Regino Nicholas, 20, of Cades Bay is in police custody after an accident in Johnson’s Point which claimed the life of two-year-old Jadiana Spencer.
The child’s mother, Honora Thomas, 29, who was also injured in the accident remains in a critical condition in hospital with a broken shoulder, a broken pelvis, and two broken legs.
Carol Richards, 29, is another pedestrian who was struck down in the same incident. Richards is reported by police to have suffered a laceration to her head and a broken left leg.
Nicholas, who was the driver of the white Toyota Corolla involved in the accident is said to be assisting police with their investigations.

He was reportedly driving from north to south in Johnson’s Point in the vicinity of Johnson’s Point Clinic around 3:50 pm when his vehicle dropped into a pothole.
It is alleged that the steering locked and the vehicle veered into the three people walking on the same side of the road.
The tragic death of the two-year-old on Carnival Monday has shocked the nation.
There are concerns about the number of road fatalities as the country recorded its fourth and fifth on the same day.
Head of the Traffic Department Leonard Cabral says that people should not drink and drive and must also be aware of predestrians on the road.
“That is a matter of concern for the police, even the slowest speed would get you to wherever you want to. If you’re drinking and driving, you should not drink and drive, you should have a designated driver, and just please take easy on the road way. Remember there are a lot of pedestrians on the road today, so take easy.”
Around 12:50 a.m also on Carnival Monday Tyrell Jacobs, 31, of Swetes lost control of his Honda Civic and crashed into a utility pole.
He was pronounced dead at the scene and his two passengers were seriously injured and hospitalsed.

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My condolences to the little girl family, and praying for healing to her mom and speedy recovery.
Does his blood was tested to know if he was driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and what level contains in his blood stream? A lot of these young guys/gals like to drink and smoke marijuana mixed with high-leaf tobacco. This mixture has been messing up a lot of our young people mind.
May the soul of young Jadiana Spencer rest in peace in the arms of her heavenly Father God.
Yea its not the legal alcohol that you can purchase in any store and up to any quantity that is the cause , only if I mix marijuana with it u get these kinds of results ???????
U are playing smart but your not clever dont bring the plant into this pegan
And alcohol is legal .. When is someone gonna control that use— so many deaths due to alcohol very sad
the roads are bad and the car pimping cutting of springs and lowering of cars also affects te controlling of cars, hitting a pot hole will definitely lock the wheels
Hitting a pothole will not lock the car wheels. Vehicles are not designed that way. The steering locks in the ignition switch only wen the keys are out. He was speeding fell in a potwhole and lost control of the vehicle. No other explanation.
@blue crystal I am in agreement with you. I am almost certain he was speeding. There is no logical reason why his steering should lock up after hitting a pothole. He was speeding. Had he been driving at a safer speed, he would have had time to properly negotiate the pothole lower car or not and safely be on his way. I agree the potholes are an annoyance but with careful driving anyone can make over the mini Lakes and ponds.
How can the steering b locked if the key in the ignition?
Are you ppl seriously trying to bring marijuana into this
Lord I’m left without word’s, the pain I’m feeling its like my very own child , father at this time I will not question u but ask u for a miracle for the mother who lost a daughter and a mother who lost a grand daughter and still have to be there to support her child in all this painful time lord u know her name and I ask u to give her strength, strength oh lord to carry on strength to deal with it all…
Lord I ask u to cover her under your blood at this time, cover the family under your blood oh lord let your will be done today in your name I pray Amen and Amen.
Thanks for all the kind words my family and i takes comfort in it
that is my niece and great niece
Lord help these young people my prayer goes out to the family and friend and love one may god be with them
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