Man who robbed tourist and locals apprehended


Sammy Harris, 25, of Nut Grove is expected to be charged with robbery today.

He is accused of stealing the handbag of a cruise visitor on Tuesday afternoon and according to reports he also robbed two locals.

The visitor was enjoying the atmosphere at Millers By The Sea when Harris allegedly snatched her bag which contained about US$125, an iPhone, and other valuables.

A taxi operator is being credited for quick action which led to Harris being apprehended and handed over to the police.

Investigations are ongoing.

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  1. Its time for the authorities to increase the sentences for these criminal offender when they are been caught & found guilty of the offence. Sorry to say but it is of my view that these law breakers realize that the penal system is not severe, hence they do hesitate to become repeat offenders and torment the lives of civic minded citizens of the state

  2. tourism is antigua main industry. main rule to a successful business is to gain new customers while keeping old ones. in this case visitors. when these robbers rob the visitors they will not encourage others to come here (based on there experience) hence slowly killing our main industry. everyone must play there part to ensure this dont happen. you see something say some anonamously. cause typically when a robbery goes bad normally leads to homocide. we need steeper sentence or penalties.

  3. They need to charge the young lady who drove him there that was also about to pick him up and speed off if they were successful.
    The car pass me going in, the lady was the driver, while he was well reclined, it wasn’t 5 minutes good after they drove in when I heard the commotion and the guest screaming. That said young lady apparently went n checked out the plan before he executed it.
    We should have given him a good assing, luckily for him tbe police was in the area to rescue his ass.


    • so he wasn’t guilty after being caught red handed…. smh the world is small its funny how things come back around….

    • neverscared who ever you are .. your comments are so retarded …people like you ..are the know all the crime going on antigua..or yourll are the mastermind behind it.

      these idiots do not want to work..

      all they do make you fee uncomfortable in your home night times

      thief people vechicle they work so hard for.

      and u they appauling such crap

      police should lock u up

  4. Protecting tourists from rape and not allowing the local police and resorts like Sugar Ridge to cover it up will also boost tourism!

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