LETTER: My experience with school boys in St. John’s yesterday


I know the situation in Antigua with schoolchildren was bad, but I didn’t realize it had gotten to this point. My sister flew in from America yesterday, and today she and I were walking down Redcliffe Street.

From the moment we stepped onto that street, behind us were five schoolboys—three from PM school and two from Clarehall.

They started to taunt my sister, calling her fat and other insults, which we didn’t respond to because it’s typical of some Antiguan people. They continued this behavior from State Insurance all the way to Twist Mall.

We stood aside to let them pass, but they just stood there and continued.

After my sister ignored them, one of the boys from PM school came up and tapped her on the shoulder about five times, asking her why she was so fat.

My sister brushed away his hand and told him not to touch her. After she did that, he became increasingly angry, and then we heard a man approaching, screaming that he had a knife. When I looked back, the young man had pulled out a large knife from his school bag. The man had to run and take it from him.

My sister and I were so shocked. What would have happened to her if that man hadn’t seen the knife? What are the parents of these children doing?

I can guarantee the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree; children are usually a product of their environment. I’m just so grateful that man was there today, or we might have ended up on news tonight. Parents need to do better in raising their children.

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  1. So sorry to hear of what happened about body shaming that your sister went through, thank god that man saw yes. But my dear not everytime a child do bad means it had to come from the parent(s), it very well have everything to do with the crowd they hang with.

    Yes we as parents needs to monitor our child or children but at the same time some may show us the side we know an as our backs are turned they are someone totally different from what we have been raising, all because of the friends they keep. (Peer pressure for most is real). As old people would say it takes a village to raise a child.

  2. Thanks to:

    Cheap all fry ( malnourished ) food.
    Drug abuse ( smoke freely ) politicians.
    Bullshit dance crap music hall ( radiostations ).

    Big thanks to all the monsters politicians ( both parties ) for destroy everyday the future of this tiny nation…with their ineptitude and outside of this world nepharious decisions.

    They call themselves ( H.O.N.O.R.A.B.L.E).

  3. Better believe it, Monkey knows which limbs to jump on.
    Why them don’t try that on a family of mine ? why ? why ?
    all of them needs man handling from adults and then they will know hat time it is, then the parents of those badly wounded will surface and the police will know the score.

  4. I have been Antigua about 5-6 years back and fourth to Dominica am back here in and Antigua and one thing that i have always said about here, is that the adults don’t raise kids/children they are raising emotionally you man disturb, unlove and disattached lil beings they show them no love physical its always through material things or monetary items, they are shouted at knock down for the simplest of things, Mentally disturb. I personally weakness this on a daily from my daughters family here and i smh head every day cause this children i see that a being raise in this family at 8-9-10 they are ready looking for a way out because of what i call abuse but they calling as raising their children so what’s happening in the school today i understand the children attitude towards life and its a shame i try my best to explain their wrong doing but as i was told that how they know and brought up. But in my mind the negative part of how i was brought up i would never introduce it to my children to me its common sense it happen to you, you know how you feel my put your children in the same situation. I just thinks this kids are already rotten nothing can be done for the 10 and up 9 and below some of them do have a chance if things turns around for the better. But trust me its not this children fault its the way they where raised and please believe everyone think they are doing a great parenting job eh so u cant really tell them much.

  5. I’m happy that the man saw the knife and ur sister is ok these kids immic everything them see in America and they think they tough but let them go to America act like that they going home in body bags or going wear a shit bag or locked up for life because them think they tough had it been me and they touch me I was pulling out my shit n shot he right inna he fckn head n let the mother or father worry bout that later since them a bad man just like Gaston said he walk round with his so we have to walk round with ours too so follow the leader

  6. This goes beyond body shaming. This is an assault. The police should be contacted. See if any stores in that area have cctv. Whoever pulled out that knife is dangerous and must be found and arrested.

  7. Where I’m from the person that pulled that knife would have still been searching for their teeth on the ground.

  8. I am disgusted by how quickly people jump to blame the parent whenever a child acts out or makes mistakes. Don’t we understand that peer pressure is real and plays a powerful role in shaping the behavior of young boys and girls? People often say that you can give a child everything in life, but you cannot give them a mind. Children don’t always want to be talked to or corrected, and they are far more likely to listen to their peers, especially when they’re being influenced or even bullied by them.

    It’s easy to point fingers at parents, but some parents are doing their absolute best, struggling with challenges and heartache that others don’t see. They’re going through their own version of hell too. As the old saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” No single parent can do it alone.

    Parents like me make every effort to stay on top of things—we search our children’s bags before they go to school, check their rooms, even search under the bed. Yet, the reality is that while they may leave the house with nothing out of place, by the time they meet up with friends, they could have anything in their possession that didn’t come from home. So, before you rush to judge, take a moment to understand that not all parents are negligent or uncaring. Some of us are doing everything we possibly can, and we still face these challenges. It’s time to stop blaming parents unfairly.

  9. This was an assault by a gang. Hopefully the new and amended laws dealing with gangs will come into play.
    These kids are looking notoriety. The sad thing is if you drop these punks in their tracks, you end up with a mountain of legal troubles.
    Once they’re identified, they must be charged just like the 15 year old from Clarehall School.

