Man accused of English Harbour stabbing detained by police


Police have detained Ilya Romanov, 30, of Israel who is the suspect in a wounding incident in English Harbour this morning.

According to reports, Romanov was apprehended in the Nelson’s Dockyard area and is being questioned about the alleged attack on 28-year-old Ross “Roscoe” Bloomfield of Dutchman’s Bay.


Bloomfield was reportedly driving a car in the English Harbour area about 4 am when the attacker threw wine into the vehicle.

Bloomfield and one of his passengers exited the car and an argument reportedly ensued, during which the suspect is alleged to have used a piece of broken glass to slash Bloomfield’s neck.

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  1. Ross is a lifelong friend of mine, don’t deport him. Let him have fun in an Antiguan incarnation. P hole with a weapon, aiming to murder a man, purely through intoxication (and being an absolute fhole) and then run like a coward.
    Let him meet real bad man.

  2. Ilya cannot hurt a fly. This is nonsense! We stand with Ilya! Best wishes to Roscoe, hope he is feeling better.

  3. As familiar wirh Ilya all that sounds like one big joke. Ilya is a disabled man with one hand only functions. This guys accused him for nothing. He was walking there and they were agressive.

  4. Accusing handicapped man in ASSAULT is just ridiculous. Where are FACTS in this story? Ilya has only one good arm. I never saw a disabled man who attacked a couple of other guys for fun.

  5. This is all no sense. I know Ilya and he is a handicap man. It’s stupid think that he could attacked other guys with only one arm.
    We hope justice will do the right thing.

  6. Ilya is a good man and acted in self defence. There are 2 sides of every story! Take a look at both of their face books …. you can tell a lot about a person ! Praying that justice prevails. Hoping that Ross gets better and tells the real story.

  7. Obviously Ilya was attacked and just tried to
    Defend himself. I hope Island’s authorities
    Would do the right thing and release Ilya.
    Otherwise anybody who would want to
    Visit the island – be prepared to get thrown
    In jail for no reason!
    So upsetting!

  8. A bit of arguing don’t entitle you to swing for the jugular with glass last I checked.

    An innocent man don’t move his boat to evade being caught.

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