United Progressive Party (UPP) Political Leader Harold Lovell has accused Prime Minister Gaston Browne of picking a fight with the country’s nurses in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaking on Observer Radio, Lovell said the prime minister’s action is not something that any “sane” person would do.
“Which Prime Minister picks a fight with the nurses in the middle of a pandemic?” Lovell asked asked.
Lovell was responding to Prime Minister Browne’s reaction to a press release on Friday, in which it said: The Public Health System of Antigua and Barbuda has been grossly undermined and compromised, as it relates to the tried and proven Public Health Strategy of Vaccination administration for Vaccine Preventable Diseases, due to the clandestine actions of the Country’s Leadership, along with “Wealthy” members of the Public, who were allowed to bring in their own vaccine to vaccinate themselves.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne responded to the statement describing it as “irresponsible.”
The PM subsequently issued a letter addressed to the president of the association stating the facts of the availability of the highly sought-after CDC/WHO approved AstraZeneca Vaccine. He also read the letter in Parliament.
Lovell said the Prime Minister has verbally attacked the ABNA president and called on his to apologize
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Lovell why don’t you SHUT UP and stop your GRANDSTANDING. Lovell you were the worst FINANCE and TOURISM Minister in the CARIBBEAN. You will never be elected in Antigua again. Lovell NO ONE wants to hear you.
@LIMPTON. speak for yourself! You wouldnt know what WORST mean even if it hit you in the forehead.
@Frederic Lampman: There are 41 persons in the Hospital with Covid-19 in Antigua.With many persons in public suspected for Covid-19.That is what you should be worried about.
That 41 is misleading since it includes persons in isolation not simply persons who are ill and in need of hospitalization (about 7). This will shortly be rectified
Valuable hospital beds are not used during a pandemic to “isolate” people.
They are used for sick people.
I am dying with LAUGHTER. I cannot believe Harold would still have the NERVE to go on Observer and chat STUPIDNESS.
You are dying with laughter. You should be concerned. With what is going on in Antigua.The daily spikes in Covid-19 cases.There are 41 persons in the Hospitals as of today with Covid -19.
Ah you see he face?
Harold the lawyer, Harold the politician, Harold the pseudo vaccinator went on radio speaking about the efficacy of vaccines. Harold the DECEIVER failed to tell the nation that while moderna has a higher efficacy it is not available currently for purchasing. Instead the DECEIVER made it sounds like the government is settling for second or even fourth best.
My people dissect the games these people play in the pit!!!!
@just saying. A good leader would have told the special family, if you want to bring in Moderna, get some for my nurses, police and other frontline workers. Instead they were allowed to bring it in, then sneak one to the PM on the side. Frontline workers be damned. What is worst, to stop others, not so special, from seeking as high an efficacy as what he got he introduced a law.
Minions, aryou can dead! Foreigners can just replace you. Me and the special family will inherit the country.
Who is this “special family”? Everyone chats about it like your average person is in the know.
Thank you, Zackie!
ERIC CARDEN, FREDERIC LAMPTON and JUST SAYING you guys just keep reporting the same old cliche against Lovell of your leader Gaston about being worst Finance Minister. What work is your leader doing as the Finance Minister. Absolutely nothing. This article is about the shameful and unstatesmanlike response of Gaston to the concerns of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association, but you all fail to address that.
Similar to the stance of your party I find your stance on this issue two faced.
You guys took Max Hurt to a tribunal for his actions deemed against the very body he serves on but argue against the PM for pointing to the same re the Nurse who heads the ABNA. She sits on the very body that picked the vaccine. Part of that’s body function is to help ensure public confidence in said vaccine. Yet
watch her take action to do the opposite. The tribunal judges in the Hurst matter castigated him for the very actions the UPP now defending with this nurse. Interestingly you missed the part in his presentation where the PM praised her for her past noteworthy actions, in this fight against covid. Now re your question about what as FM he has done, must state first its good to see you now agree (via your silence)Lovell did nothing noteworthy. I gather you will remember that even after the recession, the A&B economy remained on the rocks, under Lovell. As far as Gaston as MF, here’s a short list (let me know if you want more):
1. Under his stewardship before covid our debt to gdp ratio went from 104 percent to 69 percent. Its because of this move we had the legroom to borrow more to deal with the covid situation
2. Resolved the banking crisis. Under his watch the banking systems non performing loans was significantly improved and before covid, was close to eccb required ratio
3. Under his admin, the banking act whose purpose is to ensure we don’t have another ABI was passed
4. Under his watch A&B had its first fiscal surplus in decades
5. Under his watch the required audited financials now tabled up to 2018, under HL they were so late that he started suggesting that we forget the old ones and start from the most recent year
6. Delivering on the manifesto promise to do away with income tax
7. Fastest growing economy in the Caribbean region for 3 consecutive years
8. Met a IMF debt in arrears and paid it off early
TENMAN without going into details and legal argumentation since I do not have the time now so to do, I would just like you to know that the situation of MAX HURST and DUPIE-WINSTON, President of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association is not similar. To make it more understandable to you it is like comparing apples and green fig. Please look at both situations and then come back to me with a sensible critique.
