Dear Editor,
It is with profound disbelief that I write to express my concern regarding the recent appointment of Rawdon Turner as Minister of Social Transformation.
This decision is not only perplexing but a glaring misstep in governance at a time when our nation is grappling with critical infrastructure failures and systemic inefficiencies.
Rawdon Turner’s skill set, education, and professional background are deeply rooted in technical disciplines—architecture and construction. This is a young man who has been hailed as one of Antigua’s most promising contractors, a beacon of fresh energy and expertise.
Yet, rather than deploying his talents to address the nation’s glaring issues with public works, roads, and drains, the Prime Minister has seen it fit to relegate him to a portfolio that seemingly ignores his strengths.
The supply of water remains in a disastrous state, with countless communities enduring dry taps for days, if not weeks, at a time. Our road network is crumbling, with potholes and poor drainage systems posing hazards to citizens daily.
These are precisely the areas where Turner’s technical acumen could be leveraged to bring about meaningful change. Instead, he has been sidelined to a role that, while important, does not align with his expertise.
Does this appointment make any sense to the people of Antigua and Barbuda? What rationale could possibly justify sidelining a young, qualified, and energetic individual from addressing the most urgent and pressing technical challenges of our time?
It is laughable, if not outright insulting, that the Prime Minister believes such a move is in the best interest of the nation. One has to wonder: what is really going on in the mind of the Prime Minister? Is this a strategic move for the nation’s benefit, or does it serve some ulterior agenda?
At a time when Antigua and Barbuda needs vision, competence, and bold decision-making, this appointment reeks of shortsightedness.
Yours sincerely,
Sick and Fed Up of the Nonsense.
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Did you read his responsibilities? He has been given the task of the redevelopment of the shithole named St. John’s. We have a capital city that is a disgrace and if he can make a success of this job, then he can be given roads or APUA.
Turner’s biggest problem will be the very powerful and untouchable Chairman of St. John’s Development Corporation, who is doing nothing but will not tolerate interference from Turner.
who is the Chairman of SJDC? Name?
Writer, are you Jamale Pringle (exceptionally dunce)?
Take this for example: “Yet, rather than deploying his talents to address the nation’s glaring issues with public works, roads, and drains, the Prime Minister has seen it fit to relegate him to a portfolio that seemingly ignores his strengths.”
1. You believe an architect = engineer? You believe “technical acumen” automatically applies to ALL things technical? No specialization? You think your mason is an expert roadbuilder too?
2. What do you think “Urban Renewal/Transformation” involves? As someone who will probably send yet another letter under a different name in two weeks about St. John’s, you can’t see the value of Rawdon’s skillset to urban renewal?
3. Do you really believe that Ministries don’t cooperate? Are you aware of any law preventing Mr. Turner from cooperating with works or any other ministry either in the fulfillment of his portfolio or towards the general advancement of the nation?
4. Do you fail to understand that a minister is more of a CEO, responsible for planning and coordination of technical experts and other staff?
5. Since you are so obsessed with explicit alignment between skillsets and ministries, can you tell us what skillset Wilmoth Daniel brought when he was Minister of Health?
There are many more glaring problems with your arguments but I have better things to do this lovely morning.
I am likely to agree with you on certain points in your letter the contents will cause readers to pause and ponder unfortunately in this instance one can only watch and wait
I find the portfolio long but I am sure turner can manage his time. Meanwhile only in Antigua you find mele in everything
You afraid to put your name to your letter /valid and important opinion
My people the Pm don’t want no one to over step him even though you have the mind set and skill s to out shine him, you be put on mare project to show your skills , Pm Browne knows what he’s doing.
Just listen to these dunces trying to blunt the incisive weapon lunged into the UPP’s hindsight. Still reeling from the devastating performance of their unsupported candidate in the recent St Peter by-election, they now resort to minimizing the significance/sense of the portfolio assigned to the HON. RAWDON TURNER, a clear case of their inate ignorance and their still-fresh broken feathers. Hahaha. Knowledgeable, competent people would recognize the YOUNG man’s qualifications, capacity and proven track record of the HON. RAWDON TURNER and his capacity to provide quality leadership in his assigned areas of management. Do not limit this young man’s capacity based on your own unskilled. under qualified. jealousy-laced, limited development. We are already operating at The Next Level! Get on board or get lost in yesterday’s trash.
