LIAT: We are working behind the scenes to return the Blue Tails to Caribbean skies and connect you to family, friends and your favourite destinations.
We will announce our limited flight schedules, routes and policies (including the use of credits and pending refund requests) in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
#BackToCaribbeanSkies #ConnectingTheCaribbean #LIAT #OurCaribbeanAirline #TeamBlueTail
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Hummmm credit who wants credit at this time people need their CASH back not vouchers to be put back in the same situation 2 or 3 months down the line all that money that was taken up during the lockdown over eleven (11)million us dollars Should have been freeze from Day one so that no body could touch it none of you greedy POLITICIANS NOR CROOKED LAW MAKERS take it upon themselves to act on behalf of all those workers and the ticket holders who in the first place does keep the workers employed I normally fly in July so if them issue me with a credit or vouchers who’s to say that they would be around at that time so their you go back in the same situation all over again.
So LIAT is the only airline in the history of the world that offered passengers vouchers in a circumstance like this one. Or any other situation. Please go and do some research.
Is it usually the policy of ANY airline to do as you are suggesting?
@observer let me guess your not a ticket holder.
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