Manager of public entity allegedly suspended over alleged fraud involving $96K


The manager of a public entity has allegedly been suspended.

Allegations are that someone at the entity forged the signature of a Permanent Secretary, and just under $100,000 is said to be unaccounted for.

Our news centre has reached out to the entity involved as well as law enforcement officers but our efforts to get a comment have so far proven futile.

ANR would like to stress that the allegations have not been proven.

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  1. I hope this will not be yet another case of pay back in silence and sweep under the rug.

    If these allegations are true, it is time for people in high positions to start to pay and feel the brunt of the law as the ordinary man or woman would.

    Editor, I will be looking for updates on this one.
    $100 THOUSAND dollars is not pocket change in Dem Covid times!

  2. Wow! I hope this story is not true. However, if it is in fact true I hope that members of the Executive arm of government are not once again trying to subvert the functioning of the criminal arm of justice since there have been many examples of this in recent times. More importantly, I hope that high government officials are not accessories to crime after the fact.

    • Don’t worry about it Chuck. They’ll handle it properly, better than you or I could. It’s out of your hands. Higher authority than us is handling this. The question is which government entity are we talking about and WHO is the alleged culprit.

  3. Name of entity. I know we have ghost workers but for that amount of money natural persons had to be involved. Call them out!!!!!

  4. Wonder if it’s Nebuchadnezzar….
    The people need to know the name of the person, if these allegations turn out to be true.

  5. What is it with forgery in high places.The Prime Minister did say some months ago.That someone forged his signature for millions of dollars.To this day,no one was ever charge for forgery.Both the Prime Minister and Max did say.They did not want to press charges. Just for the person to pay back the money.However,in my opinion it should have become a Police matter.Once Gaston Browne aired such allegations and accusations publicly.

  6. This will just be another case of a comrade just ask to pay back the money and let by gone be by gone. Only in Antigua

    • It better not be. If somebody is really quilty of this, then 1735 is the only acceptable outcom.

  7. WHO is the “manager” and which “public entity” is it? There ae rumors galore, nut one cannot trust rumors. I know this is all “ALLEGED” at the moment, but we need to know the truth.

  8. This individual will never see the inside of a Court room. Let alone spend any time in an Antiguan prison.
    These people are above the law and Do as they like in this country. There mother would be so embarrassed.

    • IF this story is true, the culprit must be exposed, charged, tried and upon determined guilt cast into 1735 for 30 years at least.

  9. Antigua is a Christian society so where is the forgiving heart?

    The real criminals are the ones disposing of every square inch of the country that do not have the ability to reproduce nor expand.

    Keep focus do not get distracted by these petty incidents.

    Imagine what it would be like to be a colony of China. Sad so sad

    • Who makes the decision that Antigua is a Christian nation? Christian nation with all the out of wedlock pregnancies? Nobody tarl can fornicate more than Antiguan people. We can look at the issues you mentioned and issues reported in this article at the same time. Religion has no place in modern governance.

      • @Mmm
        The bible says be fruitful and multiply. That’s what we are doing. It also says do not fornicate. Can both be right?

  10. Man stole a tin of milk and 1 bag sugar make the front page in the news paper charges are pressed, Man stole millions or thousands of dollars, pay back when you get the time, no charges. Whatsoever in darkness will come to light . We as a nation need to raise the standard and raise it boldly !

  11. And what if it’s just yellow belly journalism that is just facilitating the spread of a baseless vile rumor?

    Why can’t ANR give more specifics? I bet you that the person behind this act of cowardice knows that if they were to make the slightest insinuation about who the rumor is targeted at that they would be sued for defamation.

    This is yellow belly journalism, nothing less nothing more. There is absolutely no factual basis for this diatribe. Mere tabloid nonsense.

    • @Melford Nicholas:Why are the taxpayers of Antigua and Barbuda paying you monthly.You do absolutely nothing.You should be paying the people of Antigua and Barbuda back every month.Coming on here talking gibberish.

  12. I guess, judging from its absence that my two cents worth did not meet the requisite standards of your moderation board.
    The gullibility test of your subscribers was well executed given the animated responses from the ever-ready-to-strike vigilante followers.
    BLACK-MAN should be asked about the identity of the perp since he boldly claims to “know the CULPRIT….”.

  13. Seems like only poor people name get plastered all over the news with Allegations. This article is a whole bunch of nothing without the identifying details. If your sources are credible then post the information. If you are not sure then shut up and don’t say anything.

  14. Mr Minister,

    As you have time to be here, is it true that you directed the PS to fire staff at ABS?

    And also suddenly transferred others, immediately after they expressed concern about Covid protocols being breached there?

    Or are those all yellow belly lies?

    Also, your jumping to defend here does what the news article didn’t. Certainly insinuates and narrows the field now, sir if you are this personally affected and offended.

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