LIAT 2020 Set to Soar: First Flight Marks New Chapter


Tomorrow, Tuesday marks a milestone for Caribbean aviation as LIAT 2020 begins its first scheduled flight. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at V.C. Bird International Airport at 8:30 a.m.

The inauguration ceremony, held tonight at Sandals Grand Resort, featured Prime Minister Gaston Browne, Tourism Minister Charles Fernandez, and Air Peace representatives, who all endorsed the new airline.

After extensive efforts and negotiations, LIAT 2020 is ready to launch scheduled flights, starting with a journey to St. Lucia. The inaugural flight will carry government officials and media and will be celebrated with a water cannon salute upon arrival.

LIAT 2020, backed by a 30/70 partnership between the government of Antigua and Barbuda and Air Peace, involves an $80 million investment. Air Peace is providing three E145 aircraft, marking a significant step forward for regional connectivity and economic development in the Caribbean.

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  1. With the Gaston Browne administration, a promise made ….. a promise has been kept!

    Let’s hope now, the prices of travelling to the various C’bean islands will be economical especially for the common man.

  2. Evil Glaston and Red Max have the Hearr to be at Sandals after them BAD PLAY the People Two Time. At Long Bay when then use Evil Robert and Daren Bsrret and Dickenson Bay where Royalton Chic Got the Nod years after them claim a Long Term Lease is in place. Hitler U EVIL LIKE HELL. LANNY BOZO .Glaston Hitler. He DUMM DUMMM DUMMMER THAN DUM & DUMMER. Who’s The Head of LIAT 2020. … WAN NIGERIAN FOREIGNER …..NIGERIA WHERE YOU HAVE ALL THESE SCAMP ON THE INTERNET JUKING INNOCENT AND ELDERLY PEOPLE AND. BOKO HARAM …!!!

  3. If you’ve always wanted to know the TRUE definition of an unwavering and unquestionable Gastonite, then read @ Bluddy Bloke’s “idolatry” response.

    More proof that the ABLP is more like a CULT due to the fact that supporters follows a particular leader than an organised and transparent political party.

    So sad for hardworking Antiguans and the country moving forward as a whole …

  4. This is encouraging news for Antigua and Barbuda, and by extension, the Eastern Caribbean. I pray that all will go well as they place all the checks and balances.

    We will be the better for it if as it is being done with high esteem and expectations.

    Our PM was steadfast and unwavering in his administration’s commitment to making it a reality for LIAT to soar the skies once again.

    Despite all the naysayers, we are making significant progress in airworthiness as we connect the Caribbean intentionally.

    I can only give this venture my blessing as I only wish the best for our country.

    May God continue to bless Antigua and Barbuda. 🇺🇸

  5. TEK DAT UPP, BRIXTONIAN,ZACKIE , AUDLEY PHILLIP, KNIGHT , SERPENT , BEEF ( Host ZDK worst show on radio )and all the BLUE KOOLAID drinkers. Put DAT in all you pipe and smoke UM. The WORLD BOSS not afraid to take the bull by the horn and tame UM. LIAT 2020.

    As YOUNG DESTROYER said ( LEAVE Serpent , Shugy and BLUE KOOLAID drinkers to die with UPP.

  6. Everything cannot happen at the same time. Gradually, prices will be affordable to travel on LIAT 2020. Let’s celebrate the moment.

  7. @ BRIXTONIAN….It is about time this Guy ( BRIXTONIAN) be called out. He does not care for anyone. BRIXTONIAN like controversies. LIAT 2020 you said that would never happen, now is a REALITY. PUT DAT IN THICK SKULL. You a ANR CLOWN.

  8. Big up to the WORLD BOSS!!! HON. GASTON A. BROWNE!!!! V-I-S-I-O-N-A-R-Y !!!!!

    Congratulations to all who made it possible! Safe flight!

  9. As always, Brixtonian locating – and finding – the achilles heels of the USUAL Gaston Browne cult members; and putting he 🥸 before the betterment of Antigua & Barbuda.


  10. Poor @ (ERIC THE RED), he just doesn’t know the difference between freedom of speech and being “controversial” as he wrongly puts it.

