LIAT 2020 says embattled Air Peace CEO does not own LIAT 2020



In light of recent speculations and misinformation regarding the ownership and structure of LIAT (2020) Limited, we believe it is important to provide clear and accurate information to our valued customers, partners, and stakeholders.

At LIAT (2020) Ltd, transparency and our commitment to regional connectivity remains at the forefront of our operations.

This statement serves to address any misconceptions and reaffirm our dedication to delivering exceptional customer experience across the Caribbean.

LIAT (2020) Limited, a local company incorporated under the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, is a joint venture between between the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GOAB) and Air Peace Caribbean Limited (APCL) another local company incorporated under the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda.

The shareholding structure is 30% for the GOAB and 70% for APCL.

It is important to clarify that APCL is an entirely separate entity from Air Peace Nigeria Ltd. Mr. Allen Onyema, the CEO of Air Peace Nigeria Ltd, holds no shares, directorship, nor is he involved in APCL or LIAT (2020) Ltd.

LIAT (2020) Limited wishes to reassure its stakeholders, that the company’s ownership and operations have not been impacted by the incorrect speculations regarding Mr. Onyema.

We emphasise that Mr. Onyema has no ownership stake in LIAT (2020) Ltd, and such claims are completely unfounded as they do not exist.

As we continue our mission to provide reliable flight services throughout the region, we are grateful for the ongoing support of our customers, stakeholders and partners. We remain committed to delivering the best, exceptional customer experience, as we strive to connect the Caribbean and SOAR!

For further inquiries, please contact our communications team at: [email protected]

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  1. It is passing strange that Air Peace Caribbean Ltd. which owns 70% of LIAT2020 carries the same two words at its forefront as Air Peace Nigeria. It would suggest that APCL could be a subsidiary of APN.
    If that is not the case then who owns ACPL?

  2. Liat2020 trying to take Antiguans for fools. The alleged criminal may not be a direct shareholder of LIAt 2020 because there is a likely corporate ownership structure in place but you better believe he is the ULTIMATE BENEFICIAL OWNER. That means that when you dig down into who owns all of these companies that lead to the ownership of Liat2020, it is the alleged criminal.

  3. Oh come on! You can tell the Labourites this kind of murky, twisted, distorted crap, but sensible citizens, not influenced by the red cool aid, know better.
    All along you promoted a 70/30 agreement, now you’re retracting it? If this is what you claim, then publish the agreement with the Nigerian.
    You are all just a bunch of compromised, cowardly puppets,following orders. This Air Peace CEO saga goes back to 2019.
    Just publish the agreement for all to see.

  4. Time will tell if LIAT 2020 was just another front to hide the alleged “fraud” Mr.Onyema is accused of.

    Unfortunately, Nigerians and fraudsters often seems to go hand in hand.

    I sincerely hope Antiguans & Barbudans will not become victims of another Nigerian scam…#AntiguaAirways

  5. Like we who warned Gatson Browne and his bunch of merry men, didn’t know this was coming.

    The same bobols this Nigerian pulled in the US, it’s the same bobols he’s pulling here, and this inept so-called minister of finance we got here fall for the shculdugery.

    The question that always remain, but never to be answered is..

    Why does Gatson Browne love to stroke deals with these unscrupulous characters?

    That’s the only unanswered question about this PM up to date.

    Birds of a feature flocked together..this PM is as corrupt as they comes.

    Who y’all think you fooling. Smdh.

  6. Run folks! Run Antiguans Run! Run for your sanity if you let this 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
    rain on you like manna from heaven.

  7. What they were hoping to here and speculations yesterday by Mutt and Jeff on the other radio station during the midday programming was all hell is going to break loose and Liat and Gaston Brown but the dunce who can’t spell was spelling and speculating doom and gloom all afternoon just spreading fake news on the airwaves baiting his like minded callers to be ignoramuses poor chap but thanks for the good news God is good

  8. The Press Release clearly suggests that whoever are the entities that issued it; are of the belief that Antiguans and the wider Caribbean people are a bunch of dumb ass idiots.
    I don’t believe that for a second. I just believe they are not fighting for their best interests.

    For five years now I have been pointing out that all of the missives issued by the Gaston Browne Government and published as news, about LIAT 2020 and its Air Peace made no sense.
    The Government of Antigua took over the CDB loan outstanding of $60 to $80 for the two aircrafts that were part of LIAT 1974 fleet. Sometimes it was stated to be $60 million at other times $80 million.
    Further the Government of Antigua refurbished two older aircraft which included rebuilding the engines.
    Chet Greene goes to Lagos, Nigeria and signs an agreement wherein Air Peace is supposed to own 70% of LIAT 2020 and Air Peace owns 70% of LIAT 2020.

    For its 70% ownership Air Peace agreed to supply two small jets to LIAT2020 fleet.
    Later on this strange arrangement enters the world of the bizarre when LIAT sold its hanger and terminal facilities to Air Peace. No announcement I recall of the sale price.

    Air Peace supplies a CEO consistent with its majority/control ownership. Antiguans has been running LIAT for how many years and the new CEO is not an Antiguan. See an Antiguan will not hold on to the secrets of the arrangement

    As usual, none of these agreements and well as the side agreements are available or were issued as were the bogus MOUs with China.

    All of a sudden, we are being told “Mr. Allen Onyema, the CEO of Air Peace Nigeria Ltd, holds no shares, directorship, nor is he involved in APCL or LIAT (2020) Ltd”.

    As strange as that statement may appear it; it may begin to open the door to who really owns LIAT2020.

    I have always contended that Mr. Onyema or entities he controls are holding shares in LIAT 2020 for other parties not as yet disclosed. For me, Chet Greene signing the agreement in Lagos Nigeria with a paucity of information trickling out most of which makes no sense says a lot.
    At the end of the day, will Gaston Browne tell the people who are the owners of LIAT2020

  9. The fact that this Press Release was by LIAT 2020 ( a company without a spokesman or woman is issuing statements. Was there no cabinet Meeting on Tuesday 14th October? Are there no Cabinet Notes?

    The crisis is enveloping the Antigua Government who is slowly becoming the laughingstock of the Eastern Caribbean who wants to be like St Baths.

    Leave Barbuda alone, and go deal with your crisis. We will not allow you to misuse us to bail you out follies.

  10. @ Damn if we do damn if we dont …
    You are simply dumb is see, and Dummer if you try to think…. deal with the issue at hand


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