LETTER: Who Silenced the Billboard Bandit?


Dear Editor

I was starting to get a kick out of the billboard bandit’s shenanigans and his attempts to help Jack Stroll reclaim his money from the Global Bank of Commerce.

But now he’s disappeared, leaving me to set aside my popcorn and put on my thinking cap.

I can’t help but wonder if he ran out of cash, considering the cost of putting up those massive billboards only to have them taken down by the DCA.

The billboard bandit, who many suspect was in cahoots with Stroll, has suddenly halted his creative antics of putting up these hilarious billboards while the whole country was fast asleep.

I’m left pondering whether Stroll actually got his money from the bank or if the powers that be offered him a “hush money” deal.

Inquiring minds want to know.

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  1. I suspect one of the following:
    1) He got paid his money
    2) The Courts told him to hush as the matter was already being dealt with and needed to follow the due process

    Either way, it’s NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Why would someone’s nastiness be so “hilarious” to you? You really love ugly so much? Disgraceful that this is a soap opera and mere entertainment to you.

  2. @ SMH

    Why are you defending dishonesty or brazen fraud.
    Gaston wants people to believe he’s squeaky clean, but ALL Antiguans and Barbudans know otherwise. And BTW it is our DAM BUSINESS because its taxpayers monies being withheld by these unscrupulous characters.
    Love UGLY all you dam fools do everyday is defend the indefensible. This country will go to the dawgs

  3. @Dunce
    What are you going on about? How is someone’s deposits and the interest they earn at a bank taxpayer’s money??? It’s a good thing that you would rather be a dunce, because it’s clear you don’t have a clue!

  4. Our young daughters are being murdered. Our businesses and citizens are being terrorised by gangs and unscrupulous vermin… and all you are concerned with is the lack of entertainment from a private dispute between an insanely rich person and his bank?

    How tone deaf can you get?

  5. The Canadian Income Tax department is coming for him for hiding all this money off shore from them. He has some jail time coming in Canada and will also have to explain the source of funds to the Canadians.

  6. This is a country where its citizens suffers from a form of collective Alzheimers. They are also a people lacking emotional intelligence and suffers from short memory.
    The question should be. What happened to the 100 questions that Bryant Stewart-Young had to answer to the Court in an effort to find out what’s happening at the Global Bank.
    The status of billboard bandit is a typical question for the emotional inmature.
    The bank seems to be failing. The regular authorities seems to be asleep. Stoll was having a hard time getting his money. Barbuda never got the $1,000,000 gift for Irma hurricane relief gift.
    Trevor is no longer concerned about that for his new mansion on Antigua is under construction.
    That’s why Gaston rape you people repeatedly day after day.
    We want no Bulgarians money. Keep your hands off our land.

  7. @Sue (Gaston and cronies)

    I am as Dunce as you, because if you were bright you will see that this corrupt government and its cronies are involved in all sort of shenanigans to rip people and tax payers off their hard earned money and not defrauding them.
    You have not even said a word about the theft of the $1,000,000.00 that was huffed from the hurricane relief. Gaston came out and defended the bank and its ’esteemed’ director and promised to compensate the Barbudans for it, so where would the money be coming from you fool if it is not from the tax payers?
    Do not patronise us Mr PM

  8. @Sue
    You seem to call others dunce quite quickly but…..when governments “rescue” financial institutions (or in our case even cinemas) what moneis do you think are used to do so??…..who is the “dunce” again?….remind me

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