Local Travel Agency Accused of Defrauding Customers


REAL NEWS – After being embarrassed at the airport, some residents are complaining quietly that they were gypped by a local travel agency.

In the past two weeks, several persons have been forced to contact the Police as their efforts to reach the agency through which they purchased airline tickets were being thwarted.

In several instances, reports say, these victims turned up at the V.C. Bird International Airport and attempted to check in for flights to the United States.

However, upon reaching the counter, they were advised that there were no reservations in their names.

The shocked and confused residents say they then called the proprietor of the travel agency, but they got no response.

However, the female owner did answer calls placed by airline personnel.

In one confirmed instance, the matter was taken to the Police, who contacted the business owner; and, subsequently, arrangements were made to have the ticket money and other expenses refunded.

In at least two cases, the residents’ travel was health-related, sources say, and the “stranded passengers” were left in distress as the fraud meant they would not be able to make their doctor’s appointments.

While it is alleged that other locals have been defrauded in this manner – paying for tickets that were never booked – it is also believed they are keeping quiet out of embarrassment.

This particular travel agency was brought to the attention of REAL News about two years ago, on allegations that it was overcharging clients who had been referred or directed there by a former minister of government.

However, at the time, our Newsroom was unable to confirm that the minister was a shareholder or director in the business.

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  1. When you speak the truth, you have no fear of being sued for defamation and therefore you can expose whomever it is you are referring to. But then again, when you are not a trained journalist, this is what you do. You play yellow journalism. Don’t call no name so you cannot be sued. And of course, this website has no problem publishing this.

    • Indeed, they do. Sometime what you get online is more expensive than what travel agents get. And the ease of doing business with a brick-and-mortar company and seeing your agent face to face. And also, the part of paying in local currency with a check. Your local agent can take away lots of the stresses of online bookings.

      • You always a run your bad breath. Ask Hells Gate who did their tickets and this story broke before the 1st.

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