Dear Editor,
I appreciate the opportunity to once again address the leadership of the United Progressive Party (UPP) through your platform. This time, I wish to bring to light the ongoing chaos and disarray within the UPP, most notably at last Sunday’s General Council Meeting.
When the Political Leader spoke for just over three and a half minutes to address what he called “yet another sad occasion for the UPP” following the resignation of Dr. Edmund Mansoor, it should have prompted serious reflection within the party. Dr. Mansoor, unlike others who have left, has gone a step further by joining the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP).
Instead of a moment for healing and reflection, last Sunday turned out to be one of the most chaotic afternoons I’ve ever witnessed within the UPP.
Here are some undeniable facts:
1. The General Council Meeting was characterized by chaos.
2. The Chairman made it clear that she wants Richard Lewis out of the party.
3. She revealed that a recent poll showed Richard Lewis trailing Michael Joseph in the St. John’s Rural West constituency.
4. The Chairman expressed her lack of trust in Richard Lewis, stating that he can no longer win his seat and should step aside.
5. Both the Political Leader and Chairman told members they were free to leave the UPP if they no longer supported the leadership.
6. There is a growing belief among members that Richard Lewis will soon leave the UPP, possibly to join the ABLP.
7. Prime Minister Gaston Browne has not shown interest in welcoming Richard Lewis into the ALP.
8. Discussions have surfaced about replacing Shawn Nicholas in the Senate with Pearl Quin.
9. Shawn Nicholas has threatened to resign from both the Senate and the party.
10. She has not yet resigned because Harold Lovell, her close ally, has convinced her to wait.
11. The party leadership has initiated efforts to expel Sean Bird from the UPP, accusing him of being an “ABLP flip-flopper”.
12. At least four senior members are contemplating resignation, with one already meeting with Prime Minister Browne over the weekend at a local hotel.
The ongoing turmoil within the UPP is a testament to the failed leadership of Jamale Pringle and the divisive influence of D. Giselle Isaac. Together, they have brought the party to the brink of collapse.
It is laughable that some continue to point fingers at Gaston Browne and the ALP for the UPP’s internal crisis. Prime Minister Browne has shown himself to be a visionary, strategic, and effective leader.
If Pringle and Giselle do not wake up to the reality of the party’s disintegration, the metaphor “Captain, the ship is sinking” will soon no longer apply—because by then, the ship will have already sunk.
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Sad situation for the UPP. Leadership is questionable, or lack thereof.
Has anyone noticed the difference in ANR’s reporting? Is ANR censoring their own articles? Who is behind this news portal that wishes to hide certain opinions?
Is there an the ALP tool/handler in the driver’s seat of ANR?
There is definitely a noticable change to this site — It seems to be much more ALP friendly.
Antiguans needs to keep a watchful eye on ANR. When government infiltrates or takes over news outlets… Dictatorship Alert!
nice try deflecting and attempting to blame the demise of upp on ANR. You just like upp – BURYING YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND! you mean to say not one smaddy can STAND UP TO GISELE ISAAC??? She is the sole DICTATOR in the party??? how is it that one person weilds so much power?
#2 is no suprise!! This is exactly why richard had to flee to Jamaica to escape all the STRESS from the overbearing Man Cow!!! Time to RESUME TALKS WITH ABLP ABOUT AMBASSADOR TO JAMAICA POSITION! Escape now richard or else SHE WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A L-I-V-I-N-G H-E-L-L!!!
Over she dead body will you ever be leader of HER party!!!! You will question your sanity, your mental health will go to shambles and you will regret the day you dared to challenge lovell for leadership, then challenge pringle. how dare you!!! who da hell u think you be to come in Gisele party and ramp wid she! u pass ya place likkle boy!!!
Facebook is ablaze with the details from Sunday’s UPP Executive. 2 things stood out
1). Gisele wants Richard Lewis GONE!!!!
2). Shawn wants to resign, but loveLIE begged her not to
stay tuned for more CHAOS and DEPARTURES from upp…
Those 2 clowns smiling as if they accomplished something great! Tag-Team Disaster Wrecking Ball clowns!
