Man allegedly cashes cheque stolen from Governor-General’s wife at service station







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  1. Police will solve this mystery fast fast. Murders and other heinous crimes take them so long people does forget. Chups.

  2. Perhaps this Service Station should stop cashing checks.This problem has happen before at that same Service Station.When will they learn? How much do they charged to cash checks?

  3. This highlights the fact that large sector of the working population is unbankable.
    Does the ECCB care about such things?
    The service station provides a vital service from which they obtain a fee. Cashing checks is likely to add to their earning which may be sufficient to mitigate any losses due to bad checks.
    Cash Checking businesses are generally required to be licensed by the regulators as well as insured.
    Such things are meaningless to the people who are expected to craft policies.
    These things are poor people’s problems, who gets taken care of with an extra chicken in their pot at election time.
    The politicians time and attention are for entertaining wealthy foreigners and making their own deals.

  4. The person who cash the cheque has to be the dumbest, what a dumb fool. According to the article the GG wife reported that her cheque book has been stolen few months ago. Doesn’t the thief know that the Lady Williams would have closed her checking account by now.
    The banks have security cameras on each teller so it would be easy to know the perpetrator. U

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