LETTER: My unpleasant experience with Flow


Dear Editor,

Karib cable now Flow has been my cable service provider for the past 9 yrs. The customer service over the years has diminished, making me wonder what the aim is for that company, is it just to make money? Are the workers displeased with their jobs so much so that it reflects to the customers? Do they at least host once a month staff meeting to be reminded of the company’s objectives? Nevertheless, this company seeks to fill a necessity with some form of comfort by providing goods and services to the public.

Flow has now upgraded their cable services to what they would call digital, this has proven to be a failure. I speak for myself but I’m sure for others who share the same mutual feelings and who have by now experienced their new packages that the cable before wasn’t the best but we the customers were contented. My personal experience with this flow digital cable that I have only had for a mere 3-4 months, is that on a good day I would have the challenge of just being unable to get the television on using Flow’s remote and when I finally did everything would be in the colour green or the sound would not even play. Displeased and frustrated I made several complaints till I was even accused by a customer service representative of not doing something right, promises were made to have the technicians find a solution to this newly found problem but to date no one ever came. Frustrated and annoyed to be paying a monthly bill for the poorest service ever I decided to have it disconnected. I returned the cable box, presented my identification and even signed the disconnection form, I also requested that the technicians remove the box that’s attached to the house which is yet to be moved.

Relieved to have Flow a thing of the past, one month later I received an e-bill for $200, confused and “confused” I decided to visit the office in St. John’s. Upon entering the door I proceeded straight to customer service where I was told to wait, so I waited, me standing for seconds turned to minutes then an half hour, I watched as the CSR lazily and unconcerned about the three (3) customers waiting I included, passed up and down completely ignoring us. When trying to get someone’s attention for a simple question I got not even a simple answer. The security as a spokesperson for us the waiting customers decided to ask the CSR if she was ready when she in turned replied with an attitude “no” and stomped off. I watched as the other lines moved and persons were in and out the door while I still stood waiting in what seemed like “in vain”, I grew impatient and left with my unresolved matter.

As an ex Customer Service Representative I believe in the term “fake it till you make it” an employee may not be fond of their job, but I would like to think it’s their daily bread, that employee may be having a bad day or whatever the case, it should not reflect in one’s attitude towards customers. In my mind, I thought private firms were more work ethical, and these types of unethical behaviours were only seen at a government office. In my opinion and from observation with the Flow company the communication between staff members is broken and needs to be more fluent, information needs to be clear and factual and customer service needs to be improved, training sessions should also be introduced. This, in turn, should create better working relationships and better customer service which would possibly attract more customers.

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  1. Until they start to understand that their nasty attitude will result in the loss of their job eventually, there is nothing that can be said.

    This is the unfortunate chain of events as I see it:- Employee has nasty attitude, customers leave one by one, the profit reports start to show a decline, the company starts to realize that their bottom margin is being hit, and to save face, they start to retrench, the said employee gets sent home, employee cusses out the employer for being wicked! No! you the employee are the one being wicked TO YOURSELF! If they would see the end result of their behaviour, they would shape up real quick!!!

  2. The problem with all customer service businesses on this island is that the managment is not out on the floor in order to see the way their operations do or do not work!
    They are no where to be found and therefor those on the floor could care less about the customer. They have not been properly trained or supervised and there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY!!!

    Waiting in line for unreasonable time is a well established norm in this country!
    Its everywhere, in banks, apua, tel post office you name it.
    It is more importnt to take your break then it is to attend to your customer whi is trying to pay your bill.

  3. I still need someone from Flow to explain why I can’t sign up or reconnect a service without my SOCIAL SECURITY CARD that nah tie in to no other institution at this time but is MANDATORY now.

    • Are you serious??? What do they need your SOCIAL SECURITY CARD INFO for?? Is that even legal to demand such info from the customer?

  4. You would think with online tv becoming more popular that they would do better to keep the customers they have. They will soon go the way of the dinosaurs with this nonsense.

  5. With all the ghetto type chicks in customer service at Flow this doesn’t surprise me. Gone are the days when the Flow /Cable and Wireless people had class and dignity.

    Nothing is sacred anymore I tell you.

  6. If you want to know what excellent and reliable customer service feels like, check Harney Motors. – especially the service department. Flow should send thier CSR to do internship there.

    • Really now? Maybe I didnt look rich enuff to be inquiring abt the type of vehicle I was asking abt. The CSR scuffed at me, directed me to sum brochures and walked away before I cld get all the necessary info. Customer service is really lacking around here.

  7. I don’t think that they engineered the new upgrade properly, many persons have been complaining about the service and it really sucks. I have had it for a month and had then disconnect the service.
    We need a national customer service workshop in Antigua.

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