Mr. Chairman,
Garbage in my community was not collected before the Easter weekend. And still, this week, no collection. What is going on? Are we back to no collection, no word, no news?
I know some will say people like me are a bother because we actually expect public services to run smoothly.
But I refuse to be dragged down by those whose standards are so low, that they agree to place the minimal expectations on our public sector.
What is going on with garbage collection?
At every turn, the commentary I hear is that the system at the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) is broken.
Whether it’s the PM openly admitting to over-contracting, or contractors not living up to expectations, or contractors going unpaid for so long that they either refuse to work, or they have gone out of business due to the unfortunate circumstance of having the government as a client – regardless, it’s always something.
Mr. Chairman, from many accounts, you are a capable leader. Your professional and civic track record demonstrates that.
But I doubt that this administration has given you the room and freedom to put right what needs to be righted at the NSWMA.
That’s what they do.
They put capable people like you out in front to appease the public, but when you tell them what needs to be done, they shy away from reform and accountability. Then they make you wallow in the rotten system so long that you no longer care.
How long before you no longer care? How long before you start using political rhetoric to defend the indefensible?
The last chairman was a big labour party stalwart, and a solid solid solid waste in the position. No one can tell me differently. You know it. I know it.
You have to know it, from how you met things when you got there. But yall would never call a spade and spade. They are going to make a solid waste of you if you stay there long enough.
They will promise to back you up with resources while you make endless promises to the public about improvements to come, but they will leave you high and dry, and all the while your credibility in the minds of many will evaporate.
Anyway, I myself don’t expect much in terms of accountability, efficiency and ethical habits in the public sector under this government. I just want the garbage picked up.
I shouldn’t have to beg. But since this country wants me to live in filth, without dignity, I might as well toss my pride to the wind.
So, I am begging, please collect the garbage. What do you want? What do I need to do?
Your party is rotten. Their philosophy is rotten. The way they run the public sector is worse than rotten. I still have some hope for you though. I’m starting to lose it.
by- Ernest J. Farfingbottom
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Question to all: Do households in Antigua pay monthly for garbage and recycle collections.If there are zero fees for both.Could that be the reason why the service is lousy.
Are you a fool? Of course everyone pay high exhorbitant taxes in Antigua- and these should cover public services.
Maybe you are being sarcastic with your question.🤔
@come on now:I am no damn fool.Where I am living,my garbage and recycle are picked up every Wednesday morning.I am billed for water,sewer,garbage and recycle by the City,monthly.The Electricity is privately owned and billed separately.
I assume you live in a country where the system actually works. Here we pay for water and can’t get any. We pay medical benefits, social security etc and barely get any benefits from them.
@ beach bum: oops you are living g in jolly harbor in those white enclave or where ever white people is that would be treated differently. I bet blue waters area don’t have that problem. The Gaston brown gang stopped local Antiguan trucks and let syrian garbage truck do the job because the Antiguan born don’t vote for them, look at cooked landfill they fired the professional and replace with red shirt people and upon coming to office the equipments purchased by upp under Baldwin Spencer namely the bulldozer set a fire to give comrades work and the sheep foot roller allowed to break down because upp buy them with our tax money well spent, not even the rubbish Gaston can manage. All the technical people at the landfill either fired or fed up and leave, in all my years I have never seen the landfill like this , flies must be terrorizing the villages. I think they should have skips in the village at pick up points where the villages take the garbage and the truck pick up at less routes, as for senior citizens the road workers could take their garbage to the skip, and walla logistics solves less truck wear and tear and efficiency improve.
You pay for water and still can’t get any,so what is your point
@ Ernest J. Farfingbottom
Man your literary skills are SUPERB!
I enjoy your writings so much! Keep them coming, because this country and all the minions and Michael are clueless.
Bunch a waste (SOLID WASTE)
You pay for water and still can’t get any,so what is your point
As far as I see it nothing is going right in Antigua, we have a government that is focused or enriching themselves so everything else that they’re getting paid to do is going haywire, crime is out of hand, we can’t get water on a regular basis, the place stinks because the garbage is not being picked up on time , ant the list goes on and on .
I think the people like it so??
Why do antiguans tolerate this nonsense?
Why do antiguans like to be sodomized without protection?
Eh, why?
You’ve got a government you deserve.
We deserve better people!
when our prime minister openly stated that he “moved” people out of his constituency to vote in other constituencies where the numbers would be low does. that sound like we got what we voted for. ? no it sounds like the election was rigged, so some of you need to stop with the you got what you deserve etc etc. more people voted against the government than voted for them . so no we didn’t get what we voted for!
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