*hindside aka backside. Correction
Since when are ministers appointed according to their expertise. So the minster of Health should be a doctor? The minister of Agriculture should be a farmer. The minister of education should be a teacher. And what about those none vocational ministries. Your argument writer is so stupid. That is why we always end up with square pegs in round holes. The tedhnicle espertise lies with the persons that are assigned to do the job. The minister set policies. And he/she does that in conjunction with the Cabinet. Serving under the directiuve of the ministers are are the Permanent Secretaries. And not even they have to be technically inclined in the ministry they run. It’s only at the line staff below that you need people with tedhnical ability. What a minisrter needs to do is to make sure Cabinet policies are executed and implemented. With my management expexrience I can run many different companies, because I know how to manage processes and people. When I need technicle knowledge, I hire that. Their are many that are hired and advisors and consultants. When making decisions of a technical nature you should ensure you have expert advice that you can depend on. But you should not blindly implement advise given by your consultant. You must have the capacity to analyse that imformation independantly. Let say the IMF trechnicians advise you to lay off 50% of your Public Servant Workforce in order to balance your books. You cannot just blindly take their advise. You have to analyse and weight that in your countries situation. In other words you should be a good decision maker, with all the information you need. The UPP as we have seen over their period in office was not able to make the right decision. And most of the time the Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer was known for not being able to make any decision at all. zhe was very much afraid to do so. He was a procrastinator.
So writer please do your research and get educated because this Prime Minister Gaston Alphonso Browne has up to this date not made any bad decissions. And appointing Mr. Turner to these ministries I’m sure was not done overnight.
Well, I can’t with these void of common sense mindset. I guess I might be in the wrong profession after some thirty something years, cause my skill set and my degree don’t say anything about it, but I have adapted and is fully competent and functional. Bye buddy!
Come een Obsti…
…two women cussing on Green Bay Hill,
…I go to work, come back; they’re cussing still.
…Carzy Helen and Big Foot Maude!
…I, climb up in the Tamarind Tree, to observe the whole scenery!
…but, sorry Obsti.
…while, I respect your creativity!
…I have to take a walk through St. John’s
…’cause, unlike you, politicians and their followers
…I’m not into #MELEE!
…especially, when there are other things, to do and say!
Read this…
One reason why St. John’s smells like crap, shit, sewage WASTE at times is of course it’s growth and lack of proper long term planning to handle the additional waste which automatically comes with growth.
A…All businesses MUST be made to recycle! In particular restaurants to street vendors must have grease/oil/fats storage bins (by group or individually).
All drains MUST flow to a storage tank which is designed with floats to monitor levels in order for them to be pumped (this is temporary, since, after an updated sewer system is installed, they should all be tied into it).
B…the use of barges to transport waste and trash to a recycling plant comes into play!
Now, the question you may have what RECYCLING PLANT.
Rawdon Turner will understand this…
The two(2) acre sand barge/island west of Antigua MUST become a MADE ISLAND (yes we’ll lose a part of the reef but with due diligence etc, it’s possible), yes a MADE ISLAND designed as an Off Shore Oil Rig, but to perform the task of a WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY.
It’s west of the island therefore the air current will send its odor or what’s left into the atmosphere away from us, yet won’t affect St. Kitts nor Monsterrat nor Barbuda. In addition, today’s WASTE MANAGEMENT & RECYCLING FACILITIES, can produce less harmful waste than landfills.
This is the type of long term infrastructural pollution planning and implementation is what people MUST demand from whomever portfolio carries the responsibility, of moving the Nation forward.
What seems to be happening here, is the shifting and overlapping of responsibility’s these Ministries. It would make more ‘common sense’ due to the size of the Nation and the IMMEDIATE pressing issues, regular/constant potable water supply, infrastructure, waste management etc to establish a SUPER MINISTRY, managed by a BOARD. The constant shifting and overlapping of responsibilities is causing STAGNATION and lack of proper ACCOUNTABILITY. Remember, what Rawdon Turner has been charged with and will attempt to accomplish will take a WHOLE TON A MONEY…
In the mean time…
…it’s just, one tun a melee!
…one ton a #melee’
…me say, one tun a melee
…innah, de news ebrie day!
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De’ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
@Less We Forget the reason why our roads and infrastructure are still in this state of flux is not because FUNDS have not been forthcoming for roads and other infrastructure. We have received GRANTS and taken out LOANS in who the hell knows over the past ten years; yet, his first fuk up of many, to include Antigua Airways, the piss poor management of the healthcare system was his APPOINTMENT OF MARIA BIRD BROWNE over crown lands and the maintenance of public properties. There is hope yet, that there’ll will be forensic auditing beyond the office of the Ombudsman, to get to the bottom of the corruption at the Ministry controlled by Maria Bird Browne. There’s no doubt, that Gaston Browne is cunning, therefore, the reason for giving Rawdon Turner several of the portfolios held by his wife Maria, to absolve her from any liability at those Ministry’s that are so poorly managed by her.
what of George Wehnner’s appointment? any promotion from “Mobilization Officer” ?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ANR needs to be selective with some of the foolishness they bring to the public, they are helping to divide the country that could be very dangerous
@Watching@ goh wey wid unno nasty mouth, and goh suck unno muddah and lick aff U faddah rasshole. U dey pure f**k hole idiat!
What is Rawdon Gardner Turner relationship to Gaston Browne?
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