LETTER: Welcome Back Mr. Knight


Dear Editor,


We are delighted that Mr. Knight is back, after months of anticipation. He sounds well rested and returned with so much vigor and vitality.


He broke records on Thursday Night with Shugy as his guest and reminded us about what is missing in our political and social discourse in Antigua and Barbuda.


Knight is a breath of fresh air, at a time when Antiguans and Barbudans are frustrated and sick and tired of the ABLP rhetoric. We face a lack of water, no jobs for our young people, late pay for pensioners and the worse roads to be found in the Caribbean.


There are so many things plaguing this nation and Mr Knight remains vigilant in keeping the issues on the front burner. Knight keeps the fire burning and provides the information in its purest form. You get to hear paid mercenaries, in their own voices, spew nonsense and “pappy show” themselves.


These third-rate minions can no longer be reckless with their mouths, because Knight chronicles everything using Alexa. Knight forces them to listen to themselves, over and over. His recordings are well researched, consistent and relevant.


And don’t forget the music. It is a small but excellent playlist that reinforces his message over and over again. Knight runs a well oiled machine that is sharp and targeted. His choice of music just underscores his thought provoking approach.


With every note and every lyric, he hits the nail on the head every time, as he replays the reckless missives and misinformation that the ABLP operatives spew on a daily basis. For most who are busy during the day, Knight has created a one-stop portal where listeners can hear the ABLP paid propaganda.



He serves it well, puts the issues into perspective and helps to drive the message home. So in response to the author of Welcome Back Mr. Knight” … YOU are truly the definition of a “useful idiot.” You are a paid Minion.



If after all this government has done to demean you, insult your mothers and sisters, rob your children of an education (ebook scandal), victimize your men (especially those who use to be men), plunder the treasury, enrich their friends and family while YOUR grandparents cry for their pension.


You’re a useful Idiot. You are focused on Mr. Knight, an ordinary citizen, while Grabston makes unethical side deals with investors, engage in human trafficking, drains our treasury to pay for a stolen Russian yacht. Thanks to Grabston, our tiny nation is the laughing stock of the world! Never have we had so many international scandals.



Or should I say, never have we had such heightened awareness of the scandals. Thanks to Knight! By putting so many issues on the table, he plays a vital role in constantly reminding us about the hypocrisy, lies, mismanagement and waste.




So for all of the people who think it’s ok to curse a party, then join the same party and turn on their original party, Mr Knight has the tapes and receipts to remind us of their hypocrisy and double-dealing. It can be quite entertaining.



We understand why YOU may not be a fan. But Mr. Knight is here to stay. Think about it – If Tanny and company didn’t provide the content, Knight’s show would have little entertainment value. And Mr. Knight’s nerves are just fine. Tune IN or TUNE out on Mon – Fri. The choice is yours!!!


To Mr. Knight … Thank you for being so upbeat as you make your contributions every night. The depth of your coverage helps us connect the dots. At a time when information is so abundant, many fail to process the information.



You are the lie detector and fake news police and you have demonstrated that you understand and care about your audience and why we listen to you.


You have developed a winning formula for modern radio. It’s a combination of being thorough, enthusiastic and loving what you do, while being genuine about it.. and we the listeners can tell that you are having fun.


We appreciate you and we are rolling out the Royal carpet to welcome you back! P.S. We had enough of the ole renegades and we couldn’t imagine going through this by-election without you.


Sincerely Sunbeam

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  1. Well said writer!!
    I loooove mr.knight!!
    So happy he back!!
    I listen every night to him and joan!
    I don’t miss a show!!!
    Time to get rid of the old renegades, the so called dictator
    The old turn coats, the new hypocrite and of course the really old sore foot!
    (Always minding people business)
    Again I saw welcome back sir knight 😆

  2. Wow, the author of this letter is very long winded. I wonder if he or she is now panthing for breath. Fitzroy, who ever he is, is obviously doing a great job in getting you the author to spew hot air in your writing. The fact remains is that Mr. Knight is unprofessional, disrespectful, envious & covetous of Prime Minister Browne….. He need to get his professional house in order by telling us the facts that Gaston Browne & ABLP is salvation to Antigua & Barbuda!!

    • @Bluddy Bloke
      Would sensible people be jealous of a person who steals your money and assets to become a multimillionaire and then say you are jealous of him? I am so sorry for people like you who have been miseducated or on a payroll to betray the people of Antigua.

  3. Ah you just go me one break in this country! Welcome back Mr. Knight. Heads are already rolling and stomachs growling. We really miss your show. You come back just in time for the real action. It’s going to be a nice vibe this election. Roll the clip. Dem old renegades.

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