Local groups celebrate withdrawal of Antigua’s bid to resume commercial whaling


Local environmental groups congratulate the Government of Antigua  &  Barbuda for  withdrawal of the  

‘Resolution for the Implementation of a Conservation and Management Program for Whale Stocks Aimed Towards the Lifting of the Moratorium and Orderly Development of the Whaling Industry’ 

Earlier in the week  SIX local  environmental  groups   joined  forces and  sent a  letter to The Honourable Prime Minister Gaston Browne  and  copied  the  Honorable  Minister of  Tourism  Charles Max Fernandz   requesting that Antigua and Barbuda withdraws this Resolution  presented to the IWC  and reverse the  pro-whaling  position of the country within the IWC going forward.   On the afternoon of   September  26th the  resolution was  withdrawn by  Antigua and Barbuda Whaling Commission  Daven Joseph  stating  “ Antigua  &  Barbuda and a number of  interested governments and  NGos  met and   we were not able to move the resolution  froward in there of it receiving concensiust .  The  intention of  Antigua and barbuda  is to  withdraw the resolution at this time.”     The  Environmental groups were  very concerned  at the  ramifications  this  resolution could have  in a number  of areas  ton include  reintroduction of commercial whaling which would  result in  removal of whales from the environment. 

Whales are  essential for the health and productivity of the  marine ecosystems, playing a vital role in nutrient cycling and supporting a rich diversity of marine life.  Their feeding habits stimulate phytoplankton growth, the foundation of the marine food web, ensuring health and productivity in marine ecosystems.       In a statement from ABITP PRO  Martha Watkins Gilkes   who speareheaded  the  groups coming together   commented “ It is heartwarming  to   see  something positive happen  regarding the protection of the marine environment with all the negative  things around us.  Anything that can be done to protect the marine environment is a  win win.   It has been awsome to see how many  Antiguans have taken a stand against  this pro whaling stand.”    

The groups who joined in  include 




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  1. A very good commendable stance on the part of the environmental groups, and the consciousness of good governance working in unison to hearkened to the voices of the people’s will.

  2. Badly conceive from the onset and was always heading for a defeat. An embarrassing, troublesome and humiliating blow which made us look like idiots in the international arena.

  3. This is very misleading news article as the withdrawal of the resolution had absolutely nothing to do with the opportunistic critics of the resolution and its intent. The resolution was co-sponsored by many countries and received the support of several other countries including the United States. With or without the support of Antigua and Barbuda, I will continue to promote the rights of countries to utilize their marine resources sustainably. An attack on this principle is an attack on the way of life of fisher folks and coastal communities the world over including the fishermen of Antigua and Barbuda. My voice is embedded within my expertise and professionalism and not the opportunistic values and political intent of the critics. I will have a lot to say about the cynical intent of those environmental Opportunists who continue to pillage Antigua and Barbuda natural resources for their benefit, especially Eli Fuller and Martha Watkins Glikes. More to come. Then I will speak on my behalf and not on behalf of my government.


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