LETTER: Does the UPP Realize Every Vote Counts?


Letter to the Editor: Does the UPP Realize Every Vote Counts?

Dear Editor,

In a country as small as Antigua and Barbuda, every single vote holds tremendous weight. The outcome of the last general election proves this beyond a doubt—ABLP won by a mere six votes.

That’s not an insignificant figure. It’s a stark reminder that the political landscape in our nation can shift on the decisions of just a few.

In constituencies across the island, elections are often decided by a handful of votes. It’s common knowledge that when one person resigns or defects from a political party, they don’t leave alone.

Their entire household, perhaps extended family and close associates, often follow suit. This ripple effect can tip the scales in favor of another party, especially in our tightly contested constituencies.

So, one must ask: Does the United Progressive Party (UPP) truly realize the gravity of these losses?

When key members resign, they aren’t just a single voice walking out the door—they represent multiple votes, households, and influence that could determine the next election’s outcome. In such a closely divided electorate, every vote lost could be a seat lost.

The UPP cannot afford to treat these resignations lightly.

The leadership must be aware that the cracks within the party are far-reaching. It’s not just about keeping a core group happy; it’s about recognizing that unity and cohesion are essential to winning in a political environment where a few votes can decide the future of this nation.

If the UPP hopes to remain a contender in future elections, they must address these departures head-on and understand that every vote, every household, and every resignation matters.

Ballot Counter

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  1. @ Ballot counter, of course every vote counts, and don’t you think that the majority of UPP voters know how close we came to kicking out Gaston Browne’s ABLP and his “hostages to fortune” members of cabinet?

    I note with a keen interest that you overlooked in your letter to the editor, that how Gaston Browne was the main protagonist in trying to destabilise the UPP by poaching a few of their members, when he obviously realised the oppositions rise to prominence during – and after – the last General Election.

    I’ve no idea why you would ignore such an important fact, and what Browne’s real end goal is; and that’s to hold on to power at any cost.

    This continuing deflectionary focus on the oppositions so-called issues is getting rather TEDIOUS now, especially when you look closely into the dire straights of the suffering with the high cost of living for do many Antiguans, including poor housing, working conditions and poor wages that needs to be addressed immediately.

    Browne and his myopic supporters must be laughing their heads off at our own IDIOSYNCRASIES.

  2. Well the party has made it clear that it doesn’t want the “foreigners” vote. Heck it doesn’t even want a JAMAICAN WIFE for any of its candidates!!

    Good thing Pringle not interested in any YARDEE


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