  10. Can we have the principals of both schools get involved and work with the police to identify and discipline these young men? Let’s not overlook this. This is VERY serious. Broken homes or not this was a possible attempted murder.

  11. Well if most of u all think. Parents ain’t the problem no matter what they try to raise their child the proper way, DO U AN THAT CHILD A FAVOUR BY CONTACTING THE AUTHORITIES CAUSE U CANT HANDLE THE CHILD, that’s where parents fail, u kno the problem, u can’t handle it yet u refuse to seek help from the authorities, let the law kno that u can’t handle that child

  12. It is a pity she did not have a gun on her.Speaking is one matter.However,touching her is an assault.If she had a gun pull and fire. It would have been self defense in my opinion.He had no damn rights to touch her.All Schools should have one entry for all students to go through with metal detectors.Search and seizures of all weapons before entering the Schools.Reading the article above.Did he go to into the School with that weapon in his backpack? That is a danger for the teachers.

  13. I am sorry about your experience. If this helps in anyway, I experience horrible in Antigua too, recently. Guy driving a white SUV throwing bottles at my car because I stopped to give someone a ride and he was speeding and almost ran into my back because he was speeding. Went to the police precinct, no one was available to take a police report, every police station in Antigua I went to, they said was not the correct station. To this day nothing was done. Contacted the AG, no response. Contacted the COP and others, nothing was done. That place is forever ruined.

    I am not Anti-caribbean or Anti-Jamaican but it should never happen where another country overpopulate or make up more than half of a country’s population.

    I promise you, through clear research and observation, Antigua and Barbuda has become MORE horrible as a result of mass migration from Jamaican to Antigua and from politicians not taking early notice on social and behavior changes that need mitigation, early.

    No current politician within the ruling party, which ever party or parties that have been ruling from 2003 until now, as this is when this problem began and worsening for over 21 years now.

    Can the public take notice of this and do something about it? Can you force your leaders to act or vote for others who will?

    The free regional movement without visa should have never existed until proper procedures exist in adequately vetting immigrants and a unit being made to share information regionally, accurately.

    You guys thinks you have good leaders but if you only look at the situation in a reasonable, and objective way, I feel sorry for you guys.

    Again, if I ever become interested in being in Antigua’s politics, I am running on the platform to seize illegal gains from politicians, and I want no pay for the first 4 years. America, and Britain prosecuting attorneys experts and investigators will be part of my team to investigate, arrest, charge, and convict all politicians who violated the law. Statute of limitations will be removed for certain crimes pertaining to politicians. I give you my word.

  14. Firstly, I am very sorry you and your sister had this experience. Those boys should be removed from our society.
    Secondly, poor people need to be sterilized. No one in the home to ensure the child comes straight home after school, no money to enroll child in extracurricular activities, too broke and tired to emotionally invest in child and surrounded by too many other poor people who have very limited exposure on how to properly parent.

    • @Chups. Don’t be ridiculous. You are not God. You don’t get to decide which of his creation get to reproduce to fit into your narcissistic views of how children should and shouldn’t be raised. Fact is everything you described is just a social norm. Some of those are good, some are clearly not feasible for all. So, society should evaluate itself to see how child rearing can be improved for all. Social norms can be changed at any time. The rich alone don’t get to decide how society should function. Demanding every parent be rich is ridiculously unrealistic. Better to create systems that allow all families rich or poor to access resources needed to rear children appropriately. If you can’t think of how that could work, leave it to others to work it out.

  15. Parents don’t even know where their child,children are. Loitering in town not doing nothing. Peering up GANGS, little girls going places to have sex.bring in belly to give mommy n daddy..knife.guns. the police need to get rid of the loitering in town … market Street Redcliff Street, in town need to patrol daily. We have enough police offers for that.

  16. @ Bugsy I agree!!!! She should have shot him.
    @Are you kidding- You seem like the type to raise this kind of vermin.

  17. I’m glad that the gentle saw him taking out his knife, lord have mercy, thanks to him for making him see the danger ahead. Oh my world, SMH. Did the gentleman called Police? I’m wondering!

  18. I’m glad that the gentle saw him taking out his knife, lord have mercy, thanks to him for making him see the danger ahead. Oh my world, SMH. Did the gentleman called Police? I’m wondering!

  19. @Chups
    Secondly, poor people need to be sterilized.

    You have a sick view of how to live in the world with those less fortunate than you are.

  20. Everything is not a political issue (even though some people are ever so happy to take it there). Lack of a solid structure at home, discipline from very early and instill values and principles. Stop laughing at children rudeness and think it’s cute. These “cute” children grow up to be menaces in society. Instill harsh punishment for offenders.

  21. @Skyii, as a social and behavioral scientist, this is political. Politicans provide social programs, policing, enacting laws, implement safety and national security programs, etcetera.

    This is a political topic, nearly everything in society is, actually everything is. Society and politics are about everything in society. It is why political science is a social science.

  22. That’s an assault, both verbally and physically, disorderly conduct,also attempted bodily assault( if there is such). The man that took the knife should have held on to him and have the police called. The parents themselves should also be charged. Things are getting out of hand with these kids. Sometimes too the parents are trying so hard but kids get led asstray, we need to try harder to be more involved in our kids lives.

    Jamaica and Antigua needs a scared straight program.

    Nothing beats a try but a failure.

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