Dear Editor,
As human beings, at some point in our lives, we find ourselves abusing a privilege that has been given to us. It reminds me of a song writer who penned in his song, ” many persons are given a yard, but instead, they take a mile”.
Although such abusive behavior can be attributed to human nature, there comes that time, when enough should be enough especially if the protocols of the day have been breached.
Presently, there is a well known radio personality, who host a talk show program, nightly. For me, the show can be very entertaining & informative, however, I am led to wonder, as if a license has been granted to the said radio host, to have the privilege to rattle off like diarrhea, derogatory idioms, whenever the talk show is been aired.
Where as the derogative expressions do garner some attention, in my view, operating in such manner, seems to be extremely obnoxious, rude, simple minded, ill mannered & very disrespectful, to us, the people of Antigua and Barbuda. Clearly, it shows the low vocabulary level of the radio host.
It is true, that our constitution gives every resident & citizen the right to freedom of speech. However, whatever a persons says, should be done in a responsible manner, especially when it is done in the public domain such as on the electronic airwaves.
From my vantage point, the PM seems to be a personal target for the radio host. Ever so often, the PM is being referred to as the browne dog, which to me is used in a derogative manner in contrast to what the PM had referred to himself as the Top dawg.
Such behavior needs to be addressed sooner than later. How much longer will the authorities allow such unsavoury behavior be allowed. It is certainly putting the radio station in disrupute & definitely, disrespecting the PM and the nation to the highest degree.
As a citizen of Antigua & Barbuda, I feel very hurt. Our PM should not be disrespected in such manner. Every other Antiguan should feel hurt also. I must ask where is our national pride?
Whether the PM is personally liked or not, as the head of state, the PM needs to be given the respect that is duly deserving and be addressed in a proper manner, especially by the persons who live here. I think that whenever anyone is caught disrespecting our Governor General, our Prime Minister or any other public official in such uncouth manner in the public domain, they should be reprimanded and be dealt with accordingly.
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I keep saying this. It’s very distasteful. People want respect from others, but thinks it’s OK to disrespect others as it pleases them. Whether you like a person or not, that’s your business, but learn to respect others.
I am so tired of it.
He is too much of a drama queen. DMW detailed his bullying tactics and even after complaining to management repeatedly, the snake did nothing!!! So thats why DMW packed up his georgie bungle and fled the scene. He is a “Fat Albert” bully in an orange prison jump suit seeking attention. Somebody even said that he is the type to pretend to look after old people so that when them dead, he swoop in and get them money.
He is a nasty vagabun. Behave worse than the 2 woman cussing on Green Bay Hill.
Respect needs to come from BOTH sides and asspects and the PM is not one who shows decorum at most levels. When he begins to treat people the way he wants to be treated, ONLY THEN will he be shown the proper protocols
The goose and the gander.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I’m quite sure that if lies were detected lawyers would be separating the liars from the truth-tellers. Those in so called authority lies to the people day in, day out. Let’s just go to their Manifestoes, their cooked books and quick books.
We need to start requiring that Public Officials take a Lie Detector Test, in Public.
ABS-TV can produce a Realty TV Show called #HONEST_POLITICIAN!
Respect is a two 🔛way avenue; not a One Way ⬅️ Private Drive, when you’re a private citizen much less, a trusted Public Official.
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏾Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
“Whether the PM is personally liked or not, as the head of state, the PM needs to be given the respect that is duly deserving and be addressed in a proper manner, especially by the persons who live here.”
Where is our national pride? Really, Alex?
You seem to be looking in a one-way mirror. This man, the Prime Minister, goes on the radio and week after week malign citizens in the most awful manner. Call a woman village bicycle, tell a parliamentary representative he will thump him in his face, etc.
Obviously, you love your faux god, but please, don’t you feel bad about the things he says and does?
Or is it that you believe it is OK for him to say and do them, but nobody must say anything but praise about him?
He is a model for the nation. They speak and act as he does.