    Everything that I write on these ANR threads is all about putting the country first as a patriot. Nobody wants to reside here where there is no political transparency or accountability.


  11. BRIXTONIAN does NOT like ANTIGUANS and BARBUDANS. He is against everything Hon. Gaston Browne does for our beautiful twin Island.

  12. @Brixtonian:
    You must admit that you’ve been a pessimist on many things that are good for Antigua and Barbuda.

    I can tell that you have your personal gripe with the PM, but to be fair, you have not demonstrated that you can be objective on almost any subject.

    Please understand the backlash from contributors who don’t agree with your vehement stance on so many levels.
    Cheers, my fellow man.

  13. Will LIAT 2020 be serving at least free water? I know snacks and sandwiches are for purchase. No?
    Where’s Washee? They do have males and females sophisticated waitresses, so, why not Tranees in the mix too?
    What can I say about those former LIAT workers from Antigua & Barbuda? They deserve all of their monies Gaston. Will they have to wait like the Half Moon Bay Saga?

  14. Dr. Ray,
    You are blessing people now? You have gone from pomade hairdresser to religious minister? There are 70 thousand Antiguans and Barbudans who needs to pull up out of poverty. Half of whom lives from paycheck to paycheck.
    The elites, migrant grifters, and politically connected are the only beneficiaries of any rosy economic forcast.


    Say what you like, the colorfully adorned ‘…LIAT HOSTESSES,’ speaks to a feeling of optimism.


    Moreover, these, seemingly ‘…Three Smiling Antigua and Barbuda Belles,’ not only take the limelight, but also good reasons of ‘…CONNECTIVITY’ for regional people to go ‘…ISLAND-HOPPING.’


    Even so, there are two things that appear:

    (i) ‘…Sustainably and operationally troubling: and

    (ii) …Its economic viability to the nation, considering the clearly ‘…IMBALANCED 30/70%
    Partnership/Ownership’ [Paragraph 4].


    Though not necessarily pessimistic, with ‘…AIR PEACE’ providing the ‘… Three-E145 Air Carriers’ [Paragraph 4], the nation’s apparent ‘…TOKEN OWNERSHIP,’ the ‘…Fundamental Question’ shall still be asked: ‘…How long would this ‘…Imbalanced Partnership’ last?’


  16. Yes we need a Lait in the Caribbean,no doubt about it, but many of us who have voiced our displeasure, did it towards this dumb inept Government.

    Don’t get it twisted folks as we grind our teach and hope that this terrible 30/70 deal at a deficit of 80mil ( and I bet it’s more than that) benefits and enhance our island.

    So don’t sit there and act like this is good deal that was struck here, it’s a terrible deal, and I just hope all the true numbers are revealed, so the hard working citizens of Antigua and Barbuda can keep abreast with its development.

    That’s all we’ve been asking from this Corrupt government.

    We have seen their bad economic deals before, and these Nigerians have out played Gatson Browne and his terrible math.

    So let’s just hope.

  17. Good evening @ ERIC THE RED and Dave; please accept my sincere apologies for not getting back to you, I was enjoying the Last Lap of carnival.

    Wonderful costumes and beautiful women.

    I’ll address you first ERIC. First of all, I love my fellow Antiguans, and if you follow my posts, all I want is the best for all of us living here.

    Gaston Browne must ensure that we aren’t overburdened with unfair taxes, and then make this government accountable and transparent.

    Because of this (and other discrepancies) he doesn’t deserve to lead this great country.

    And now to you Dave Ray:


  18. BTW, why don’t the two of you read @ We the people has written earlier … I couldn’t have put it better myself of who the REAL beneficiaries are in Antigua & Barbuda.


  19. Not so fast Labourites. Did the World Dunce not try this before? LIAT flew before for what six months? Not only was it a complete failure, tax payers were propping the alleged airline up to the tune of something like half a billion dollars monthly?
    Let’s see what happens. I think this is just another airline/ground faking. The DAWG has never ran a successful business in his life. He’s not about to start. Just ask the 220 million dollar deficit he has plunged the country into.
    If LIAT couldn’t turn a profit when Antigua and Barbuda controlled 100% please explain to me how it will owning 30%?

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