Having listened to Giselle Isaac this morning on Twin Islands Media with Daren. By the way this is the first time that Daren was persistent in putting hard questions to her. The Lady said she is not taking any blame for no one leaving. She will not be made the beating dog. As Jamal said metaphorically speaking, “it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog”. I cringe when he said that. I wish I could draw that caricature of Edmund taking a stick and beating both Giselle and Jamal. Just like when they drew the PM beating LIAT the death donkey. However LIAT is now back in the air. So it was not bad for him to beat it.
But if this lady doesn’t change her ways she will bring down the entire party. And something has to happen soon. I think Lewis needs to start his own party and take half of the members with him. Massiah was before her time and did not have the right supporters.
Brixtonian, Christopher Carmichael, I really feel sorry for you. But UPP is death. They imploded.
What happened to Serpent and Shugy ? Missing from Parliament today. These Guys NOT serious. SHAME..UPP MASH UP.
Sean Bird jumping ship shortly.
We nar want Serpent and Shugy, let Them die with UPP.
Elston Adams……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Gregory Athill ……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Lamming Newton ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Malayka parker …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Ambassador Goodwin…………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Colin Browne ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Colin Derek ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Anthony stuart …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Joanne Massiah ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Dean jonas …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Winston Williams …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Wimoth Daniel …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Mervyn Richards ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Phil more Benjamin ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Errol Cort ………………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
John Maginley ……………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Hilson Baptiste ……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Chanlah Codrington ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Clephane Roberts ……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Dr. Edward Mansoor ……………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Donna Chaia …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Trevor Young………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Kieron Simon………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Chaniel Imhoff………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Lenworth Johnson………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Luther Lee………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Anderson Carty………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Elmore Charles………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Bishop Dorsette……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
Chevaughn Benjamin
Anthony Smith
Edmond Mansoor
Sean Bird
Shawn Nicholas
SERPENT , SHUGY and RICHARD LEWIS should be EXPELLED from the party. They Guys are causing the IMPLOSION / EXPLOSION of UPP. They cannot be trusted. Richard Lewis needs to come clean and explain the alleged negotiation in reference to the HIGH COMMISSIONER to Jamaica.
Who writes this crap?? And who would be gullible enough to believe any of it? Firstly, if you were in the meeting as you claim, then post your name. Secondly, if you were indeed allowed in this meeting, then you are a mole or wolf in sheep clothing, who makes Anthony Smith look more like Jesus than Judas. Either way, no one should pay any attention to your post/article nor to the nuscience posters since it’s intention is clear: another arrow aimed at the heart of the UPP in an diabolical attempt to kill it.
why should the writer out his/her name??? so that Man Cow can VICTIMIZE, OSTRACIZE, TARGET, BLACKLIST and BULLY them all the way to Clarevue??
Remember what the common theme is among all who left: TOXIC UPP
for the sake of their MENTAL HEALTH, they could no longer take the poopoo coming from the Man Cow and call it chocolate syrup! They quit pretending! Look again at Trevor Young, Cleon Athill, Chevaugn Benjamin et al resignation letter.
You see the upp is just a “party” whereas the Labour Party is an INSITUTION!!! note the difference. coming together to be spiteful, vindictive, jealous and badminded to ABLP was not a good foundation for upp to stand on. The people of Antigua and Baburda and the world at large get to see what the upp is made of – rotten to the core, with maggots seeping out and a fecal stench. Run for the hill before the lipstick-wearing hog tramples you to death.
Egg price increasing with immediate effect, still no water. My guests declared that they will never ever pass this way again because the government seems to be punishing us for some unknown reason. They claim that the roads make them dizzy and our beautiful island is like a safari. They plan to go back to Nevis and Dominica next year because they have much more to offer. Keep on berating UPP because they are the cause for everything that’s happening in Antigua.
You know the price of eggs in Trump country???? Things will only get worse once Kamala is unveiled as President in November. (She already chosen by the Skulls n Bones human sacrifice cult society aka Electoral College)
Enjoy our democracy. Every vote counts, not like in USA politics
UNCLE BRIXTONIAN is hiding. The heat too much for Him.
BRIXTONIAN, ZACKIE , SERPENT and SHUGY will be the only members left with UPP..
@PRIM September 11, 2024 At 9:18 am
I think you better start writing the ULOGY of the UPP.
Because the inevitable is happening. Just a matter of time. They will be laid to rest. And then we will say, Once upon a time their was a political party named PLM, ACLM, UPP.
And then they were no more. And Gaston Browne wept because he didn’t expected to lose his opponents that early.
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