Man reports baby’s mother after child is injured in fall


Source Real News Antigua: A case of child endangerment involving a baby is being investigated by the Police.

According to a source, a Browne’s Avenue man reported the mother of his child to the Police following an incident in which the seven-month-old infant was injured.

Reports say the man went to the Grays Farm Police Station and
complained that the mother of his son – his namesake – had left the baby unattended and he had fallen from a porch and been injured.

The child reportedly received a cut over his left eye that required
sutures to close.

This incident is said to have occurred at the home of the Green Bay Hill woman, at about 5:30 p.m. on 12 January. However, the complaint was made only this week.

When the father of the child was notified of the incident, he went to the hospital on the day in question and, according to the source, noted that his son had a bleeding wound over his left eye.

Allegedly, the mother informed him that another child, a two year old, had opened the gate to the porch and the baby had fallen out
and injured his face.

Further reports say the infant received two sutures to close the wound and was kept at the hospital for two days for observation.

It is alleged that the baby was discharged, but had to be taken back
to the hospital on January 20 because the wound kept bleeding.

Reportedly, the child was in a stable condition; but doctors determined that some blood tests need to be done and he was kept for further observation.

As a result of this incident, the Family and Social Services Department was contacted to inquire further into the matter.

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  1. Ummm. The mother wasnt there , where was the dad ? Why isn’t he with the mother in the same household raising his child ?

    Did the woman leave him. Or was he too happy to get some nookie and leaked some baby juice.

    Didn’t he knows that it’s difficult for a mother to raise a child on her own.

    Some people sick me. Anyways sir and ma’am. I hope you guys got this sorted out.

    The child didn’t call you guys. Good night and take care of yourself and each other

    • Thank you very much. I was just thinking that sometimes some men treat the mother of their children like a babysitter. 🙄🙄🙄

    • while rabbit seems to be a bitter b*tch who’s stil butt hurt over getting left for the next woman because she’s too dam miserable and was always stressing out the man. Some of you baby mothers need psychiatric evaluation, I know of one particular woman who as soon as she can’t get her own way she keeps the child away from his dad, blocks him from all contacts, but still always spying on the man’s every move to see what he’s doing and who he’s talking to🤣

  2. @ White Rabbit – How are both parents expected to be home at the said time, that very dumb.

    The fact is that the mother was with the child, common sense says the man is out hustling his ass off to mek ends meet for his family as God intended. Her God given responsibility at the said time was to care for her suckling but she failed miserably. She is to be held accountable for her actions, God forbid.

  3. @white rabbit ur mother & father was always there the sametime while raising u ?? the father is a working man and if the child is with the mother why he has to be there happen the more retarded so she cant care for her child without the father being there. Alyo those be the first to say man this n man that but it have some nasty woman who give shit about there kids

  4. Why are we assuming that the woman doesn’t work? I hope he takes his child with him sometimes as well.

    • You still don’t get it, the woman was lookin the child.
      The man was out, now who the hell is to be held responsible huh? who ? who?
      smfh….people this dumb…….

  5. hope she was not taking selfies or making tik tok videos while the child is unattended. i have heard abt a woman leavng child alone home to go gamble in the casino,some worthless women…same as some worthless men around.

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