LETTER: MP Simon, here’s a word to the wise


Greetings MP Simon

First let me extend best wishes to you and your future political career.  It is evident that you do have the people’s interest at heart and as their representative, I am sure you wish to give them the best representation the best you can.

Of course, with a little less arrogance, you do have the potential of becoming an effective politician, however you seem to be starting off on th wrong foot.

Initially, when you entered politics a year ago, you began blatantly disrespecting your parliamentary colleague and moreso the prime minister by referring to the prime minister as Gaston. I would not even further mention about some of your choice of words used to him. Anyway, I must admit that I have noticed that you are beginning to put some water in your wine and now giving the PM his title. Remember Shuggy, respect is earned if it is given.

Now, a few nights ago, I listened quite tentatively to your interview on the ” Knight in the night ” talk show and I was extremely perturbed & disappointed to hear from you saying that the state that UPP is presently in and  what is presently happening with UPP with all the resignations and dischords, has no bearing on the govt. Smile!

It is true that the opposition party & the incumbent party who is presently responsible in handling the state of affairs are two separate organizations. However, I am hoping that at some quiet moment as you reminisce on that interview, you would realize that you made yourself a laughing stock by making such a statement. Here’s a word to the wise, I would suggest that you think before you utter any nonsense from your mouth.

Now Shuggy, perhaps you can help me. Isn’t the govt comprised of three arms
1. The Executive = The Cabinet,
2. The Legislature = The House of parliament &
3. The Judiciary = Legal system.

The Legislature arm of government is where the opposition belongs. Therefore, a disrupted & crumbling opposition cannot and will not perform their role effectively according to what they have been assigned to do. Hence, they will only make the incumbent stronger. Remember, if a house is divided then it will only fall.

An opposition party plays several crucial roles in government, including:

1. Checks and Balances: They hold the ruling party accountable, ensuring that government actions are scrutinized and that power is not abused.

2. Policy Debate: Opposition parties provide alternative policies and perspectives, stimulating debate and discussion on important issues.

3. Representation: They represent diverse viewpoints and interests within the electorate, ensuring that various voices are heard in the political process.

4. Public Accountability: By questioning government decisions and actions, they inform the public and foster transparency.

5. Future Governance: They prepare to assume power by developing policies and building support, providing voters with options during elections.

Overall MP Simon, take note that opposition parties that are disrupted and falling apart and losing membership, cannot be effective & essential for any healthy democratic / government process.


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  1. Fitzoy as I wrote to an earlier article the foolish virgin does not understand his role. He was not taught that the opposition members have a role to play in governance. The ignorance goes beyond him because even Pringle has not exercised his power as head of the Public accounts committee. Just the other day, the Director of Audit (appointed in 2009, under the UPP) was lamenting the inactiveness of this committee headed by the leader of the opposition (see ‘More active’ Public Accounts Committee key to good governance, 15 February 2024, Observer)

  2. TENMAN you of all people should be happy that the Public Accounts Committee is so inactive because if it was not perhaps many cases of government’s mishandling of the country’s finance would come to light. Just be happy with the present situation and stay quiet.

  3. Fitzroy the laborat wants to tell a principled UPP parliamentarian how he should conduct himself. I may have missed the missive somewhere along the way however if I did or didn’t can you lease tell me when you shared those very sentiments with Gaston Browne? It seems to me that Satan want to tell Jesus how he should conduct himself. Where do you get that moral authority to lecture oflr indoctrinate a principled man like Shuggy????? Please take you basket and go catch some water!!!!!!

  4. Hey fitzroy,
    I see you’re rearing your ugly head again🫣
    Stay out of upp Business!
    Did shuggy ask you for any advise?
    When he needs or wants advise from you he will seek or come look for you. Okay!
    Fitzroy you have some nerve(gaston)🤣🤣🤔

  5. It is becoming increasingly essential for our politician to study political science in today’s world. As societies progress those who are interested in representing our people will have to be qualified to represent our people. We can̈not rest on our laurels and think that the people will just select and elect us. Neither can we go on the airwaves and talk foolishly. It will no longer work like that in today’s world.

  6. Pull up yr socks Shuggy… you need to get yr act together. Don’t be influence by some of those night time talk show host who have issues

  7. … and Fitzroy, like so many other wayward and out of touch ABLP supporters continue to focus their energies on the ongoing situation within the UPP.

    Meanwhile town looks like s%#t, our roads are a danger to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike. I’ve had a power cut on average every 10-11 days in the last 4-5 months; food, petroleum, bottled gas and water are extortionate, and every single day I drive pass homes where people live that should have been condemned and demolished decades ago.

    Yet, over the last two terms of Gaston Browne’s tutelage, Fitzroy (and his glib supporters) has never, and I repeat NEVER held him to account for the above mentioned or the lack of transparency and accountability.



  8. Shuggy lack substance, he might be charismatic on one level but being effective, debating on real topics, coming up with policy he lack in every capacity. The people of st Mary south should look to a person with knowledge, innovation and the skill sets that are needed in government. Shuggy does not demonstrate nothing of effective representative other than complaining which I guess he learned that from is not so learned brother snake


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