United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell says Sean Bird can win the St. Johns Rural East seat for the United Progressive Party against his cousin Maria Bird Browne.
Lovell was speaking at the opening of the branch office on Saturday the 8th of May 2021.
Watch Lovell speak at the ceremony:
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LOVELL continue DREAMING. NOT in your LIFETIME.You and Sean Bird will not get back your deposit.
I was there at the opening. Not as undercover but just to see and hear what is what as I live in that constituency. As for the spoken rhetoric all I can say is Hmmmmm
The battle of the cousins.
“Blood is thicker than water”
Who are the other people in the photo? Campaign Manager? Mother? Wife? Strategist?
This is going to be an interesting race. Only God knows how this one will go. Hmmm. Papa Bird must be turninng in his grave. My God, what next? Spiritual powers will determine the outcome. Even the ancestors are amused.
yeah but are YOU Lovell a winning candidate?
Mr Lovell says a lot of things last election,
He was confident he would defeat Nicholas.
He was confident the UPP will win the elections.
He is always confident with no doubt in his mind and it did not assist last election so why would be different this time around?
He said all those things because that´s what his puppetter told him to say. She calls the shots. Lovell is just a prop. Follow his strings and you see who CONTROLS him
Cause gaston na lub nobody
Morality and example are high on my list.
Questions for Sean Bird
1 Were you employed by the government?
2 What was your duties?
3 How long did you work with the government?
4 Why are you not still employed with the government?
6 Are you a preacher?
7 How long have you been preaching?
8 Are you married?
9 Do you have children?
10 What are their ages?
11 What do you think about a nuclear family?
12 As a politician do you think you should set sound examples have high morals to lead people?
Both ABLP and UPP are ready for YOUNGER more energized candidates. People will never vote for a Bird as UPP. They just won’t trust him. All the other fossilized dinosaurs in both parties need to pass on the knowledge to the young people with more energetic visions and retire. I for one am ready for Antigua to have a female PM. Time for Samantha Marshall to step into the role she’s destined for!!!
You are right time for all the old frats to leave to include Robin Yearwood, Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin, Sir Mowlyn Joseph, Asot Michael, Harold Lovell, Sheffield Bowen and any Bird and the resident troll Charles Tabor for good measure.
JB you really have me on your mind. I did not know that I was running for political office. Anyway, you are absolutely right such oldsters like Robin Yearwood, Cutie Benjamin and Molwyn Joseph should really throw in the political towel and go into retirement.
Add your legal buddy Harold Lovell and Sheffield Bowen to that list I guess in your old age you seems to miss those to or are you just blue blind.
You need to shut it, Tabor. You not a candidate but yuh fighting harder than dem.
BTW, heard about how she was bigging up Sean this morning. Is she his campaign manager? Talking about when they were small and playing games. By now everybody know that she was the one who recruit him in the UPP.
So, when UPP start to campaign, does that mean that saying things about Grandad and Uncle Lester is off limits to candidates? Would be strange that speakers on the UPP platform and can’t say anything about Labour and Papa Bird. Not natural.
Their will be no need to say anything about Papa. That is history. Gaston Browne and his administration will be in office for two terms and his non-performance in those two terms will be enough political fodder to focus on. Please let Papa rest in peace and Sir Lester can be overlooked since this is Gaston’s time. You need to ask yourself what has his administration brought to this country (other than UWI) with over $2 trillion at their disposal. All these funds were just frittered away in squandermania and creative enrichment. That is what the focus will be on and all the corruption and not on Grandad and Uncle Lester.
I am from Antigua. Born inna Antigua. At a place known as Holberton. Was Antigua willed to the Labor Party? If so,by whom? Speaking of Maria Browne. What has she done? Since coming into Political Office.What did she do before entering Politics? Please point to one placed she worked. Other than being a plant into positions. Like being on WEST INDIES OIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Like being on SHARE INC. What has become of that Foundation. Did it developed cracks and fell apart. Where were those monies from Share,Inc.distributed. Those are questions that need to be answered. I have listened to Maria Browne speak,she sounds like an adolescent. Then again,based on what I have been hearing. Labor Party people only see Red.If you were to placed a Red cloth on a dog. They would blindly vote for the DAWG.Go figure that.
Tell them
Wow! The manager of what the UPP calls “Night Soil Radio” is now running on their ticket. UPP even tried to disconnect the same “Night Soil Radio” and now Sean is in bed with them. Life is really unpredictable.
Tuna,to answer your question…. Antigua was not willed to the Birds but Antiguans cannot understand why the UPP cannot find QUALIFIED Persons to run on Their ticket. UPP will pickup anyone and place on their ticket. Tuna…Take a good look at the present Candidates for the UPP….Will you honestly vote for anyone on that ticket…..On the UPP ticket you have the following….
Persons who cannot control Their private Lives
Person who went to Jail
Person who lost 7 elections
Persons who presently DO NOT have a Job.
Person who live in Someone house did not pay rent and want to claim the property.
These are the type of Persons on UPP ticket.
That is reason for the results for 2023 election will be as follows..
TUNA…Hope I answer your question.
Expect to hear from Charlesworth Tabor.
@ DALE:To whom do you refer as qualified persons.To run for Political Offices in Antigua and Barbuda. What qualification does one needs. Stupidity is an earthly gift. Some of you got most of it.Would you really like me to go through the Characters of the present ABLP. You do not really know them.They are all tainted.
The people in the labour government are not only tainted but a lot of them are opportunists who left the UPP party to join Labour. Are the only qualified people labour can find UPP people?
