Political Leader Harold Lovell has expressed his dismay and anger over a video recorded on the grounds of a certain secondary school, and is calling on the Ministry of Education to issue a statement declaring all school plants campaign-free zones. He is also calling on all political party leaders to publicly condemn what transpired.
The activity captured in the video reflects the worst of our society. In the obscenity-laced recording, ABLP operatives are clearly seen throwing campaign tee-shirts over the fence onto the school compound, while students congregate in the vicinity and rush to grab the shirts. Some students are shown wearing the tee-shirts over their uniforms, while others can be heard condemning the behaviour.
While the time around general elections is traditionally referred to as the “silly season”, the United Progressive Party is of the firm opinion that we should be able to agree that certain things are simply not acceptable – no matter what season. Any notion of involving students on school premises in political wranglings should be roundly rejected by all political parties. Any party which is willing to manipulate impressionable students for political gain or to condone such manipulation simply is not fit to govern.
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UPP crying again BOO HOO….Since I going school I can clearly remember we used to have out UPP VS ALP battles depending on who our homes support cause except for one or two fourth and fifth formers the majority of us couldn’t vote yet but we still used to come with the shirts and hats to school so just gimme a break…The man jus had some extra shirts and gave them out some ah dem glad for an extra shirt they can wear in the yard….UPP can cry see MURDA!!!
Students debating political matters is completely different from intentionally involving students in politics which most by-right are not eligible for. That is for their parents. I also remember that last election at least one secondary had to stop students from bringing politically marked items, such aa school bags, lunch kits, etc, because it was continuously causing strife and unrest in the school. It probably takes working in a school to under that that sort of behaviour is actually inappropriate on the part of the authorities
GM and oh please…yawns…
Why UPP supporters always acting like the party is so holy and pure…We are a God drive government who can do no wrong….Why yall always coming with that kinda crap like ppl nah see through Harold Lovell and the crap that will come under his leadership….I just dont get it…
Is this the way you raise your children?
Yeah Im waiting on Barbara and the others to come comment now…….I know they gonna come with politics should be kept from school children talk like they children nah already supporting who their homes support…..UPP the angels would never do such a horrible thing LMAO oh please …
I know that I am important. Thank you for confirming that.
No you are not be we all know you are famous to defend the holy UPP that can’t do no wrong but got a butt whipping in 2014 and will again in 2018
Why are you so scared? Why so defensive. Your party’s record of accomplishments is so thin- that the ABLP has to resort to the accomplishments of Sir VC and Lester. Gaston is a failure. He has to copy from the UPP.
The same UPP who last election were up and down giving out Samsung tablets in school last elections SMH from the leader to the lowminded support all ah dem a one bunch of hypocrites
If political parties want to engage and educate students about politics and to present their polices and programs that will affect them in the future, I think that is a positive thing. But to throw the T-shirts over the fence to the children is outright insulting. Is that the way you would approach registered voters? Just pull up and throw items at them? I don’t think so? So why do it to children? I was offended by the manner it which it was done and parties should not condone this way of approaching anyone to distribute giveaways.
STUDENTS OUGHT TO BE POLITICALLY AWARE EVEN FROM THE KINDERGARTEN LEVEL especially females. Young girls need to know that they can opt for careers in politics too (not just teacher, doctor, dancer etc) Are you aware that Antigua & Barbuda currently ranks 148 out of 193 countries in terms of female representation in national legislatures?? Jacquie Quinn-Leandro broke the ceiling, but we still have a long ways to go in terms of enhancing access to the decision-making process where gender inequality is concerned. We all have a part to play
P.S – Harold Lovell you til nar gah be Prime Minister. Next thing you give away more ABST to Butch the butch, build another Car PArk, buy another Power Plant
Politically aware or politically brainwashed? Far as I see it lots of promises that was made last election. If GB Can become PM then Lovell is qualified to be the PM even more so. That disrespectful, rambunctious sycophant of a man. What did Gasstoon give to YIDA? What be your price? It’s clear you coming cheap.
Wait so people can’t post on this site and not be paid. If that is case how much were you paid by Lovell to post
The ABLP loves the Wadadli Power Plant. Have you heard them complain about it recently. NO. Because it is now valued in the millions. But I guess you didn’t get the memo. What is the latest on the ABLP/YIDA gun factory?
That peesa shit aint vaued in no millions. The electricity manager at APUA confirmed that only ONE (1) engine is working and it is costing them more to try and fixt the peesa shit. Thank you Harold Lovell for this gift and your legacy to this country.
Just disgusting, dispicable and downright ugly anyway you look at it. Is this what’s it’s all about? Is there still over crowding in the schools? Before you go fix the school issues you acting like a dunce. Is there still overcrowding is there enough books, teachers salary increase?
Oh please Mr Lovell what are you Mr. Righteous did you forget the 2014 elections teacher and student alike up and down with party parafinlla. Public servants walking with their red and blue in their bags. Even police officers were sporting colours in their uniforms. So who you trying to impress….honestly you can’t find something else to cry about
Too much brainless comments on here right now. We need to call things the way it is regardless of who says it. Country first and politricktians last.
Enough Talk just Vote the Red Devils out of Office.
Leave the kids out of it!
The ABLP is so desperate, they even have target school children?
13 more days to to till the greatest show comes to its dramatic climax and the clowns are getting move pump. I though some of them were busy in their last ditch efforts to woo the people but hey their here. Keep making y’all selves pappyshows.
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