Observer, Do Better
Dear ANR,
The country is continuing to reel after the brutal murder of 9-year-old Chantel Crump. There’s a need for much conversation so that we can protect our children against the evil that lurks among us.
As we need to take a stance against brutal murderers, I would think that the Observer would also be sensitive enough to realize that pedophiles are also a clear threat to our children and society.
So imagine the disgust I felt when I put on the radio on Wednesday, and Dave Lester Payne chose to have convicted pedophile Ian “Magic” Hughes on his radio programme discussing Chantel’s case.
Is there not a better person in society who could speak on the matter who does not have Ian’s history? I think that Observer has truly descended to the lowest of lows and clearly has no moral barometer.
I’ve always taken umbrage to Ian being given a platform but then to have him discuss a brutal crime against a little girl when he would have sexually assaulted a little girl screams tone- deaf and is an insult to Antiguan people.
I think we continue to enable our country being a nation of no standards by validating these dregs of society.
It is this hardening of our hearts towards calling out wrong that has emboldened the morally bankrupt among us to speak on things they have no grounds to speak on.
I am grossly disappointed that the “investigative journalist” to call on, particularly during these times is Ian Hughes.
I would love to see radio programmes in Antigua evolve to push critical thinking and accountability to the benefit of our nation’s development.
I ask Observer to please do better.
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Magic’s case was politically motivated he had no sexual relations with that girl. y’all stop it.
@John…. Politically motivated by whom? The offence took place in 2012, Magic had his day in Court in 2018 and a jury of his own peers found him guilty. He had the right of appeal and chose not to proceed. He is a convicted pedophile! He fondled a little girl and tried to kiss her multiple times. Based on the evidence, a jury found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Don’t let your emotions and political sympathy blind you; Magic is the scum of the earth. Observer Radio is no better since they freely give a pedophile a platform on their airwaves. Observer has the moral compass of an alley cat!
@Carter…How do you know what the moral compass of an alley cat is? Is it about the same as your “dear leader” Grabston?
ANR – don’t be biased! Como que dice!
Did Michael Freeland who was caught ………a good example for children do emulate?
If only Asot’s alleged ASSASSIN and murderer would speak his truth? We might know what happened to Paso and others of the LGQBTPABLP Bullaz Club who have disappeared Without A Trace.
If one of the main witnesses in the murder of Azaria was not allowed, to leave the island during the First 48 Hours, the most crucial time for gathering evidences and get statements from witnesses, then Chet might know who among the Paradise Untouchables ordered, The Hit, to keep their Pedo Order secret.
If only, the recent inductee of the LAS 21 DIVISIONES, who have been charged with the ritualistic murder of Chantel would QUE DIGA SU VERDAD (speak her truth), about the crimes for which she’s been charged with, then the real for profit pedophile ring under Turks Lee microscope would be exposed like the Wuhan Bat Soup Virus for what it really is.
He already serve his time though. Even though the statistics are not in his favor to find himself in that situation again.
Magic Hughes went to Prison for this same reason. I was angry to hear Him on radio discussing the missing child case. Magic Hughes should be in JAIL.
John is only parroting the official UPP line.
There was no full sex, so what Magic did was OK. Fondling little girls is just fine. No outcry from Jacqui, Gisele, POWA or the Destructive Women’s Forum. It was an acceptable level of sexual abuse by the UPP’s standards.
Poor Baldwin, watching the house he built crumble into a pedo-affirming shithouse.
You people should find another name to use your comparison on leave Chantel Crump name out a this.This man is an Antiguan and has the right to voice his opinion his act was not like these brutal killers , focused on finding them and bringing them to justice.
something really wrong wit people if they can justify the sickening crime of a pedophile by sayin it was politically motivated,… even when the crime was committed under UPP? If it was Pointe fm he went on, Jacqui woulda been so disturbed, she would start another daily countdown for dat, but cheese in she mouth at observer.
De fact dat de dutty pedo Majic allowed on Observer radio soo OFTEN tells me dat place is a toxic place to work, wit no proper management and leaders with ZERO morals.
And his crime was soo sickening, I won’t even bother to explain to de Snake in Observer management why having his on their platform is wrong wrong wrong.
Our society is sick !! Look at all these people defending a pedophile!!! And the country wonders why the young people are angry? Sick society!! If you have no problem with it then you are part of the problem!!!
Antigua now have two self-proclaimed ‘Investigative Journalist’: Nikki and Majic. And they both never spent a single day in any Journalism school —- GO FIGURE!!
Imagine how the victim feels having to grow up in this society of sick people defending this man and giving him a platform??? We brag about being a Christian nation, we are so religious but yet still FAIL to protect our children. Talking bout it being political, diminishing the victims experience. Sick minded set a people living on this rock. Yall need help.
“A social inquiry report painted a negative picture of the manner in which Hughes socialises with women.
The court was told that the violation had impacted the young victim so severely, she wanted to end her life and had engaged in self mutilation. In this case, Hughes, who was 50 years old at the time, touched the child’s breasts and tried to force her to kiss him more than once, while they were in his vehicle.”
Magic IS a convicted pedophile as determined by the child’s testimony and the judicial process. Maybe Majic is holding secrets for you bit there is no denying. Magic was CONVICTED in a court of law and will forever be known as a sick child molester/ pedophile! The UPP is just trying to throw knowing eyes off its trail, for their “leader’s” sake! Locate Sinbad the Sailor and resume investigations!
How many pussy kittens did Robin tossed into his salad bowl to eat and suck their juices dry before he shared the leftovers with Birds of the same feather?
An old favorite of the ALP Pussy Salad tossed with roasted Robin and a drizzle of kum dressing is now being served for lunch at the new ABLP Diner.
Yea all the politicians and people in high places of society who attend private parties in Jolly Harbour area with only young ladies working at the event so they can pick the one they want to f*ck taking about morals….also talk about when the PM was grooming his wife please shut the hell up none of them are better than the other sin can’t correct sin.
Antigua has to be the biggest shithole county of all the shithole countries that Donald Trump talked about. Is this what we have brought Antigua to because of politics. Don’t you people know the politicians want to divide and rule so they can continue to feather their nests
Well said Dr Strange. They stay on their high horses looking down on the fools and I say fools cuz that how they sound, laughing away. N we wonder y the country is like this? Shame on us here in this country. Thank God me learn fu read, write n think critically at an early age so me know wrong when me see um!!!!
When ppl in this country talk about pedophile, Magic name is mentioned overe n over. But let’s be real, how many politician in this little 268 breed young gal an nothing for it. N dem still get call the best. Look at d father of the nation as he was called. Not only once but again n again. But no body said anything. N he not d only one. Dey love being PM too.