Man who mounted a legal challenge to Anthony Smith’s Independence Confident of Victory


Eversleigh Warner Confident Court Will Declare Anthony Smith’s Seat Vacant

Seaview Farm, Antigua – Eversleigh Warner, one of the three individuals challenging the parliamentary independence of Hon. Anthony Smith, expressed confidence that the court will rule in their favor, leading to Smith’s seat being declared vacant.

Speaking at a UPP meeting in Seaview Farm last night, Warner laid out his argument for why he believes Smith’s actions have violated the trust of the voters.

“I was born in April, but I wasn’t born on April 1st,” Warner told the crowd, making it clear that he felt misled by Smith. He emphasized that during the last election, he cast his vote for someone who represented the United Progressive Party (UPP) and not for an independent candidate. Warner said he would have never supported an independent run and expressed frustration over Smith’s shift to independence after being elected under the UPP banner.

“When I send you to Parliament, I send you to represent me as a UPP candidate. I did not send you there as an independent candidate,” Warner declared, stating that Smith’s move to become independent and then participate in the executive was not in line with the will of the constituency.

Warner’s remarks echoed the sentiments of many UPP supporters who feel betrayed by Smith’s decision. “You cannot in all fairness take my vote and say you are now independent. Says who?” Warner questioned, noting that Smith did not return to the constituency to consult voters before making his decision.

He criticized Smith for joining the executive arm of government after distancing himself from the UPP, claiming that his actions were ultimately serving the interests of the Gaston Browne administration. “I didn’t send you to Parliament for that,” he stated firmly, calling Smith’s actions a breach of trust.

Warner, along with two other constituents, has taken the matter to court, seeking a ruling on whether Smith’s independence is valid under these circumstances. He expressed optimism about the outcome, believing that the court will declare the seat vacant and force a by-election.

“I am confident of that, and I believe with all my heart that what will happen is that Gaston Browne will call a general election instead of a by-election because he knows the stakes are too high,” Warner concluded.

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  2. He may have never studied law to understand how week his case is. Also, a general election while your party, UPP, is in turmoil, is the last thing any sensible and strategic person would call for at this time? Especially how recent and frequent these are happening.

    Based on the evidence, your words cannot give any confidence and comfort. I am not an ABLP or UPP. I am a human who wants to see humans progress.

  3. Then y’all better be READY IF that happens; because the PM will call a snap election right after that verdict. Say what you want about Gaston Browne — and I’ve said somethings — however, there is no denying, the man has OR is a good strategist.
    Can the UPP retain the seats it has now? Frankly speaking, at this moment, I don’t see the UPP picking up any new seats.

    So, time is of the essence in rebuilding a robust and viable UPP.

  4. So stupid. The Constitution is quite clear. To paraphrase: It says the Prime Minister shall select the Cabinet from members of the 2 Houses. It says nothing about political parties. Only a politically motivated lawyer would take this case to create political confusion. My question is How did Trevor Walker serve as a Minister in the UPP government? And in his case it was even worse as he sat with the UPP in Parliament and not as an independent even though he was BPM and not a member of the UPP.

  5. Trevor Walker was not a UPP MP, yet he was a full minister in the UPP Cabinet.
    Was that against the law then?
    The Anthony smith Cabinet position falls under the same provisions in the Constitution that allowed Trevor Walker to part of the UPP Government.
    Anthony Smith will be victorious.
    More embarassment for the UPP.

  6. Everleigh Warner is a man I truly admire.

    He truly “talks the talk and walks the walk”. He believes in Antigua’s democratic process, and strongly feels an injustice has taken place in All Saints West.

    Gaston Browne and his ‘hostages to fortune’ cabinet members can scream and shout from the rooftops as much as they want (just noise really), but the bottom line is that the constituents democratic votes have been ignored and then discarded. Fact!


