United Progressive Party Leader Harold Lovell is accusing Prime Minister Gaston Browne of threatening the business community as his government loses popularity.
Over the weekend the Prime Minister said a number of car dealers had pledged their support to the opposition in protest over policies introduced by his administration in 2014.
Back then, the Gaston Browne administration removed some duties and taxes car owners had to pay to own a vehicle.
Browne said that policy has led to consternation among some car dealers who have become very bitter towards the government as a result.
But Lovell said the prime minister’s reaction is as a result of the ABLP becoming unpopular.
“I think this is just another attempt by the Prime Minister to intimidate persons,” Lovell told Observer.
“It is common knowledge that this government today is very unpopular and persons are moving away from the Antigua Labour Party and are moving towards the United Progressive Party.
“What I can say is that a UPP administration, which I will lead, will certainly have a policy which will be fair and which will ensure growth within our economy. At present there is no clear policy, there is a system of favouritism, there are some people who are able to get concessions and some who are not,” — something Lovell said a UPP administration would bring to an end.
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You sang the same song, Mr Lovell, two elections ago. But the ELECTORATE spoke and spoke loudly! Time to fire or retire your songwriter, Sir. Yawn, yawn yawn, some old, same old.
You sound the same as 2014 and 2018. You said that UPP will all the seats. Play the tape with WILMOTH DANIEL. Harold ..UPP got caught with Their scheme with the New Car Dealers. ABLP is more POPULAR than ever. UPP will never win a seat 2023. Upp got CAUGHT with Their pants down. We shall expose all UPP lies. HYPOCRITES.
Anon the 1st the tide is turning slowly but perhaps it is turning so slowly it is not perceptible to you as yet. However to more objective and discerning people the writing is appearing on the wall already. Don’t be caught unprepared when the tsunami hits.
Keep Dreaming. Especially now that even the young people have seen how a university is benefiting them more than a secondary school. And young people are getting keys to decent concrete home subsidized. And young entrepreneurs have access to low interest loans to start their business. Keep dreaming mount tsunami. When you wake up you’ll be drowning in the tsunami
Gaston Browne has moved this country forward by leaps and bounds. He and his party will likely take all the seats in the next election. What office is this Taylor guy running for?
Ooops. Sorry, I meant what office is this TABOR guy running for? I said TAYLOR. The guy is so unknown that it’s even hard to keep his name straight.
Can the people please hear from an ELECTED official? Where is the MASKses and Dead Dog picker upper that was DULY ELECTED and holds a seat in Parliament?
Mr. Lovell confirmed to Darren Matthew-Ward that he has LOST MORE ELECTIONS THAN HE HAS WON.
Can we hear from a credible, non-Romantic Rhythms, ELECTED MP?
I don’t think that Pringle would have been such a weak pushover to allow the hotelier to hold on to our abst.
Quick! Get that spineless whimp back into his sad and dreary blue hole.
I’d rather hear from that “Dead Dog Picker-Upper” any day over the loser. At least Pringle was elected and IS the leader of his party, and holds the title of LEADER of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. The other guy is a wannabe, who was kicked to the curb by the electorate more than once. LET PRINGLE LEAD.
WISHFUL THINKING. THE ONLY TIDE TURNING IS UPP WILL LOSE ALL SEATS. UPP NOT for the Small business Person. UPP would put out Local used Car dealers out of business. This is shameful. Not surprised.
So how many times car dealership owners can vote? How many car dealers are there versus how many poor people now have a duty free car that can take them to a job to make a little money?Even domestic help have a little vehicle to get to their job. But I guess the strategy now is to pander to the money base which is the same old people who have been calling elections in this country for decades. Harold the last time you had to put one of the Car dealers in the Cabinet it ultimately caused you the election and your seat…Please learn..
Upp a mere 2 years ago told us all it was confident it would win. They claimed the public was against the ABLP. Their pollster who they refused to name, they said provided empirical data to support their flawed conclusion. After the counting not only were they defeated , they managed to hold onto only one seat by a handful of votes . They have now decided that Covid has changed their luck. This is clearly why the op leader decided to not to join the Economic recovery committee. I doubt voters will reward persons who clearly show they have no problem wanting to see the populace suffer, in order for them to gain power. The truth is, it is UPP who has lost more support due to its innnability to understand there is a time and place for everything. The COVID crisis called for unity not the division preached and practiced by the UPP. More voter Punishment for UPP come 2022
Tabor dream on,
Small used car business owner here,
This enables me to feed my children and upp wants to end that?
Let’s not forget their poor leadership in governance of Wadadli for 10 year’s. They we’re so wicked they even take back lands from poor people for not paying on time without any refunds. The worst and vindictive government in Wadadli history.. Never again they’ll come close to the governance of Wadadli. Wicked set of People.
Totally agree with those sentiments expressed. A real wicket set of people. Very vindictive when they were in office. if anyone of your family was a known Labour Party supporter too bad for you to find a government job.
Sure Mr IMF- Romantic Rthym. Sure.🤣🤣🤣
Up to now he cannot account for Romantic Rhythm monies over fie million broad dollar notes unaccounted for. And no one gone to jail either and no political victimization. If the shoe was on the other foot you sure would have seen special investigation setup about that
What the PM is just saying now I have disclosed since last year Carnival when the Car Dealers said they wouldn’t give a dime in sponsorship because of all the duty free waivers that crippled their business. So this is nothing new. There was a big debate on the TV and Radio trying to put pressure on the PM to reverse the policy. But the PM stood his ground and they hate him for that. Hadeed had promised to lay-off several workers as well. The thing is, when you do that for the Car Dealers today tomorrow all others will follow. And in these new economic trends when everyone shops online you cannot restrict anyone from doing so.
HAROLD LOVELL the more you stay in hiding it is better for UPP. Harold and Gisel Isaac should go away and keep off the Media. I heard that Jamale Pringle told HAROLD and GISEL that He is taking over the Media and that They should go in hiding. What a disaster. JAMALE is taking over the MEDIA. This Laughable.
Wait! Lovell nah tired mek one BAXIDE out of himself???
Imagine if UPP would of allowed the Lindquist report to be made public maybe they wouldn’t be fighting to get people on their band wagon. The biggest letdown in political history. Maybe you should change the name to PPU and have all new candidates.
Bottom line is govt works for the people not themselves. I don’t care which party it is. If they doing chupitness and underhanded shit, get them out. That includes selling off our lands to people and giving them free access to do as they like.
Mr. Lovell. You and your team suck!
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