LETTER: Passo’s Blood is Crying Out for Justice



Dear Editor,

I am writing to you with a heavy heart, compelled by the recent events surrounding the tragic disappearance of Passo David.

His story is but one thread in the larger tapestry of suffering that permeates our community, reminding us of the countless individuals whose lives have been cut short or forever altered by violence.

Though we have not seen the physical evidence of his loss, the finding of his burnt Honda Fit speaks volumes about the horror that has unfolded.

Passo, a kind soul who had an extraordinary ability to bring light to those around him, is now a voice crying out for justice—a voice that seems to echo into the silence of indifference.

I can’t help but wonder if the authorities have grown weary in their search, just as we, too, feel the weight of countless untold stories.

The reality is stark: too many of our friends and neighbors vanish without a trace, leaving families shattered and lives forever altered. Passo’s case is a painful reminder that we must not allow ourselves to forget those who have been lost to violence.

To those responsible for such atrocities, know this: your actions will not escape the judgment that awaits you. You may feel shielded for now, but the truth has a way of surfacing, and you will face the consequences of your deeds.

In writing this, I hope to stir not just sadness, but a sense of urgency in our community. We can no longer stand by as silent witnesses to the pain around us.

Let us band together to ensure that stories like Passo’s do not fade into obscurity but instead fuel our collective resolve to seek justice and speak for those who can no longer speak for themselves.


LGBTQ Member







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  1. What really happened to David? How can a person just disappear like that? Not a trace, Not a clue or even s sign? I hope his family finds the truth soon …. at least for peace of mind. I still hope for his return one day.

  2. Just this morning I was walking on the road an mu mind run on him an I shake my head honest I would a find the wickedness obeah man Just this morning I was walking on the road an mu mind run on him an I shake my head honest I would a find the wickedness obeah man

    This is wickedness what happened to him an if my realities I telling you straight I dnt mindle in witchcraft but I swear I would a find one because the person who do it will have to confess because everywhere they go they would see his face I would a haunt that person till they kill themselves me telling you straight I am St lucian an we dnt play I would let them walk on there hand !!!!!!

  3. @LGBTQ Member

    “…but the truth has a way of surfacing, and you will face the consequences of your deeds.”

    This applies to YOU (and us all) if we practise a sinful life instead of choosing to follow the Creator’s way.

    “And Jesus answered and said to them, I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” ~Luke 13:3

  4. Justice? If this wasn’t such a serious topic, one would have laughed at the mere utterance of this word whem it comes to this inept government.

    Don’t y’all see the commissioner is already running for the hills, and this lazy arse AG already find his plot of land somewhere far away from Antigua?

    So there will be no justice for this fellow and the many others in Antigua under this inept governance.
    In another news post, one of the gulible supporters of this Gatson Browne lead administration, asked, why the sudden uptick in missing person’s lately, well duh!
    When you cannot solve crime as a police force, criminals becomes emboldened, it’s that simple.

    But hey, this is the government y’all voted for, so I have no sympathy for ignorant people, none. So all this cry cry for justice, is just hot air, because many of you who are crying, supported this Government and voted them back into office, the rest of us knew this has been case, and what was to come from this waste-a-time administration.

  5. What’s funny is people who live in the land where the current president #47 is a 34x convicted felon and also found liable for r*pe. A country where a dozen eggs cost up to $20 in their currency which is $54 ecc. And lets not talk about food price. Healthcare what a joke. No insurance then you gonna stay in that hospital and die like a dog.Teachers are quitting their jobs because they are scared they might have to be a human shield. Talking about can’t solve crime look at where u living with all the advance tech they still have a high murder rate with a women being killed ever 5 minutes and no justice. At one point there was a school shoting every week. There is so much more to say. So yes Antigua have their problems no doubt but I rather be a dog where I born than go another man country and knock bout. Some of u Antiguans living abroad are living like dogs take all kinds of shit but have the most to say. Can’t wait till #47 deport y’all asses back here.

  6. @idiot blogger.
    Did I vote for this idiot president they put here in power, no I didn’t. Is crime rampant where I live, no it’s not. I’ve lived here in the Hillsborough/Pasco county area for over 15yrs now, and have never felt scared one time to go out in the streets and do my business, not even once. Many times I come home, and while working on one of my classic cars, fall asleep in my garage, only to wake up hours later and not one thing missing, unlike Antigua where you can’t even leave wheel borrow in your yard. In fact, I live in what you call a “gun state” and have legal rights to attain any gun I want, and have never have the need to hold a gun, much less own one. So sit there and believe that America is a 108 square miles, you dumb fool. Crime is not as rampant as you think, and when you see something happens here, especially missing persons, the local government and municipalities is on that crap like white rice. Unlike Antigua where not one crime is been solved, and that’s a fact.

    So government matters fool. so, while your ignorance can only understand America as one big government, it is far from that. There is a federal government,and there are state government, and there are many parts of these states that not even as much as a rape occurs.

    So keep trying to compare America with your inept administration, and see where that gets you, because Donald Trump do not govern my county or even my police force, so come here and commit a crime and see where they put your ignorant arse!

  7. A hit dog will holla i didnt @ nobody just left a comment. But I’m not the one living in fear of #47. When I go them places I stay no mre than 5 days cause nobody ain’t styling me. Can’t wait for #47 start send ya asses home by the plane and boat loads

  8. Mind u them paying $20 usd for eggs and in some places can’t even get. #47 already got rid of dei and the department of education is next. Oh and don’t talk about the tariffs. So yes Antigua has problems but we good here unlike y’all bawling under #47
    🎶who di cap fit men them wear it🎶

  9. Again, unlike you, I don’t hide behind a moniker..my name is exactly what it is and what they call me in the streets (islanman) so, anytime you want be a man and have this argument the next time I’m in Antigua(which will be in a few weeks) we can do that easily, because there is not one person on this earth this black man is afraid of. You must not know who you talking to. I stand up to all bullies and crooks, especially the one you voted for.

    So again, watch your space!

  10. Again I didn’t @ nobody so a hit dog is definitely hollering. Cause last I check this is the comment section. When they under here talking shit about Antigua they need to study #47 causing havoc inna where they live. They need to worry about when then next bratty teenager gonna shoot up a school. They need to worry about when ICE comes knocking on their door. Plenty of them tapping away on their decivces up there and dog better than them up there.
    Now who the cap fit mek them wear it✌🏾


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