The main opposition in Antigua and Barbuda is siding with the version of events given by Indian fugitive Mehul Choksi that he was abducted from Antigua and Barbuda.
United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell says it is an international crime.
He says the Antigua government was complicit in the abduction.
Lovell was addressing UPP virtual meeting last night.
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Thank you, Brother Lovell for telling us the truth. I believe that it was a plan hatched by India, Antigua and Dominica but the plane arrived late. What is strange is that Mr Choski was a big fish for the ABLP. And this was just before the election of 2018. Hmmmm.
Then Antigua and Dominica got the vaccines from India and the rest is history
Choksi fighting desperately not to return India, because what awaits in India is not a vacation. According to Choksi lawyers in India and England Choksi has done no wrong so why is he refusing to voluntarily return to India? Why should anyone believe Choksi kidnapping story when he is hell bent on not returning to India knowing the dire consequences that await him there. Choksi alleged crimes in India were committed before he became a citizen of Antigua, , that makes him an Indian fugitive and should be returned to India via Antigua or Dominica it matters not. Both oppositions in Antigua and Dominica are sympathetic to Choksi and believe his kidnapping story, wonder why…..
Could it be that they support the rule of law?
It makes no difference whether Choksi is guilty or innocent, he is entitled to due process.
When the law is overuled by politicians, we no longer have a democracy, it’s called a dictatorship
Yes, he’s entitled to due process. That’s why he needs to be deported to India where his case can be heard in an open and fair court.
Guess Choksi bang up himself and left Antigua without a passport and clothes. Why would anyone want an Antiguan CIP passport? Antigua has been exposed for not doing its due diligence.
If the crime was committed before receiving Antigua and Barbuda citizenships, then why was he granted citizenship in the first place? That is the people of Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 trillion dollar 💵 question. I agree that he should return to India to face the music of the crime he is accused of. Once the authorities in Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 found out Mr. Choksi criminality, the government should have revoked his citizenship and give him back his money and sent him back to India.
Another thing, if Choksi was guarded with police here in Antigua, then how did he get to leave to Dominica? Were his guarded police officer 👮♀️ sleeping on the job? Again, why would Choksi take such a high risk like that going to Dominica where he would not protected by A&B constitution. Staying in Antigua would be safer for him. Too much questions and little answers. Some kind of kidnaping or swapping Choksi for vaccines took place.
Did Lovell express similar sentiments with JOHN ASHE?
Was there a need to express such sentiments in the John Ashe case. He was charged with commiting certain crimes in the US and he was being subjected to due process there. None of his legal or constitutional rights were being violated.
This Choksi matter on the surface is a simple matter. Choksi said,he was abducted from Antigua to Dominica. They charged him with illegal entry into Dominica. If that is so. What the hell is taking that Political Driven Court in Dominica so long to Administer Justice. Is it because Antigua and India are involved. This is one big mess.I am now hearing.He is not in good health.He is a Citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.Dominica needs to rid themselves of him.Send him back to Antigua where he is living.Let the Courts deal with his matters from Antigua.
Will Choski be Antigua, Barbuda and REDONDA’s Jeffery Epstein found dead in his cell, the coroner says it suicide, by Angela Lansbury
is singing, #’Murder She wrote!”
Ras, I laughed tht you referred to “Angela Lansbury”. That old white lady long gone for years and years. You must be the only one who remembers her. You mus be pretty old Ras.
@Kristi…👨🏿Old enough to be mature, and mature enough to understand #bullshit makes for great organic fertilizer, and even body, mind, soul, spirit cleanse in Choski’s India.
This Choski Sonata have every body acting like they’re dancing on hot coals or broken glass while limboing.
Although Harold Lovell has denied receiving massive funds from Chetan Choksi, the fugitive criminal Mehul Choksi’s brother, there have been many people close to the Choksi clan that have revealed the truth.
Folks in St. John’s Citu East know how corrupt and shameless is Lovell. He will even sell our country for a few dollars. Be it buses or overseas funds and bank accounts or the contract scam..etc. Harold Lovell has been a big black blot on our country & society.
It is high time, we pack-off Lovell along with his close buddy Choksi and end the shame on Dominica or Antigua and Barbuda
ANDY I am sorry to disappoint you but Gaston is the one who is really Choksi’s buddy. I hope the Scotland Yard investigation will reveal all so that Antiguans will finally know the truth of this sordid kidnapping and international crime.
@Andy….If Mr. Lovell received Choksi money as you said, then how much Gaston received for the 2018 election? Whoever told you that Mr. Lovell received money, please ask them how much Gaston received in 2017 and 2018 leading up to the 2018 election. Now tell the people of Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬, why were Choksi received A&B citizenships with his criminal background. I am sure that his accused criminal act was posted in all India Newspapers, so the CIP agency here would have known. Did Choksi got his citizenships under the table as money passed?
Thankyou for recognizing that we are CITIZENS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Mr. Lovell. Not Nationals. That term is used for individuals from another country who have obtained citizenship through naturalization. Period! Hence the term National.
@Freetownson…..I am a national and citizen of Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 Native born.
Brother Harry is NOT the man to be making these commens anyway. He does not hold any office whatsoever. He is from another time and place. The one we need to hear from is an elected official, the one and only LEADER OF HER MAJESTY’S LOYAL OPPOSION, The Hon. Mr. Pringle. He speaks for the Opposition. Hear ye him!!!!
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