The leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP) has finally offered congratulatory remarks to the now two-term Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, after his party was only able to win one seat in the 2018 general election.
“To Mr Gaston Browne and the ABLP, let me offer my congratulations. We live in a democracy, and the majority has spoken. The people have once again given you the mandate to take the country forward, and I wish you well, because in the end it is all the people who will benefit if things are done properly,” Lovell said in a statement released moments ago.
His predecessor, Baldwin Spencer had delivered concession remarks within 24 hours of the UPP’s loss at the polls in 2014.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne had also called for unity among the parties and the people of Antigua and Barbuda when making his victory speech in the early moments following his party’s 15 seat victory over the opposition.
“It is true that politics by nature is divisive but, at the same time, whereas we have our differences, I say to you that those differences should not result in any form of permanent division. So, we must be able to forgive those who would’ve offended us. There were many offences during this campaign, but at the same time, I say to you that uniting this country is quintessential to its socio-economic development,” Browne said.
The UPP aligned Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) won the Barbuda constituency under the candidacy of Trevor Walker, and Jamale Pringle won the All Saints East and St Luke constituency for the UPP.
Lovell, who lost in his bid in City East to incumbent Melford Nicholas (616-769) for the second straight election, hinted at his future with the party saying, “The real work has only begun.”
“I daresay your country still needs you. It still needs all of us. I stand ready to continue fighting for HOPE and for a better Antigua and Barbuda, and I urge all of you to join with me, as we continue the struggle for a better tomorrow,” Lovell added.
The UPP leader also went on to thank his campaign team and party supporters.
“The real success is in offering yourselves for service. The real success is in coming forward at a time when your country needed you,” he concluded.
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In 2014 the Gov’t was unseated, therefore a concession was necessary. The Opposition does not concede and is not obliged to offer congratulations.
He is obligated to look in the mirror and ask himself “where did I go wrong?” and “wheel and come again” because clearly he is a COLOSSAL FAILURE & REJECTED by the populace. The people have NOT 4gotten the decisions he made as Finance minister and how he badplayed Joanne Massiah for leadership of the UPP. The 3rd to last paragraph makes it clear that Lovell still just doesn’t get it. Still rambling on about HOPE when the People REJECTED this “hope” he claimed to offer them. First it was “Leadership Matters” then “Delivering Hope” so what next? Something is just NOT resonating with the People. Perhaps it’s the LEADER himself.
Is he still going to continue as the party’s FAILED LEADER??
Shut yr ass. If u dont know what to say it take a big man to congrats pm as the upp leader
He is NOT a big man. He is a blind man. No one in their right mind would ever allow Lovell to become PM. When people fool You, it’s one thing. But when you fool your own self, then it’s far worse. He need fu wake up and smell the bush tea. The people do not believe that he has what it takes to lead. Maybe he can take up knitting or crocheting to soothe his mind.
U can’t continue to do the same thing and expect different results. Elections in Antigua Barbuda are just a popularity contest. They are akin to sporting matches held every five years where people either vote for their favourite party or their favourite candidate or even their favourite colour! Free fundamental advice to political parties going forward.
Mr. Lovell is a good man… If given the opportunity he will make Antigua a better place… Stay strong and continue to fight the good fight for Antigua and Barbuda
Best thing Mr. Lovell can do for the party is step down as leader and letbsomeone else lead the charge. They would have feared off better with Joanne Massiah but Lovell was being a spoil brat and expelled her and now look at the down fall of the UPP. They lost 15-1-1 and its clear Trevor Walker does not care about them. He did even bother the show up to be sworen in as leader of the opposion he was only there to get what he can. The UPP have some serious work to do.
Why you dont keep Barbuda representative name from ur mouth
From my observation Antiguans for the most part are not a people who vote on issues or standards. They are more concerned with short term gains. The ABLP knows this and this is why they promise squatters land for $1 and forgiving arrears in utilities. They know this will result in more votes for ABLP.
The UPP will not bribe the people and this is why they will find it difficult to win elections.
That last sentence you wrote is ONE BIG JOKE.
Hopefully Jamal Pringle will bring some kind of “newness” to the failed UPP Lovell-led party.
The UPP is just like your neme Unbelievable Antigua people don’t believe in them. They had their chance from 2004-2014 and they did not deliver so in the end they were voted out in 2014. Come now in 2018 they failed to impress the people again and suffer a even worst defeat in 2018. The fact still remains is Antigua people have not forgotten the UPP for their few good achievements but many failures that overshadow the few good they did. Espically those decisions their leaders made. If the UPP wants to make a comeback they need to start by getting rid of the leader Harold Lovell aka Harold Failure
Get going
You people are unbelievable you all cannot not just accept that the UPP was totally rejected. Take a look at how badly they lost Antigua people don’t have any use for them. They even lost two.of their strongholds. The UPP need to wheel and come again.
There is a phrase that says, what sweet the goat mouth will soon sour it’s tail . At the end of it, all we can say is that they got what they deserve . I know there is going to be a lot of regrets after many who are drunk with glee finally sober up and face the reality that will soon face them head-on . Good luck to all.
It’s soooooo sad that UPPITES continue to cast innuendos, resort to name calling, aspirations when they loose. I now convince that you’ll are still a suffering from Amnesia. You won the elections in 2004 & 2009. Did you bribe the Antiguans and Barbudans electorate? Let me mind You’ll that your governance was a complete failure. You tried the same Old-dirty-political games and the patriotic soundly rejected you hater’s. Take your whipping and be good a sports. Tell you leadership to show some class and dignity and called the Prime Minister and congratulate him. Sorry to hurt your egos..
Joanne Massiah called the PM to congratulate him, but not Lovell. I guess he is still in shock since according to him their “internal poll showed that the UPP would win the election.
One thing is clear: the people do NOT want Lovell to lead this country. He is a dismal failure and the worst Finance minister in the history of Antigua. He will forever be known for the IMF, Wadadli Power Plant, Can’t Park, and wasted bathroom and fencing repairs.
Something about him just did NOT connect with the People. Guess He is reaping the benefits of undermining Joanne Massiah and kicking her out of the UPP.
Time for him to seek God for his true calling in life.
I still believe that Lovell would be a GOOD PM! ABLP have another term to make sure they get things done. If they don’t then the people will not believe any more. We do want to See Antigua Grow and BOOM! Good luck to Gaston Browne and the ABLP Team!
how many party’s come and go since PLM
UPP next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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