PM Browne not in favour of death penalty?


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  1. They need to bring back the death penalty for this wicked people that kill and children taking Children of the street and killing them.

  2. They need to be torture to death!¡!! Please they deserve it!!!! You can’t let them go sit in prison just suh it’s not right we the ppl feeding them with tax money it not right

  3. Did the pm say there is legal impediment?
    Ummmmmmm Mr pm. That’s what cabinet is for.
    When you guys wanted the 40% . There was a legal impediment. But now their isn’t .Now we want the death penalty. Fix it.

  4. Would yall who talking about death penalty
    Like to be up for a death penalty or would yall like for yall famitly to be up for DP
    God give life and only god takes life
    It’s just sad what happen to the little girl
    God says vengeance is mine
    (signifies that God, not humans, is the ultimate judge and avenger, and He will ensure justice is served in His own time and way)

    Rip Little Angel 👼

  5. We don’t care about the legalities – We want what we want and that is the death penalty!

    Police can tear gas us for peaceful protesting!
    Police can assault an 82 year old man!
    Police can mis-handle nonviolent citizens!
    Government can gorge out our eyes with endless taxation….

    But we can’t get the death penalty.

    Only if it serves the agenda of the government then it’s lobbied for and enforced!

    Tell me Mr. PM had this senseless, heinous crime hit close to home – would you want the criminals living off our tax dollars in 1735.

    As Easter approaches do what Pontius Pilate did in the bible – give the public the option to decide which prisoner we save and which one we say off with their head!

    The blood will be on our shoulders!

  6. If they won’t just do as the lady did to the guy who killed her daughter. Take a gun to court then shoot her when u go up to make ur plee.

  7. Unfortunately we live in a global community govern mostly by our former slave masters who don’t support the death penalty. Look at what they are doing to the former president of the Philippines. The international court have him on trial for protecting his country from drug dealers.


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