LETTER: Pointing fingers at Pringle is a scapegoat used by his departing colleagues


Dear Editor

Although UPP has become the laughing stock for everyone near & far, the turmoil that the political party is experiencing should be of great concern to each Antiguan & Barbudan, whether or not their political persuasion is blue, red or otherwise.

A good opposition political party will always keep the incumbent to the fire. With true democracy, an opposition party should be a must. Interestingly, UPP found themselves in that position as the opposition party for the past ten (10) years with the Hon Jamaul Pringle at its helm.

Throughout those 10 years, we all know that Mr. Pringle did not appoint himself to be the party’s leader.  Infact  he was duly elected to that position through the instrument of the party’s constitution.

So then, why is there now a fuss of him being the leader of the party & simultaneously, see him as the cause of the party’s downfall? 

As Mr Pringle nicely stated in one of his letters published in the public domain, that he agrees  that he may not have the educational accumens and financial wealth as some of his colleagues in the party but the fact cannot be overlooked that the position he holds was duly elected and should not be envied. Mr. Spencer, the former PM experienced a similar fate within the same UPP.

The main fact is, the problem of the party is coming from those members in the party who are from the higher ethlon of our society, who all have an inflated ego. It is an ego that they see themselves always being at the top or as winners in any organization that they belong to.

 Interestingly, many of them have never been personally involved in sports, so losing is not an option gracefully accepted by them.

With the general election gone by, many of the UPP members thought that it was the perfect time to win. The data from the polls, showed that ABLP was in disarray because of some dissatisfactory issues some of its members had. Covid & the forced vaccine was creating a havoc,  lack of running water was of great concern, scarcity of LPG gas, salaries & pensions not paid on time were all issues of concern, hence the polls were showing that the election were in the favor of UPP. In addition, it culminated with the hate & desperation the members of UPP had towards Gaston Browne & his ABLP administration.

Unfortunately, losing the election became most of the members biggest shock & disappointment. As a result, frustration has taken the best of them hence, Mr. Pringle and innocently so, has become the target for the party’s lost. Fingers began pointing at him. Immediately, The ” finger pointing ” began to have a domino effect on the members of the party.

So, the truth to be told, in my view, Mr. Pringle is not the epicenter of the party’s turmoil but it is the inflated ego of many the members who cannot to this day accept the lost from the general election.

It now leads one to think that the departing members did not have true allegience to the party and thus, the true cause of UPP’s downfall.


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  1. Oh the irony @ Fitzroy.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Honourable Jamale Pringle get a lot of support, praise and – some would say – adulation from many quarters of ABLP members and supporters when it looked like the Honourable Richard Lewis was going to WIN the UPP’S leadership contest?

    Now all of sudden the support that Mr Pringle received then by the ABLP, has now dissipated faster than a rat 🐀 down a gutter pipe. 😁

    ABLP supporters the biggest flip-floppers known to mankind …

    Mek up unna mind if you like he or not!

    • In total agreement brixtonian!
      You cannot please the laborites
      They are dysfunctional at best!
      Can never please them!
      Upp carry on and ignore them!
      Empty vessels, sure make the most noise😆
      A bunch of useful idiots🤔

  2. “inflated ego”?????

    Who u referring to? not humble, hardworking, strong black woman Gisele?

  3. In total agreement brixtonian!
    You cannot please the laborites
    They are dysfunctional at best!
    Can never please them!
    Upp carry on and ignore them!
    Empty vessels, sure make the most noise😆
    A bunch of useful idiots🤔

  4. I have said it before and I will repeat. The last election was NOT a vote for the UPP. To suggest that view is to be hiding your head in the sand. It was a vote against the ABLP. People were angry about the lack of water and the huge crop of pot holes. Add to that some lingering bad feelings about Covid and people turned away from the party they blamed. I was one of those who did not intend to vote because I was blue vex over the lack of water. However, at the last minute, good sense prevailed and I realized the calamity this country would have faced under the UPP. I voted at 5.40pm. So independents and ABLP supporters stayed away or some who were really ticked off voted blue. This will not happen again.

    • @OTTO well said! UPP is truly DELULU for thinking that people SINCERELY wanted them in government. Now their true colours are showing with all these RESIGANTIONS!!!! The upp cannot govern itself. How can it expect to govern a nation?

  5. Fitzroy are you a carpenter? You hit the nail perfectly on the head. When the elites cannot get things their way, problems always develop. They allow their EGO to get the best of them. They need to devour some HUMBLE PIE.

  6. UPP is in a sad state n if this is a reflection of UPP leadership and management, how can they tell us they ready to manage the country? Leadership matters and in a general election, it is not only UPP members who will be voting. The leader must be someone who displays leadership qualities, who is qualified to be leader, and who is respected by the population. The UPP executive needs to understand it is not about what is best for UPP executive, it’s about what’s best for the country.

  7. Dear Fitzroy
    You should be in Hollywood spinning and weaving stories because you have a big imagination. If that’s too far, you can get Howard and Mitzi Allen. Your fairy tale is captivating.
    All that stuff you write about Pringle almost makes him out to be a hero charging in to save the UPP. If it wasn’t so confusing, it would be laughable.
    You Labourites can’t make up your minds how to handle Pringle. One minute he is a dunce, the next a fool who just happened to fall into the right seat. The next he is full of virtue who was so wrongly treated by those in his party who looked down on him.
    He is to be vilified or supported depending on whether Gaston Browne is having problems with the UPP or giving them hell.

    You’re such a scavenger.

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