Letter to the Editor: Kelvin Shuggy Simon Must Resign or Be Removed

Dear Editor,
The blatant dereliction of duty displayed by Kelvin Shuggy Simon, the elected Member of Parliament for St. Mary’s South, is an insult to his constituents and a disgrace to the parliamentary process. While the House of Representatives was engaged in a critical debate on a arguably the most important bill in the last year, Simon was nowhere to be found—not because of illness, not due to an unavoidable emergency, but because he chose to indulge in Carnival festivities in Trinidad instead of fulfilling his obligations as an MP. This is nothing short of a betrayal of public trust and a glaring demonstration of his unfitness for office.
The role of an MP is one of service, requiring commitment, responsibility, and unwavering dedication to the people who elected them. Simon, however, has repeatedly shirked his parliamentary duties, avoiding debates and failing to engage in the serious work of governance. His absence during a crucial legislative session—one that directly impacts the lives of his constituents—is a final confirmation that he has no interest in fulfilling the responsibilities of his elected position. St. Mary’s South deserves better than an absentee representative who prioritizes personal leisure over the people’s business.
This level of irresponsibility cannot be ignored. Simon’s actions are not just a personal failing; they undermine the democratic process and betray the trust of those who put their faith in him. If he lacks the discipline and commitment to serve, he must step aside. And if he refuses, then his party, the United Progressive Party, must act decisively and remove him. Leadership requires accountability, and those unwilling to carry out their duties should not be given the privilege of holding public office.
This is not the first time Simon has failed to show up when it matters most, but it must be the last. His behavior is an affront to every hardworking citizen who expects their elected leaders to serve with diligence and integrity. He has proven himself unworthy of the position he holds, and for the sake of his constituents and the credibility of our parliamentary system, he must resign—or be removed.
Sincerely, A time for everything
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I wanted to address you directly however since you have decided to remain anonymous I will not say much.
Go S**K you muma.
Shooogy Boogy Woogy
How this writer is so stupid just saying
@straight Shooter…Actually, we ALL S**Ked our mothers at some part of our lives…soooo..
I totally agree with you 👍 💯
WHAT goes for UPP goes for ABLP.
You said it all. I concur wholeheartedly.
HAHahahahahahah. I guess politicians are to be robots nowadays? I am as unbiased as I van be as I have no political leanings. Mame, no disrespect, but what have you been smoking? Guess anything can be posted on this new site
We painting the ALP with the same brush? Because…
@ Straight Shooter
Your sub-standard language says it all – your despicable character, your filthy mouth and obviously limited vocabulary and, of course, your party affiliation. When a “person” can so openly and brazenly show such contempt to mothers everywhere, it’s time to permanently remove him/her from the official register of humans.
Did any of you vote for him? Call a spade a spade no matter the party.
That picture is for the 3rd,2nd or 1st lady
Did you request that Ole Bird be removed from office while he was ravishing the young females in our society? What about Lester and company who were sharing Little Kim and and others? Speak to the present situation where the Money-Hawk groomed his god-daughter/stepdaughter. Real stooge.
Chops look me ah one red to the bone laborite but I will say this with my chest out. LEAVE MO SHUGGY SIMON ALONE!!!! Mek he enjoy he life. He was not going to debate in parliament anyways so why shouod he go and waste time and feed y’all bots on here ammo. SHUGGY next time walk with me😁😁😁
Right is right and wrong is wrong. The responsibility of the MP is to represent the people, how can u do such is u r always somewhere partying when it’s time to represent. I bet if this was the other way around you guys would be on the top of ur lungs making noise. Right is right and fair is fair. If the MP doesn’t want to be apart of the process anymore he should leave. This is a lack of leadership I can bet everything I hve that an ABLP minister could never do such a thing under their current leader. Then we wonder why THE ABLP win majority of the time. Leadership of The UPP address this matter fast u guys are sending the wrong message to the electorates. Take action fast
This APOSTLE is not serious about God or People. Everything for him is fete, carnival, winking up and jamming. The people of SMS did not sign up for this!!!
Absent from OFFICIAL DUTIES because of self pleasure??? Wah can go so?
He shouldn’t miss Parliament for frivolous reasons but missing Parliament is missing Parliament.
Robin misses it regularly. If he can’t handle the rigours of the job, he needs to sit down.
How many sittings did Maria missed while she was pregnant? I don’t know if she was on bed rest but she could have engaged with her constituents on social media in the way Michael Browne had online meetings during COVID. She just never meant to do better.
The job is to represent the people in St Mary’s South and he is trying to get attention that’s he knows that they will talk about his behavior but he does not care no responsibility is shown especially when he is partying and should be in parliament so when he gets back he goes to the pantyman show that’s his parliament and speaks lies and curse our PM no MP should be degrading and cursing our PM on a radio station with the host calling him brown dog it just shows the mettle of the man and their decaying and stenchy characters being exhibited on a radio station so sad they find instead of being useful sell their souls and climb in pits of hell to curse others