LETTER: Hon Richard Lewis, A Choice Unmade

Hon Richard Lewis

Hon Richard Lewis, A Choice Unmade

In halls of Parliament, over the last two days, the speeches echoed, resonating with the thoughts of constituents across the nation. Yet, amidst the fervor, one question lingered in the air: Why is Hon Richard Lewis not the leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP)?

As an independent voter, I found myself wrestling with this question during the sessions. With each presentation, Richard Lewis solidified his reputation as a meticulous researcher and articulate speaker. His insights transcended mere party lines; they spoke to the heart of issues that affected citizens daily. This was a man who not only understood the intricacies of governance but also embodied the qualities of leadership — discipline, education, and a steadfast commitment to family and faith.

In stark contrast, Hon Jemal Pringle, the newly elected leader of the UPP, struggled to captivate the hearts and minds of his fellow Parliamentarians. Though well-intentioned, his approach lacked the vibrancy and conviction that could light a fire beneath a nation yearning for inspiration. His speeches felt disconnected, failing to ignite the passion and unity necessary to galvanize a party poised for leadership.

The disappointment among many independent voters swelled like a tide. How could the UPP overlook the qualities that Richard Lewis so brilliantly displayed? Opportunities like these are rare, and they held the potential to position the party not just as a voice of opposition but as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

As I watched the proceedings, I couldn’t help but ponder the implications of such decisions on the political landscape. Would this choice hinder the UPP’s ability to challenge the ruling party effectively, or would it spark a deeper reflection within the party, urging them to realign their vision and values?

This moment of introspection is not just about party politics; it reflects a deeper yearning for genuine leadership. Richard Lewis embodies the essence of what many believe true leaders should represent: clarity, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the people. It is this spirit that we, the voters, seek in our representatives.

With a heavy heart, I penned my thoughts, hoping they would echo through the corridors of power, urging the UPP to reconsider its path. For every choice carries weight, and in the realm of governance, sometimes the best leaders are the ones we fail to recognize in time.

Dissatisfied Independent Voter

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  1. Richard Lewis is neither accepted, wanted, loved or needed by the UPP. but he suffers from “Battered Woman Syndrome” He will stick around and tek de abuse.

    What a huge mistake he made thinking he could marry a “foreigner” and elevate within the upp.

    He is weak! a leader has backbone. Richard has NO BACKBONE!!!

  2. The UPP will never reconsider the results of the Convention that many say were rigged. As the Chair of the Party Gisele Isaac and the Leader say dem nar move. With the current leadership of the UPP, irrespective of the fact if they are able to put forward some viable candidates, they cannot inspire the electorate enough to win the next general election. Pringle does not inspire the electorate and that point is very important. The UPP eill will have to rebuild after it is wiped out in the next general election. Sad but true but Spencer and Harold are weaklings that should be blamed for the current state of the UPP Party.

  3. He go soon wish he min follow thru with round 3 of the AMBASSADOR TO JAMAICA negotiation talks. (UPP Constitution gives the leader the right to ultimately determine who runs on his/her ticket).

  4. V for Vendetta you can continue to remain as delusional as the leadership of the UPP. There is no comparison between Pringle and Richard. Pringle is unfortunately there because he was the only one in Parliament for the UPP because of historical circumstances. That does not make him a leader. If Pringle was a strong leader that commanded respect in the Party, the current implosion in the Party after the Convention would not have happened. Pringle is a joke and should not be the leader of a major political party. History will prove many of us right.

  5. ” There is no comparison between Pringle and Richard”

    YOU GOT THAT RIGHT. MR. PRINGLE HAS CLASS!!! He is a born and bred Antiguan. De likkle black boy fu Jeanie.

    He is not all about self and trying to do the look-at-me dance.

    That was Richard
    Lewis downfall leading up to convention and remains his downfall. He is a selfish prick

    Pringle is selfless

  6. Gaston and the ALBP loves this. Keep it up.
    Life is good with the 40% increase on top of the ABST increase: All of them regressive taxes that hits the little nan and and woman hardest.
    There is selfishness and stupidity on both sides.
    Giselle’s behaviour and mindset in some ways are no different from Gastons; so it becomes a situation of it’s better with the devil you know than the one you don’t know.
    I never thought I’d be writing it; saying something like this.

  7. To the writer of the article, I agree with you whole-heartedly. I am not sure why he is not the leader. Yes, Mr. Pringle has won his seat, however, it is not Hon. Pringle who does the investigative work and puts pen to paper to challenge the UPP. The party needs to organize themselves and realize that even though Mr. Pringle won his seat, he does not have the strength of mind to lead the opposition. Under Pringle the ship seems to be sinking further down into the mire.

  8. @v for Vendetta you must be a real idiot. Yes Pringle is a born and bred Antiguan and Richard is a born and bred GRENADIAN. You and your likkle black boy must be two big idiots. Pringle ia not about self but being in the pocket of BABA. Pringle needs help and with his leadership the UPP needs even more help.

  9. Antiguans can’t expect to get everything free. That includes Richard. He think he was “entitled” to leadership, but what a rude wake up call he get at convention

  10. Richard Lewis could not be leader because Gisele Isaac does not want him in that position in the party and none in there have the testes to tell her otherwise.
    She knows that if he is the leader, she will not be able to do as she likes in the party, and that is why she wants to keep him out at all cost.
    We Antiguans are strange people. People who operate with dignity and are measured. People who do not appear to seek out others to define them. People who do not stop at the rum shop and fire one. People who don’t seem to have severe cracks in their character, are viewed with suspicion and are not our first choice.
    Was Richard Lewis to go on the radio station and cuss out his opponents and other people. Was Richard Lewis to have his name involved in shady business. Was Richard Lewis to leave his wife and young children and be out running sketels, or having a spare tire on the side, he would be more acceptable to many.
    As awful as this might sound, it is the truth. Don’t believe this? Look at Trump. It is a flaw in us which has wiped out the career of many good politicians who were too good for the undeserveds they sought to represent.

  11. Poor Richard has no where to go in the foreign hating UPP. He would have to divorce his Jamaican wife first. And I question his leadership ability. What type of person remains in an organisation where he is so distrusted and disrespected? To me he has no ethics and no pride. He has ignored the abuse to his wife and children for what? To remain a parliamentarian? He could have gone independent and still remained in parliament.


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