LETTER: Time for Mr. Knight in the night to resign also


Dear Mr. Knight

Recently, I listened to you on your radio talkshow program and the rumblings made by you certainly indicates your displeasure of what is happening in UPP,  the favorite political party of yours.

There is no doubt that your radio program has a wide listening audience, thus causing you to be an influential figure in our political community.

It is obvious that the subjects discussed on your program have depth & are well researched. However,  because you are not honest enough to speak truth to power against the UPP’s  lies, hate, bitterness & anger towards the Prime Minister and simultaneously, not highlighting the positives that the Gaston  Browne’s administration has done for our country, I think your modus of operandi on your program is a contributing factor towards UPP’s downfall.

I will admit that I find it very ironic that you always claim that you are not a member of UPP or any other political party. However, you always use your talkshow programs each night to bash the PM & the Labour Party & spend very little time to be objective in talking about solutions to deal with the real issues of the country.

Of course, I can imagine how you presently feel seeing the number of resignations within the UPP.  The dwindling of the party as the main opposition political party is surely disheartening & very painful. 

 Perhaps you may have to blame yourself for your unprofessionalism & biasness of not calling a spade a spade within the UPP party. Your influence had meant alot to UPP.

I am not certain if you are the spokes person for UPP,  but it is clear that your advocacies against the Labour party for the past several years has failed & failed miserably.

As a result, similar to those members of UPP who have resigned, I think the time has come  for you to  pack your Georgie bundle and resign too as a radio talkshow host and a presumed advocate of UPP.

Your program in the nights is no longer objective and serving the nation the way it should with truth to power but it has now become useful for only noise making & gutter like entertainment.


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  1. Could not have stated it better – useless political rhetoric no longer serves the people- more people are simply waking up to truth – that is good governance is distinct from a political party- and campaigning via the airwaves- spreading nothing but falsities and shutting out eyes/ ears/ mouth to any real development in the nation isn’t to the best interest of any voter. People are fed up of these guys who just wants power and recognition. Go sit down Knight- like the others- GYPG(p for Penxs)

  2. The author of this letter is right on target. Knight @ night program sounds like a fish market. Time for him to go. We have had enough of him & his female co-host.

  3. Fitzroy, u really have alot of time on your hands to write nonsense! It appears that you are lonely and desperate for attention. How about you try getting a female partner rather than a male? I am sure it will do the trick. Mr. Knight is loved and respected because he talk the truth and he is not affiliated with any party. Mr. Knight is right to call out the fake people and many like the energy he brings to the table. So u need to go kick rocks and stop using Ai to help you write stupid articles because u dont bring anything of value due to your biased thoughts and affliation to Alp… you cannot and will not stop Mr. Knight, he’s a force hahahaha… the irony is u also listen to Mr. Knight…

  4. Knight in his own way has made it clear that he will be a thorn in the UPP flesh until the party makes moves to purge itself of its Wakanda womenfolk who are tearing the party apart.
    He has also made it clear that the ALP is the enemy and he prefers to live under a reforged UPP than the present stench of the ALP.
    There are those who have seen it all and have come to the conclusion that until the UPP seriously address the inequalities in the party; until the leadership of the party goes out the door; until the supporters of the Queendom stop the genuflecting to her and call her out; until the host of the Bush Tea show stop talking out of both sides of his mouth; until the host of the mid morning show on Observer stop playing the family card; until the senior members of the UPP come out manfully and confront the chairman before it all goes to the bottom of the sea;

    and until Chaku, Whenner and Mannix tell the nation about the underhand things they did to get the results they got at the convention,


  5. Well let’s see who will be next, because it was so wrong of him,to always a talk down the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬,even though it is well known that Antigua and Barbuda economy are doing well under the governance of Gaston Browne….the leader of Antigua and Barbuda Labour party. .

  6. KNIGHT is on the right track. He criticizes all sides. He is now criticizing the UPP and they cannot take it. The Convention results were not free and fair despite what you might hear from the Chair. She and she lesbian woman faction in the UPP cannot save the party unless they make serious changes to the leadership. She ah push Pringle for her own sake but UPP cannot win the next election under the present leadership. The UPP better wake up and wake up fast. They need listen to Knight instead of cussing him. They seem to cuss everybody that holds a different view to them.

  7. Since Mr Knight’s “advocacy against the ALP” failed miserably, why did Fitzroy find it necessary to waste precious time & pen this letter? What you say about others is a reflection of yourself, Fitzroy. I’m yet to see a letter by you critiquing the PM & or the ALP. Only a sycophant agrees with everything someone else does. Even the ALP MP’s disagrees with the PM at times.

    So, fanboy Fitzroy, stop projecting!

  8. Another dumb,politically motivated, baseless article from a political prostitute.
    Antigua and Barbuda needs a neutral voice that negates the utterances of political vultures.
    The Labourites are militant to anyone who calls out the failures, nepotism, corruption and idiocy of this ALP government.
    Fitzroy should focus on what is actually happening in this country and not what Gaston Browne perceives it to be. They have a problem with Joan and Magic in Knight’s absence because they called things as they ARE.
    I don’t always agree with Mr. Knight but the impact he’s had highlighting the 10 years of failure of this government is indispensable.
    Keep spilling your garbage Fitzroy, we need a voice like Knight.

  9. Oh Mr. Knight you have become the enermy because you spoke the truth. Press on be a thorn in their flesh. We need a change!!


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