Late payment of salaries and inadequate funding of Solid Waste lead to  hardship for workers and slow clean-up

State Insurance Treasury Building

Late payment of salaries and inadequate funding of Solid Waste lead to  hardship for workers and slow clean-up

As government workers braced for the onslaught of Hurricane Philippe, they were dealt a “double blow” – preparing for the storm while also facing late payment of salaries.

As of October 3, 2023, public-sector salaries remained unpaid. This caused many families severe financial hardship and mental stress as they struggled to stock up on food and essential supplies, as well as materials to secure their homes.

The United Progressive Party (UPP) condemns Finance Minister Gaston Browne and his administration for the late payment of salaries and poor planning, especially during this very critical period. By failing to make disaster preparedness a priority, the Government demonstrated that it is insensitive to the needs of the people.

“The Government was unprepared, without an adequate disaster-management plan; and by failing to pay workers on time, it limited their ability to prepare for the storm and to function after,” says the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Jamale Pringle.

Further, almost 24 hours after the hurricane watch was lifted, clean-up efforts had not yet begun. Despite the closure of offices and schools, debris remained in many areas throughout St. John’s, clogging many major streets and roadways, and this will cause traffic problems as business activity resumes on Wednesday.

Pringle also criticizes the Government’s budgetary approach and is asking whether the National Solid Waste Management Authority has received adequate funding and resources to begin the clean-up efforts.

In addition, he contrasts Prime Minister Browne’s quick action in securing the Alfa Nero ahead of the storm with his blatant disregard for the safety and financial commitments of government workers and vulnerable citizens, noting this is strong evidence of where the Administration places its priorities.

“This government continues to demonstrate that it will choose money and pie-in-the-sky ventures over the welfare of the people every time,” Pringle notes.

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  1. Height of wickedness. How people supposed to survive? The worse situation to be in is an emergency and no money. They know storm coming. So stop wasting money on Alfa Nero and take care of people.

  2. All the MONIES we going to get when we SELL the Alfa Nargo no way we have to secure our investment what’s wrong with you people?
    People can wait, when we get the money ALL going to the advancement of the people, just wait and see.

  3. as someone who been with NSWD for over 8 years now this is by far the absolute worse it has been. and every few months a bunch of pointless meeting saying they gonna pay xyz by xyz date and never follow up on any such plans. even christmas time you basically know before hand you wont be getting paid to buy the kids anything so you’re forced to try borrow/beg or do some extra work if you can find to put a smile and ease on the yutes cause they dont need the adult stress

  4. “As of October 3, 2023, public-sector salaries remained unpaid. This caused many families severe financial hardship and mental stress as many struggled to stock up on food and essential supplies …”

    And meanwhile Gaston Browne’s magical money tree continues to bare vast amounts for the coming by-election in St Mary’s South -, and with no end in sight!

    The ABLP continues to be negligent in paying salaries, overtime and pensions on time for far too long.

    This administration continues to treat Antiguans with DISTAIN, CONTEMPT and also as SECOND- CLASS CITIZENS.

    • … can you imagine Gaston Browne and the ABLP withholding ANY payments to their colleagues, associates or family members?

      NO, NEITHER CAN I …!!!

    • @. Go and picket the Ministry of Non-Financed.All it takes is one person and one person alone to get things done.

  5. Gaston don’t care. As long as he have his expensive dark glasses and his BMW and his million dollar Jolly Harbour house and his new-found dozens of businesses and lands around the country and he can travel the world almost monthly on the government dime with a per diem included both for he and Maria, he good. The rest of them can go to hell.

  6. Do the Cabinet Ministers get paid late,monthly? Some of them have multiple Ministries,plus on Statutory Boards,and Privately run Companies Boards.I do hope the people come to their senses.Insists that the practice of Substantive Ministers being on Boards must be stopped now.In my opinion,it is a corruptive practice.Where by they could use insider information and enrich self,concubines,family members and friends.While you the people are starving financially.

  7. It is my belief that monies from every statuary bord is being diverted into NAMCO or some such entity. The idiot who controls the public purse knows nothing about finances though he pretends to be some kind of financial whiz. Any grade 9 educated individual knows better.
    The problem is, all these civil servants who know what’s going on and remain silent. The treasury is a mess, and they too know what is happening to the billions of dollars that are being collected.
    ALP is renowned for corruption, scandals and unexplained revenue loss and until people are jailed,politicians I mean, we will continue to experience these things.

  8. I am a government employee and I was paid on 29th September 2023. As we are all aware it takes time for the banks to process payments. Antigua News Room and the UPP need to stop misleading the general public.

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