Yes DALE since you wanted to hear from me I will oblige. You have listed a number of factors that you feel disqualify some one from running for public office. I will just focus on your first factor i.e., persons who cannot control their private lives. On this factor I will not even bother to mention the former Minister of Education. Recently their were WattsApp messages on social media between a young lady and two of your Ministers, have you read them? By the way, even the Odebrecht bribery scandal that the Prime Minister should be providing answers about should also be of concern to you. Also, did you witness the allegation of corruption hurled by the Prime Minister and Asot against each other in Parliament? Dale I can go on and on with each individual Minister of Government, even Maria Browne and the SHARE Charity scam, but I believe this should suffice to convince you that the candidates of your Party leave much to be desired. In time many of their corrupt dealings will come to light. Finally, let me conclude by telling you that in a normal country where good and honest governance is practiced, the acquisition of the land on North Street by SHARE and the subsequent sale to a business her husband had an interest in, would perhaps land both of them in jail for conflict of interest and misfeasance in public office. Please think on these things.
The only Share Charity scam out there is the one you are making up. As a lawyer shouldn’t truth be part of your forte.
Present your evidence since you know so much. Smh
ONLOOKER the objective of SHARE when it was set up as a company (and not under the misnomer Charity) was to assist young entrepreneurs and particularly women. Please tell me if buying the land for $100,000 (which values much more) and immediately turn around and essentially selling it to her husband Gaston Browne fitted the objective of the Charity. As I said before, in a normal country where good governance is practiced, Maria Browne and Gaston Browne would be in trouble with the law. Let me give you a simple example, do you think Donald Trump as President could be seen to direct business to his Trump Hotel in Washington. Our political culture and morality is so low in this country that we allow our politicians to get away with all sorts of bull shit. This has to STOP.
You should be ASHAMED of yourself… That’s why you will be in OPPOSITION for a very long time. I am at a loss to understand why Tabor believe that UPP can win election with Those Candidates with more luggage than an AIRCRAFT.
Are you AlisterThomas Lawyer ? My Family will evict Him soon. These are elements on UPP TICKET.
YO Dale: Whose name was mentioned in the book called ” GOAL” for alleged corruption.
Yup the same one who bought colour TV sets when he was associated with the Blind School.
An inside job, yup, that is what it was, remember! At the ALP office . Then it was blamed on the UPP.
Dishonest set of people.
By the way, where is ” new ” Public Cemetery that Weston got CIP money for:
Come, come, speak up I can’t hear you.
Ask Samantha about the CIP money.
All these rich people in the ALP cabinet. School children say they were writing bounce cheque before they got into office
I can only hope he is in it for the bettering of our people and our nation and not be just another one like traitor dictator tyrant Gaston Browne but in the opposition party.
1 man, 1 vote
The people CHOOSE who THEY want to represent them.
ONLOOKER the objective of SHARE when it was set up as a company (and not under the misnomer Charity) was to assist young entrepreneurs and particularly women. Please tell me if buying the land for $100,000 (which values much more) and immediately turn around and essentially selling it to her husband Gaston Browne fitted the objective of the Charity. As I said before, in a normal country where good governance is practiced, Maria Browne and Gaston Browne would be in trouble with the law. Let me give you a simple example, do you think Donald Trump as President could be seen to direct business to his Trump Hotel in Washington. Our political culture and morality is so low in this country that we allow our politicians to get away with all sorts of bull shit. This has to STOP.
Only husband or wife can accept or refute your claim. Isn’t there a case in court against Queen Ivena regarding this Charity?
I am sure you can get that claim inserted somewhere in the upcoming event. After all you are a lawyer with many lawyer friends.
The Queen Ivena claim in the court is one for defamation brought by Gaston against her because she said he put money in the Charity. Of course that has nothing to do with the action of the Charity I described in my earlier comment and whether it was proper.
Well it is because of these false claims in the court case that I’m sure the Charity was disbanded. As far as I know there is no Charity.
If you state your claim, prove your point.
And by the way, are you the owner of ANR.
How do you know of these responses? I get no notification. Are you a moderator when messages are sent in??? Isnt that conflict of interest??
Do you have friends there???
Or do you just have plenty free time?
They should make you a candidate then . Or an official spokesperson. IJS.
What about the HIGH COURT CASE with the Three former UPP Ministers including your Leader. Talking about CORRUPTION.
RUPERT MANN is it really CORRUPTION or more likely POLITICAL PERSECUTION? When you figure out the answer you can let me know.
ONLOOKER I see you just talk and are very misguided and misinformed. The Charity is not disbanded. The last thing that the spokesman for the Charity Gaston Browne said is that it is suspended. By the way, I check ANR occasionally to see what ridiculous comments are put there by all of the ALP apologists and propagandists such like yourself. When I observe the nonsense posted I am sometimes moved to respond.
Suspended or disbanded any one. Essentially, it is not functioning. You have inside information more than I do as you said. So prove your point.
BTW, what are you?
Aren’t you a UPP apologist? From your comments that is clear to see.
Do so na lub so?
ONLOOKER looks as if you take over from FROM THE SIDELINE in challenging me. That’s good. You asked earlier where I get the time from to respond and if I do not have any work to do. I have plenty work but can multitask. In fact, I am in the car park at First Choice Supermarket before heading home and then to the beach. You see the kind of life I lead – work and relaxation. I hope you do the same. Anyway, the SHARE Charity of Maria Browne was just a vehicle to accomplish certain things for her husband and those things have been accomplished. Finally, SHARE should have been struck off from the list of companies at the Intellectual Property and Companies Office since SHARE did not file any annual returns since 2015. By the way, was SHARE Maria Browne’s first employment.
Both your personal information and the idea that the Charity’s intention was not to be charitable made me laugh. That was indeed its goal. Any other claims has to be addressed by the persons in the know.
And I certainly dont want From the Sidelines job.👎
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