That’s your bias as usual blinding you. Again she sits on the body which picks the vaccine hence should not have done what she did. Here we have a WHO approved vaccine, one that the Canadian, UK, EU have been fighting to get, yet her body treats it with disdain like a spoilt child, I expect them to shortly retract that politically partisan statements they made via that unwise press release. Its sad that your political bias blinds you from how dangerous their actions were . No doubt you will be in denial when they publish the retraction
@Tenman be quiet and allow the people their pound of flesh. Your turn will come soon.
POOR HAROLD….SERPENT and HAROLD are two of a kind .These Guys make everything POLITICAL. SERPENT We DO NOT want you in ST.GEORGES. Dean Jonas is reLated to everyone in St. Georges. Dean Jonas won St.Georges by 3000 votes last election.In 2023 Dean will win by 5000 votes. Serpent..You will lose your deposit.
How can Harold lead a political party ? Harold is a loser. When will UPP realize that Harold and UPP will never win an election in Antigua again.
I just wish that man would stop following political parties. No political party can save you, fools.
The leader of the country is evil and corrupt. The followers are the same. Another political party cannot solve the problems that we face. No human being can. All are evil and selfish.
The nation is in a mess. The world is a messed up place because of greed and selfishness. The truth is, the leaders have done a really horrible job. They have failed miserably. Corruption is the norm of the day. Who is so blind not to know that ? Well….the people who enjoy the corruption will sing for their super all the time. Keep on singing, my friends. Sing your way into judgement day.
Be warned thou….one day soon, you will be singing for pardon for all the wrong that you have done and condoned. Then it will be too late.
Cry out to the Creator to help emancipate your minds from the evil spirits that dominate your lives. There is still hope if you really want to make that change.
All of you who see evil and call it good; your day in court is coming. Not the court of man, but the universal court where RIGHTEOUS JUDGE will preside. Do you really think that your prime minister or political leader will be able to save you then ? YOU FOOL ! BIG FOOL !
Meanwhile your country is burning to the ground
King Lyadd strikes again! Instead of investing his time in helping Jamale Pringle learn to speak and read, he out here making a baxide of himself for the umpteenth time.
2 seconds is all it takes to say “repeat after me: PER CAPITA”
The fat salary his “resesrch officer” collects from the Treasury is NOT reflected in his performance in parliament or radio.
Poor Jamale Pringle. Lovell have Pringle tangle up like a likkle black kiddy in a cassy tree.
HAVE MERCY you criticize Jamale Pringle for fumbling over the word PER CAPITA. We are all humans and therfore make mistakes. Why don’t you also criticize Prime Minister Gaston Browne for fumbling over the word THESAURUS? He should have just stayed with the word DICTIONARY instead but he wanted to use both words. He made a mess of the pronunciation of THESAURUS.
Charles Tabor why don’t you and your party train Jamal Pringle in public speaking. He clearly does not know how to debate but instead read what was typed for him and even then he fumbles. Not everyone is a public speaker but everytime he talks in Parliament its like a comdey hour. “PER CAPATA” was just one of his many blunders. I honestly feel the party is setting him up for failure.
As for Harlod Lovell he needs to take sevearl seat on the back of the short yellow bus. He had his chance to prove himself and he messed up. Lord knows if UPP was in power we would be worst off. Lets not forget how they handle the “WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS”.
@Charles Tabor People see what they want to see. The opportunity is yours now to capitalize of Gaston’s faux pas. 2023 is fast approaching so tek time walk fast and waste not the opportunities afforded to you now.
The difference with Jamal Pringle and the Prime Minister is that Jamal Pringlw was looking at the word on a paper written for him(should be reading) while the Prime Minister was speaking off the top of his head without the word infront of him….. its clearly different….but the fact that you tried comparing both shows how deceitful you are for political points…….smh Pringle was looking at Per Capita on a piece of paper and couldn’t pronounce it plain and simple
People are dying some people like being taken advantage of, sometimes i have to wonder if these commentators get paid by their leaders to bring down a member of a party even if there is some truth to the message they reject it.
…… Your UPP is such a strawberry orange banana and could never propose anything feasible. Lockdown/verbal attack/speechless speech? You only care about your 10% of A&B people or your members? Sigh……
Thesaurus !
It would appear like you’re the only UPP that can contribute to this medium. It shows that UPP is and will be outnumbered at all times. This is a clear indication of what will be the results of the next election…,ABLP 17 SEATS……UPP 00.
All Candidates of UPP will lose Their deposits.
Please DON’T compare Hon. Gaston Browne to Jamale Pringle when it comes to PRONUNCIATION . Hon.Gaston Browne is the BRIGHTEST, SMARTEST and most COMPETENT Prime Minister in the CARIBBEAN.
Gaston Browne introduced the word-PRADACALS for PROTOCOLS.
Tommy John can you imagine that Gaston saying PRADACALS for PROTOCOLS and TENMAN, CARSON, FROM THE SIDELINE and ANON THE 1 ST not outraged by that mispronunciation.
@Lynne.B I fail to see the homour in your joke. Gaston is by no means the brightest nor the smartest minister/prime minister in Antigua let alone the the Caribbean.
@Tabor. Happy valentines to you. My husband and I are enjoying a home cooked valentines meal.
JUST SAYING you are not easy. Happy Valentine’s to you and hubby as well. You did not say who cooked the meal, but on a day like today I hope your husband was the one in the kitchen
The President of the nurses union is playing POLITICS. Not nice.
You are not the average blog writer, man. You certainly have something powerful to add to the net. Such a great blog. Ill be back for more.
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