00 will be eligible, to live in HEAVEN?
Gaston Browne, PM – is it a fact, that there’s a 🐦⬛🐦⬛🐦⬛_Crow Driven Wagon buzzing around town, asking for Mr. Browne?
So Mr. PM, why stop with prayer in the schools to indoctrinate the people all over again, as you pauperise certain segments of the community to enrich other segments, then use the fallacy of RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATIONS, to calm, dispel and destroy what was allowed to happen…
The PEOPLE which have been DISENFRANCHISED over decades and decades and decades MUST never allow themselves to such MENTAL ABUSE AGAIN; because all they do is keep praying and praising! Praising and Praying! Yet, the results are the same. POVERTY FROM THE WOMB TO THE TOMB.
Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Education officials have been lamenting for the past couple of days that devotion and prayers are still and was always at active part of the daily school program. Was a good sound byte from Prime Minister but I know that devotion still and always forms a part of the schools program. Maybe his words are a reflection of how far removed he is from exactly what goes on at schools. What we need to work on is fixing the homes and getting kids more involved in church. Frankly speaking, the churches role in society are diminishing and they need to step up to the plate. The church was seen as the moral compass of the society but they seem to be sleeping these days.
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