LETTER: Working in a toxic environment


Dear Editor,

Several months ago, I made a conscious decision to migrate from the private sector and seek employment with a statutory board, in order to fill a vacant position as a Human Resource Administrator.

So far,  since I have been employed for the said statutory board, I must admit that I am a bit flabbergasted to see how the harmony among the staff, differs from that of the private establishment, where I last worked.

What peeked my interest even more, is the several cliques that have been formed within the establishment and the low moral among the staff. According to my instincts, I have concluded that this is perhaps a culture throughout the public and statutory sectors.

Interestingly, I further realized that persons have very little motivation and enthusiasm to be on the job site. It is evident that persons are  reporting to their jobs only because it is solely a main source of income to put bread & butter on their table.

From my vantage point, many persons have become withdrawn on the job, and to acquire personal comfort, they have created their own bubble to work in throughout the work day. The cliques and the withdrawals, have developed a tense and inconducive working atmosphere, hence some employees are finding themselves not talking to each other.

Prior to my employment with the statutory board,  I have always heard that the public sector / statutory boards lacks synergie and the camaraderie among the staff. Certainly, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I am now getting first hand experience.

As time passes by, I am beginning to understand as to why the work environment  within the public and statutory establishments are so toxic. The crunch of the matter is that  persons are been prejudiced and discriminated against by their superiors. Some persons are blatantly being overlooked for promotions.

Of course,  there is no organization that has a perfect working environment. The culture, the rules, and policies of the said organization will not all resonate with every employee within the establishment. As a result, descrepencies and ill feelings will develop.

Inspite of the fact that the toxic atmosphere do exist within the private sector, the toxicity that I am presently witnessing, seems to be more prevalent  & pronounce within the public or statutory sectors.  The question is asked why?

Surprisingly, it is of the view that many of these government establishments are used as social programs. Persons get jobs & promotions from having close political ties with politicians. Others may have close relationships with those in the hierarchy. Others, may be propelled up the corporate ladder. At the end of the day,  some persons sometimes end up as square pegs placed in round holes.

Of course,  all mouths should be fed. But it is very blatant that some persons are treated with disrespect and hence, are been overlooked or sideline and not given the justice that is duly due to them. Others are looked down on in a condescending manner because of their social & economic background. 

Obviously, if workers feel disenfranchised and are not given that respect and justice that is due to them, then the human element of dissatisfaction will surface. From every action, a reaction will subsequently follow, which can leave the organization’s production output not to be at its optimum.


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  1. Frans,Giselle Isaac and Jackie Quinn are the 3 most hateful Antiguans I ever met. TOXIC, BITTER, PESSIMISTIC,

  2. Quite an interesting read…… !! ” Round pegs found in square holes ” Eat & drink & have friends in high places and your bread will surely be buttered.

  3. I hear your concerns. As an educated individual with teenaged sons, I have been trying to get a job for a long time now. Been trying for years to get a government job ( teaching, administration, etc.). However, it seems like that old saying, ‘ Tek wah you get, until you get wah you want, ‘ no longer works. I keep getting told I’m over qualified for most hotel, restaurant, store, and other jobs. The ones within my qualifications think somehow, I’ve been a stay at home mom for too long and, therefore won’t adjust back to the workforce. Rubbish. I just want to work people. Somebody gave you a chance, so remember that and give someone else a chance.

    Anyway Alex, I said all that to say, help make it the much needed change in the public sector by hiring people like myself, who actually want to work. I have over 16 years in insurance, banking, real estate, etc., and still get looked over. Meanwhile lazy individuals with poor attitudes and bad work ethic keep getting hired. The hiring process has deteriorated so much over these past years.

    If there’s any old school HRs out there, who still know how to spot real hardworking people, please let me know.

  4. @Alex

    This is quite confusing. If you are hired as an HR Administrator, then you are part
    Of the mechanism that should create a positive environment for employees. Further, if you can’t influence the decisions of senior management to act in the best interest and consideration of staff (taking the holistic view of the institution into play) then maybe you’ve just fallen into the cycle of doing the job because it’s your sole income.

  5. Yall should visit hospital. If you have not been to uwi, AGHS, affiliated with the HR or her concubines, you WILL be overlooked. Clear nepotism. She’s hiring all her friends, her friends are hiring their friends when qualified hard working individuals are being overlooked. Up there is going down. The staff is demotivated, it doesn’t matter how many years you have, how many qualifications you acquire, if you’re not affiliated with the HR, Dawg better dan you up day.. Somebody call a town hall meeting, plenty people have issues, some afraid to talk, some talk and get cast aside and victimized. Somebody look into the clear favoritism and nepotism happening at SLBMC. R we a beg jack. PLEASE

  6. Beautifully written and the point that stands out that is FACTS is that persons are blatantly looked over for promotions because of:
    1. Political affliation
    2. Who they sleeping with
    3. And the cliques they are apart of in the offices.
    But don’t you know, they did not get it honestly and they will sutely fail and what is for a man he must get it.
    I was a victim of this and funny enough these people have not prospered inspite of their promotions, as you said Square pegs in round holes.

  7. My friend people hire their cronies then those cronies recommend other cronies and the cycle keeps repeating itself, I know I used to work in a business where someone with authority used to hire their friends or someone who was a relative the business was run into the ground

  8. Ain’t this what happens when politicians give U a job. As someone said put up or shut up. This is exactly what U wanted Alex. Ah minion U be so what u expect!!!

  9. This is why government should not be in the business of employing people. They should let the private sector handle most everything. Inefficiencies, bad moral.. they exist in the private sector, however the private sector is better at weeding out bad employee’s and should do a better job at motivating the good ones. Our civil service should be limited to a % of GDP, the the economy does better.. hire more.. if it does worse then time to face reality of real life

  10. I think post-slavery mindsets and socioeconomic factors play a role. Many people here are obsessed with proving they are important so social status is important to them. They live their lives in competition with others to prove they are better. They scheme to get high positions not because they care about the work/task/advancing the organisation. They just want to show off. Then they start to power trip. Creating cliques with their friends and pushing others around is part of their power-tripping. Some don’t seek those positions for status but just for money, some for both reasons. They all feel threatened by those who do care about the job because it makes them look bad. So, they also attack those persons more. With all their showing off, they are never truly happy. They don’t know how to truly relax and enjoy life. They miss out on quality interactions with interesting people because they are too busy competing. They miss out on being part of meaningful progress in society because they don’t really try to do the job. It’s all an act. They make other people’s lives worse because they don’t use their positions to do the good they could do. There are other countries in which people cooperate better instead of competing all the time.

  11. Boy Alex,

    I work in a very toxic private sector, also motivated by politics, greed and sexual favors.

  12. imagine obtaining your degree from actual hard work and they have you doing mediocre-next to nothing work in a government office. When inquiring about a promotion, the chief ignores you and bad talks you with everyone that gives a listening ear (when I have never done nothing wrong and not gossiping about people). That chief is so bad mind when it comes to young people thriving in that department, mean spirited bxtch. God don’t play about me, when people set out to hurt me, believe that!

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