It’s a very sad situation,but i heard the saying that in Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬, anything goes,but i honestly believe that when it comes unto public figure everyone should show respect or be respected by others, regardless of our political affiliations…
Well maybe you can borrow a “jarz” from Miss Knigt. Joan say fu she min too tight, so Miss Knight give she a bigger one.
and something about when Miss Knigt get de “JACKET”
Alex, you need to shit from your ass and not your mouth
Alex from XPZ???? If a he, you better careful he nah bun dung ya house 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is exactly why some in Antigua will never rise to prominence! They are more comfortable and seem to enjoy the cesspool in which they thrive, so that whatever is WRONG, DISTASTEFUL, NASTY, DEMEANING and BASE, are heralded as right, normal, correct and worthy of emulation. Truth be told, we have allowed ourselves to become a ghetto- oriented society in thoughts, word and actions.
QUO VADIS, my beloved Country?
Respect is earned, not given. Respect is not something that is automatically owed to someone simply because they exist but rather, it must be actively gained through positive actions, character and consistent behaviour. Essentially, you need to demonstrate qualities that warrant respect from others to receive it.
Our political landscape in Antigua and Barbuda is extremely toxic. It is divisive and poisonous. Whether it is in Parliament, on radio stations or on social media, very little is left to be said about each other and in the most ludicrous and farcical manner. What we see emanating on the radio , in social media and elsewhere is the direct result of the utterances of the politicians on both sides of the political axis. It is the very culture that the politicians create. It is sad and bitter but it has become the order of the day.
Did you respect the Dominican beauty Queen?
“Audley Phillip told Dominica News Online that the young woman spent over $10,000 on his credit cards as well as making phone calls to Germany and England costing over $4,800.”
ALEX, you must be some kind of special idiot, who in this country is more disrespectful than Gaston Browne, he takes it to another level he uses his bully pulpit because he believes he’s untouchable, I never hear you complain when he does it. Hypocrites like you is why we are where we are. Nobody should be doing it period. My brother respect is earned
Dear Brother Alex: As into each life, a little rain must fall. And ye too shall be known, and, be judge by your deeds. We live in a democratic society and, not an autocratic state. Freedom of speech is a subjective purview of natural law, and is universal. It is not giving, but assured in any free state, and is not to be censored or, coerce. It is the perogative of the individual to be self constraint and not be malignant in offering their conscientious dictate without malice or capricious avarice: whether it is pertinent to an elected or appointed person in an official capacity: as long as it is not defamatory. I find it disingenuous for you to be selective in your critique of one member of the media personalities, when so many other is uttering despicable discourses while in offcai capacity and, befitting of the public’s scrutiny. You might do well, if you address the vexing maladies that afflicted the masses with no chosen platform; from which to vent their personal discontent. Please: be mindful that an option is like an a…s–hole. And that: every–body has one fitting for the same function as to fart and, fart free. Judge not, less ye too might be judged. As I stand: and thus accused. But, for the thought that counts: express yourself. For hurt that is mental too.
In full agreement with the writer. Neither should our elders be disrespected. Another mouthpiece on that same radio station is known for calling our elders Rag-Tag!!! Gad cuss pon dat station day.
If the top slack, the bottom haffu slack too. The managing director disrespectful to women, so what u expect. winston must be rlling over in his grave!
When the wrong comes from the head they condone the wrong and laugh when the citizens does it, there is condemnation. We have a generation of hypocrites! I believe in respecting everyone regardless of social status gender,or color. When we see wrong we need to condemn it from all angles no matter who, or what is doing it
Well said Audley Philip. Respect is a two way Street. The Prime Minister needs to check himself. Look at his reflection in the mirror. SATAN cannot correct Sin. The Radio personnel needs to do likewise. SHAME, SHAME and more SHAME. Where are the Religious Ministers, Preachers and the others who call themselves Christians? THEY ALL WILL SPLIT HELL WIDE OPEN.
I somehow suspect Alex might be a member of the Lickspittle Brigade so he sees things with a jaundiced eye
I am sorry, but it cannot be a one street either. Sorry to say that the PM does alot of degrading n no one sau anything or call him out. This is the SAD part. Stop listening n all well be well. Point blank!!!
This the dumbest shit I’ve seen being disrespectful is not a crime, you can curse a policeman and not get jailed for it. There is 0 laws broken and as a public figure its even harder to get someone for libel and slander.