    I endorse the UPP’S current message to the nation and supporters … “Stronger Than Ever” ✊🏾

  7. Well said @Brixtonian. Trevor Walker was a part of a coalition government Labourites. Big difference. Anthony Smith was voted in as a UPP parliamentarian, not a damn ALP one.
    Of course the case has merit.Just like you trashed Shuggy Simon’s resignation and lost big time.
    Anthony Smiths treachery cannot be allowed to stand.I have no confidence in. our courts, but this deception MUST be challenged.
    The political vultures, these Labourites, have short memories. How they ranted and raved when Shuggy put a masterstoke on them,then kicked the DAWG’s behind in SMS. The fact is, Anthony Smith’s seat is vacated and they’re staring another bi-election in the face. Essentially, Anthony Smith’s political career is over. Deal with that Labourites! The DAWG’S sleeplessness will return.

  8. Is the UPP insane? No need to answer that. The writing is on the wall. Failed leadership.
    Now more idiotic court cases. Anthony Smith WILL WIN this foolish case and he will have UPP to thank for even more momentum in All Saints West.

  9. You sound disturbed at the distinct possibility of defeat in this historical Court case @ More UPP. It may seem foolish in your ABLP myopic eyes, but to those who voted for that Judas Smith see it rather differently.

    I’m sure that you yourself voted for Gaston Browne’s ABLP, and your DEMOCRATIC vote was NOT discounted … and that’s it in a nutshell @ More UPP.

    The hypocrisy of ABLP supporters beggars belief!

  10. Watching. You are nit too smart or cannot read. The Antigua Cinstitution does not permit a coalition. It is illegal. As an independent You can vote in support of one of the major parties in Parliament but you cannot join them as Walker did. It was highly illegal and unconstitutional. Labour did not make it an issue as they knew their time was coming.

  11. @More UPP Insanity
    I think you should consult Jerry Watts. He referred to the constitution where it states that a member of parliament who resigns from one party in parliament, cannot join the other party, but must sit as an independent. Jerry watts referred to the constitution during the Shuggy debacle.
    I don’t have time to do the research for you as I am busy making a living, but you seem to have a lot of time on your hands.

  12. I voted for Anthony Smith as a UPP candidate because we in All Saints West intended to get rid of the ABLP representative Mr. Michael Brown.
    Most people in the constituency feel betrayed by Mr Smith and rather quietly waiting to give him the shock of his live

  13. Every time I read about this Anthony Smith fall out I have to laugh and laugh and laugh even harder cause it just goes to show u don’t wish bad for others because it might just fall on u. After the January 2023 elections on this very ANR some of these loud mouth crybabies were saying all kinda nasty this about ABLP from who not going to die to who will resgine and cross the floor. They said there will be at lease 3 bi elections. Now look at them. Crying harder then ever in the comments and they will continue to cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  14. @ RED TILL ME DEAD, just for you. Enjoy: 😉

    🎶”Ding-Ah-Ling Ah Ling, School Bell 🛎 Ah Ring …”🎵

    🎶”Booyakah, Booyaka … you need to go ah seminar …”🎵

    🎶”Booyaka, Booyaka Back to School on Monday …”🎶

    🎤🎧Wheeeeeel, rewind and come again 🤣🤣🤣

  15. These Labourites are incorrigible. How the hell you talking bout constitution doesn’t allow coalition government. Did it not happen, fool? BPM has always aligned with UPP, so whether you accept it or not,it is a fact.
    The fool in SMS who was challenged Shuggy you all were running behind him like the dunces you are. Now that another constituent is challenging, it’s the worst thing since Adolf Hitler?
    You were made to look stupid before and here we are again.
    I say again, Anthony Smith’s treachery CANNOT be allowed to go unchallenged. It is bad for democracy here,bad for democracy anywhere.
    Now,Laborites, explain to me how a man who betrayed over two thousand constituents has the gall to return to them to ask them to vote for him. On an ALP ticket. That type of reasoning is as dumb and irrational as you Laborites have proven to be.


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