Dear Editor,
I am bringing to the Editor’s and public’s attention an issue regarding noise pollution in the Upper Fort Road/Friars Hill Road Area.
It’s one thing to open a nightclub, but it’s another thing to open a nightclub immediately next to residential homes and blast earth pounding music until 3:00 am in the morning on a school night!
Imagine the first working day of the year, 2nd January, a club which recently opened next to the Digicel complex on Friars Hill Road decided to blast music from 8:30 pm until 3:00 am without regard for families and especially their children.
The music reverberated so loudly sleep was not an option. How can someone be so unconscionable?
Yes, I know… its a legal business… we hope! But after two calls to the police to ascertain whether the Noise Ordinance speaks to this issue, I found out that not only did the club have a party going on, but they took the party outdoors! Neighbors complained to each other but no help was in sight.
After waking up at 6:45 am instead of my usual 5:00am because of little sleep, being extremely late for my 8:00am job, my entire morning disrupted as a result, I am asking authorities to look into the parameters of the Noise Ordinance and determine whether this is fair to an entire sleepless neighborhood!
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That’s crazy and inconsiderate! I would be so annoyed and irritated. Hope something is done before the situation exacerbates.
Nothing will be done about it
You are so right! Too many things are allowed to happen where business persons are given almost a green light to do anything they want. It is so unfair to residents. We know everyone wants to make money, but not at the expense of hundreds of people. I could even understand if it was the weekend, maybe. But big Tuesday. The party didn’t even start late in the evening. It started at 8:30pm? Over 7 hours of that? Everyone in the house having to go to work and school without much sleep? That business person has NO CONSCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this person is a liar i went to the club last night and the noise was not loud stop try bring down people business just put in ear plugs and go sleep
Ofcouse you wouldn’t think its loud if you are one of the patrons! Ask the neighbors west of the club who could not sleep and they will tell you. While you were in there enjoying yourself they were trying to figure out how to get past all the boom-boom-boom for hours. Do some simple research. Sound travels.
Thats been the norm in Falmouth harbour for years. Music from several clubs all at the same time. Every night of the week. Pay the right people anything can happen. Call the police and challenge them on the noise pollution act. NOTHING EVER DONE . They are normally the bouncers on the door!!!!
It’s a shame isn’t it? I have no issue with persons trying to make a living, but when it is at the expense of others, that is where it is plain wrong. Not everyone is a heavy sleeper. I don’t know how you manage that every night of the week. I wish the persons commenting would try to show up for work with 2 or 3 hours sleep every night and see how they like it. I wish persons would realize that we are too accepting of things that are out of order. I see someone even commented and said “Antigua is backward…. so get accustomed to it and put in some earplugs”. So why do we just always “accept” what is out of order. That is the very problem! I wish you all the best Mr. Bing. I pray you also get some relief soon.
Well hear wah!!!! This is Antigua and this country is backwards and corrupt so make up ur damn mind to get accustomed to the noise. Hey after a while maybe u’ll get so accustomed u may even start going to get nice enough to fall asleep 🙂
You really a special.kinda stupid eh talking about this is Antigua an everything is backward 🙄 they are just voicing their concerns since Antigua is backwards maybe you should get out of he e
Let me see what’s going to happen here. I live next to drunken skunk and I complained for nearly two years to the police, court etc and I was told I live in St. John’s so they can’t do a thing. I finally got peace because the owner of the building said he could not take the complaints he was getting from people and gave them notice.
It’s a shame that this was permitted. We’re are, of should be, a progressive people. You can’t, and should not have this type of noise and activity in a residential area. I know I would not want no club next to my home, and I would do all in my power for the owners of the club redesign their club so the noise stay inside, or they move.
To the homeowners, I encourage you to seek an injunction, and have the court determine the matter
Everyone has a right to co-exist. So how about if some members of the community meet with the Club owner and meet a compromise. The walls of the club could be insulated properly to prevent the sound from getting out and there could be double doors on the entrance, things like that.
While persons need by need to sleep, I do believe we need more activities in Antigua. We could make our young people get bored.
How about young people find something CONSTRUCT to do instead of using that “bored” word for everything
I am writing as an independent thinker. I don’t know the owner of the club and have not experienced it. However, I was young at one stage and use to enjoyed a good, clean night out. The young people need activities and eventually will out grow it. Our visitors to the island also need activities otherwise some will not be impressed. We cant just continue the white sand promotion, the younger travelers needs activities. So I would vote – LET THE CLUB STAY.
hmmmmmmm one night cnt kill jus like u have ur jobs to go to and feed ur kids dats someone elses job to they have music only on a tuesday like come on let people live sum of u people are to damn miserable and u was young u wanted to and have fun let young people enjoy dem self and stop the bickering jus go to bed at tuesday the music is not that loud they using self powered speakers inside stop fight ppl hard work
First off it’s a sports bar nor a night club so that’s the first lie.
Secondly they have music one night out of the whole me all the speakers are inside the building and not outside I have friends who live in the area and they have informed me that they don’t hear anything so the fact that is big 2018 and ur trying to fight Simone said business so they also can feed their families is just unbelievable and selfish
cut the lies i agree with you someone that maybe does not like the owner is trying to stop their business antigua people to badmind can’t stand them at all
This is Antigua where if u wanna open a night club anywhere u want hey by all means please do so this is Antigua…..BS!!!!I think u should have a license and have meetings with people who live relatively close to imform them of the new happenings in the community…Yes we all wanna make money but at the same time its about time we end this Antigua awe dey so we can do what we want mentality….When we migrate to other counties one big example the United States we have to abide by the counties laws otherwise we get kicked out…Why the hell we cant comply and do the right thing in Antigua rather than say anna nuttin cause nobody ga do ah ting…..That mentality needs to stop in Antigua…
Just To Put A Little Two Cents In:
There Are Many Laws Presiding Over Antigua That Concern The Plot Of Land That We Live On Or Hold Specific Establishments On Aging From Way Back When We Established Independence.
It Is Fact And Although Unfortunate That Not Everywhere In Antigua Is Considered A Residential Area. If This Is The Case In This Specific Situation, The Residents Unfortunately Have No Case In Court. Here’s My Reasoning.
The Club Viper In St. Mary’s Street Is Diagonally Located Across From A Well Known Resident Charles Michael, Owner Of Mitchell Michael Hardware Store To The North Of Him. I Am Familiar With His Complaints Of The Club Making Noise In The Wee Hours Of The Morning, Disturbing His Usual Sleeping Patterns ETC. He Has Carried The Owner Of The Club And The Owner Of The Building That The Club Is Renting The Section From To Court On Several Occasions. He Hasn’t However Been Given Any Justice For His Combines As He Is Not Residing On A Residential Plot Of Land Despite His Family And Him Have Lived There For Many Years. There Is Also A Flip Side To This.
The Laws That Constitute The Land Act Are However Found To Be Out Of Date As Many Streets In St. John’s That Used To House Schools At One Point, Churches And Bars Are No Longer Existing But Have Now Given Many Entrepreneurs Business Opportunities. If We Observe, We Would Notice That On Streets With Churches, You Would Not Find A Bar Or Anything That Is Contrary To That Of The Church Standards Aging From When We Were A Colony To Even Today. In Other Words, One Cannot Pick Up One Day And Say They’re Gonna Open A Business At Location ‘A’ Depending On Tye Nature Of The Business. They Would Have To Be Evaluated And Given A License To Do Such.
I Do Hope This Helps Whoever Needs It.
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