Leaking roof and fears of mold are now plaguing St. John’s Magistrate Court in its ‘new’ home at Knuckle Block


REAL NEWS –  Concerns are being expressed by some attorneys and by staff at the St. John’s Magistrates’ Court that mold could be growing inside the building – in particular, in one courtroom and two other areas.

Reports say the roof of the building is leaking and that water has now penetrated the Knuckle Block facility, which was built as a community centre.

A source says that water had been discovered leaking into a bathroom, and Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh had notified the Ministry of Works about it.

Reportedly, after the problem was checked, it was determined that some type of sealant would be required to cover the entire roof to prevent further leaking.

However, it would be costly to acquire, the Ministry reportedly said, and the Government did not have the financial resources to get it done.

Therefore, nothing was done to address the leaking roof and the situation worsened, spreading into the Traffic Court and, now, into a hallway.


The clerk of the Traffic Court reportedly then complained to the court supervisor and, subsequently, notified the Ministry of Health about the leaking roof.


An official from that ministry reportedly was dispatched, in July, to conduct checks; but, at that time, there was only leaking water and no mold was found.

However, since then, a musty odour has developed, prompting fears that it could be mold, which has the potential to spread rapidly.

Meanwhile, as a result of water leaking into the Traffic Court, Magistrate Dexter Wason had moved his operations.

A source says that since he now uses the chief magistrate’s courtroom, he had assigned his to Magistrate Dane Hamilton for civil cases, despite knowing that there was an issue.

The source says that court officials appear not to be interested in dealing with the issue and health officials have not been notified of the odour and continued leaking.

It was mold, leaking roofs and other health concerns that forced the Court to move from its High Street home in the first place.

Now a similar situation is brewing ,which could result in health issues among the staff.






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  1. What a shame and disgrace. Everything ABLP touches deteriorates…the clinics, hospital, police stations and the list goes on

  2. I was there in Monday. It was raining and the police he’d to be walking in eater inside the court room area , the ground was flooded and water was pouring out the roof . A disaster waiting to happen. No maintenance on government building. Yet millions are being given away in St.Mary’s.

  3. That building is fairly new. What would make the roof leaks? Was it shoddy material and or construction that could the problems? Gaston Browne, the buildings owned by the State must have scheduled maintenance.Perhaps if there was such a schedule. The leaks would have been caught quickly and be corrected.

  4. No money to fix leaks and mold but we have money for election/independence concerts? Where are our priorities? If it was Gaston’s office that was leaking, it would be fixed the same day and money would be found. ABLP do not maintain anything except themselves.

  5. You all keep trusting them Chinese to build your country and you will see incompetent work and at the end of the day they still getting back the money from the loans for building poorly constructed buildings in Antigua. Give it about 5 years or less and you will the buildings at the port start displaying issues. These Chinese know how to run circles around black people and get more than what they put in. No wonder they go to Africa and the Caribbean to exploit the dunce and begging ways. Instead of investing money into your own people to educate and construct buildings that will last longer you put trust in your slave masters. Prisoners can build better, stronger and more reliable buildings than them Chinses crooks.

    • Well, I never! Why should we ask the Chinese to build a Magistrate Court House for us? Don’t tell me there are no competent Antiguan builders available to do the job, I do not believe it. On the other hand it’s the beg and borrow culture that is now so ingrained in us we accept as normal what is shoddy and below par. Government cannot construct such a building without outside help and now even Dominicans (of Santo Domingo) are offering to build a school somewhere for our government in Antigua and Barbuda. Is there no pride or self esteem left in this administration? Beg and borrow and accept gifts is the order of the day. What a way to govern an economic powerhouse, or should that be poor house? You couldn’t make it up.

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