LETTER: Are people entering politics here in Antigua & Barbuda, for the right reason?



Dear Editor

In recent times,  I have noticed that persons who have a basic academic background and are living an average standard lifestyle, are now entering  into politics here in Antigua.

During the yesteryears, politics attracted mainly persons who were considered as professionals especially those persons who perhaps had an accounting, teaching or legal background. Of course, they were more accepted by the society to be the ones qualified as stewards to govern.

With this new dispensation, I have become curious as to why our politics is now attracting persons with a basic academic background. It has led me to ask, are they really entering into the political arena  for the right reason?

Of course, people enter politics for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons are

1. A desire to serve the public: Many people enter politics because they have a genuine desire to make a positive difference in their communities or society at large. They want to address issues like poverty, education, healthcare, or inequality.

2. A passion for Change: Some persons are driven by a belief that the system is broken or needs reform. As a result, they may want to challenge the status quo, fight corruption, or push for progressive change in society.

3. To develop a Career: Some individuals may enter politics to develop the skills in public administration and make a positive contribution to the socio-economics of a country

4. Civic Duty: Some people feel a strong sense of responsibility or obligation to contribute & give back to the governance of their country.

5. Representation of a Community: Often, people enter politics to represent a particular group or community to ensure their interests are heard and addressed.

6. Legacy and Family Tradition: In some cases, people enter politics because it’s a family tradition, or they have been influenced by family members or mentors involved in politics.

Interestingly, based on my observation, it seems to me that a 7th reason can be added, that is, primarily for prestige and self enrichment. The thought of what they can do to take the country upwards to the next level becomes secondary.

It is evident that our political landscape has contracted an epidemic of allowing politicians to be transformed overnight, from rags to riches. No proof has presented itself that stealing Gov’t funds by the politicians, is the order of day. However, creating policies so our politicians can get assets at very low concessionary rates seems to be very prevalent, in contrast to the ordinary tax payer.

I must admit that I was extremely flabbergasted to hear on the last Browne & Browne show, that cabinet approved concessions for 3 political MPs who were previously surviving on a basic income,  prior to coming on the political stage, and within such short time, they are now able to purchase prime lands at an astronomical price of over a million dollars each.

Hearing such pronouncement caused my heart to bleed. Antigua is no longer for the working class Antiguans.  It is clearly for the politicians, their friends, families and cronies. Obviously, in this country of ours, the working class will remain poor. The politicians creates the impression that they have the people & country at heart but behind the scenes, they tend to milk the economic cow to their benefit.

Clearly, our political system needs an overhaul. The politicians on either side of the political devide, are looking out for each other. It is extremely sad that the working class of this country are living in a tangled web. Some body has to be joking…








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  1. Well it is clear why the WINKUP PREACHERMAN entered politics. His ACTIONS speak real loud!

  2. Agreed!!!! Because if people really entered politics for the right reasons, the country would be in a much better state.

  3. I need answer to this question in letter ” are they really entering into the political arena for the right reason? Any body please..

  4. I must be honest and note that throughout Africa, the Caribbean and some other places, people see politics as a vehicle for self-enrichment. Many do not see politics like a Fidel Castro, Kwame Nkrumah or Maurice Bishop as a vehicle to facilitate the greater good for the citizenry and society. Until that attitude changes our political landscape will not improve and corruption will thrive.

    • Every nation has that not just the Caribbean and Africa even right now Elon musk is doing to a extreme extent in America, but I agree people like Fidel Castro and Maurice, Thomas San-kara and Ibrahim Traore or seek to liberate their people are few, also people like them tend to be murdered are at the end of multiple assassination attempts like Castro was. I personally believe this decade is a critical time where change will happen and willing to do what it takes to make it happen

  5. @Truth Be Told Lol lol lol. Whoever the CHAOS DEMON is please note that I am one man with more balls than any woman. The CHAOS DEMON might be afraid of me.

  6. @Young Antiguan Communist I would have preferred it if you were named instead Young Antiguan Marxist. Anyway, I am in agreement with your view.

  7. Sungu na better than Lungu!!

    All politicians are rapists of the tax payers monies…..

    Question: Who goes into politics poor and leave poor…..? NONE!

    Antigua is in a sad state!!!!!

  8. If anyone in Antigua has entered politicis for the wrong reason line up the ALP goons. Since Gaston entered politics and especially since he was elevated to prime minister his sons, ex, wife and cabal have amassed wealth beyond explanations. His son who could not afford to pay his tuition while studying abroad became a milti millionaire on completion of his studies. Gaston swapped prime, prize land at Marble Hill for reclaimed land at Dredge Bay. Minister Anthony Smith told his former colleagues that he switched allegiance for $6million. Minister Maria Browne and Gaston have acquired large chunks of land in Barbuda. other labour cabalist have acquired wealth beyond their salary’s reach in Liberta, Jennings amongst other places. Minister Fernandez was the beneficiary of a huge bail out for his obsolete cinema in the heart of town. Senior Minister Robin Yearwood can make a mattress of his wealth acquired as a laboRAT. Gaston told us how he and his cabal made their wealth. So if you are looking for people who are in politics primarily to enrich themselves while the populace remains poor gather the laboRATs. Sadly you are worshipping them while they gain wealth at your expense. So don’t come here trying to point fingers at UPP parliamentarians. All who served during the ten years of UPP are begging. Gaston ridiculed them for serving for ten years and leaving poor

  9. You are really out to get the Bird’s. I suppose you were penning this piece since VC was alive; however, we already know Gaston and his Com Raids’ stance because early in the GAME, he told us of their intentions. They are in the sport of shaking down wealthy persons and looting the treasury.

  10. We like many other societies across the Caribbean are just chatty chatty, with no substance.
    Show me the research that has come out of UWI which has created a value chain which has transform the Caribbean economies.
    Our media is more of less gossip rather than news that informs and educate.
    What we know of ourselves was fed to us by our Colonial masters. We take pride in our credentials of BA, MS, PHD.
    Just like our new Police Commissioner, we are given a list of his academics. What can anyone say about his leadership beyond training?
    After many years moving up the ranks; what transformative change making policies has been implemented to improve policing because of his leadership?

    We are s society of credentials and chat. After you have shown that you have shown you possess those attributes then it’s time to make some money in politics.


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