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I guess we saw who wore the biggest panty
SHAME on Knight. He has a show and He knows respect is very important. Knight you have problem which bigger than you know. Joanne has exposed you and you are afraid to answer Joanne. Joanne told the nation that you gave her one of your PANTIES to wear and many other things. Knight is so ASHAMED that He sent Joanne a lawyer letter to cease and desist.
Your credentials are printed in hotel bed sheets in America and Antigua and wherever else with politicians. Sadly it cannot show up in your resume.
He’s such a disrespectful kid in the body of a man. His temper tantrums since the days at South Street has worsened. He likes to only hear himself spew the nonsense every night, believing that he’s changing the world. He’s only keeping people divided with his uncensored rhetoric.
As soon as someone disagrees with him, he makes that person enemy #1. If Shugy only disagrees with him, he will learn the wrath of this man’s nasty tongue.
He will singlehandedly cause the UPP to lose the next general elections if he’s not removed from the airwaves.
He’s just big bully, and believes in his head (only) that people are afraid of him.
Anyone who chooses to be on air , chatting foolishness at night for over three hours until after midnight for free, can have no quality of life. When he wakes up, he begins recording every daytime talk show. How lamentably insensate is that?
Calling Antiguans all kinds of names because he knows more than everyone else about Antigua.
He’s not running for office yet he wants to bring down every candidate who is running or serving…
He wants to cuss Sepent too, but he’s trying hard to not upset the apple cart. He has taken his subtlr jabs at him, nonetheless.
He’s admonishing poor Shugy to tear up the bills when they’re brought to him late. Lol, now what sense would that make? The other members got the same bills and they debate them. The administration has the majority. So, tearing up bills would be an immature practice by people who haven’t even yet learned the protocols and standings orders of Parliament.
It’s only time before he becomes totally irrelevant.
Which party does he want to see in office? His brain is so warped that he doesn’t even see the error of his ways.
Playing calypsoes from Trinidad and reggae from Jamaica and Bouyon music from Dominica will do what? I dance to them because I like the rhythm. Lol.🤣🤣
Antigua and Barbuda will continue to progress despite all the noises at night.
Continue to play all the silly AI recordings, you fool.
I will be listening for the comic relief on Monday night.
Ah bayyyyy
Missed chance Knight…almost seems like you wanted to get cut off…
@Paul Sanderson
That’s because he’s a fool. He’s not a rational thinker. “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”
He only likes to hear himself. He doesn’t want answers. He wants to be confrontational. The truth is only what he foolishly thinks.
Knight is a total DISGRACE to radio.He just runs His BIG mouth night after night , spewing garbage. Knight should apologize to the Prime Minister and pointe Fm. He called the show and behaved like a MARKET MAN.
Donna CHAIA asked the perfect question..Knight , what is your PANTY SIZE ?
Joan said Knight gave Her one His Panties because Hers was too tight.
Donna should not have asked that question.
Let the men talk about the issues.
@ Dave Ray, I do agree that Knight leads a miserable life though. I’ve heard him criticize Lamin saying he looks like he’s pumped on steroids while he, Knight is morbidly obese.
He needs to take care of his physical and mental health.
These UPP people will make themselves sick and miserable over politics and nothing to show for it.
Dave, you are a better soldier than me because I’ve given up listening to his show where he repeats the same thing over and over between music and recordings.
A poor quality programme.
What I take from these keyboard happy bloggers like Dave ray and others is their acknowledgement that knight wants to change the world, and he Dave is insensate to the reality for the regular Antiguan born, not the foreigners that conflate the issue on the ground, listen no party whether UPP or ALP is going to reverse the abject poverty slavery has bequeathed to us unless we have a political ideology, both party operates under centrist political ideology, so we appease white monopoly capital domination over our people, Gaston is not a person to go hate, but I hate how he moves with alacrity to empower white monopoly capital, when you sell a land to Antiguan it’s an Antiguan real estate but when you sell lands to Americans or other hegemony it’s an American property which the USA will use it’s military to defend or sanctions if you were to interfere with in the future, halfmoon bay lands is an example, purchased for cents but now the tax payers in court paying millions to those white people who probably made a trillion dollars over that project life time with the citizens employed as just a hand or labor force, no brain involve here, no academic transfer, so it doesn’t improve on your human resources, poverty is perpetuated from the low wage salary, but what I realize is neither Gaston or the upp could nationalize the economy and put it in black people hands because they will be infantilized by the western hegemony and they would be perceived as communist, and sanction by the western hegemony, if our politicians like Gaston could think and stop enjoying the formalities of colonialism like been chauffeur driven and the police escorts that insulates him from the people plights just like how the Caucasians help their people, they would a find real solutions to the people life, do you know most of our people gone to their graves never enjoy their full human potential? If Gaston ALP or the UPP ever stop to think it’s at their judgement they sentence these people to their grave without any life improvement in their humanity they would bring tears if there is a conscience, both party were raised in the same cultural mileau as far as indoctrination by church system and colonial education, so we are always functioning like a coconut brown outside and white inside, the minute we elect a politician, he becomes diametrically opposed to the masses and function as his white colonial counterpart, so power and colonialism devolves, Dave ray and others can continue celebrate friends and party, they will be forever oblivious that when the dust settles, it’s only whites or syrians and Portuguese and Chinese lives are transformed economically, these people operate in blocks so they call the shot as the one percenters, if only our people become smart enough to form voting blocks instead of individual votes where you are subjected to some ham and turkey at the detriment of the community, if they form voting blocks they can demand real transformation that impact the lives of their community, because during the campaigning the politicians come and leave each 5 year cycle and no impact upon infrastructure or life of the people, they make like fixing roads ect. And once they win the election it stops there, they are insulated from you the people by the police and all kind of a colonial formalities, in block voting now if 500 out of a voting blocks of 900 decides to hold a meeting with the prospective candidates and demand certain things for the community it would be done, providing that block has some constitution that govern them where it can restrict each member from engaging the politicians on a one on one basis, so that their demands could be met. I so want to see my country transformation and life in general for black African decent left languishing in poverty by 400 years of slavery with a psychological continuance by the church and education system that teaches us to be service providers and not be industrious.
” SHUG KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN”…..smh….This is not a man, he’s a spoiled 10 year old…..As soon as he doesn’t get his way or you even slightly disagree with him, he goes off…….he is what I call a “Regular R@ss”….SMH!!!
Panty Man knight called in hoping to get noticement. He is looking to get new listeners to his mediocre show. Knights voice is so annoying and every time I hear him I get nauseous.
Big panty dutty disrespectful POS gay man trying to over talk the host & PM.
Keep your nastiness and low quality comments for your basic content show and never call in to this show again Panty Man Dane Knight.
Shugy next time you go to Trinidad with your boyfriend, please take the Panty man with you. Dane sounds a little stressed he needs a stress outlet.
PANTY MAN. PANTY. MAN. KNIGHT. Joan said your panty is too large for her. Disrespecting our Prime Minister nightly. Hope Prime Minister sue you someday.
Asot Michael Jumbie will be dreaming many living beings and not all beings will have pleasant dreams. Some will have nightmares for the rest of their living life like those that haunted Al Capone by the gangsters that he murdered, thomp, punch, assassinated, slaughtered.
If Asot did not fund ABLP why did Regis Burton and ABLP rode on his coattails in St. Peter’s By_Election?
Gaston and the rest of the Caribbean to the Middle East knows who Asot Michael is and what he did for ALP/ABLP.
The alleged perpetrator who assassinated/murdered Asot Michael should be bold enough, to tell his truth. His legal team should encourage him to spill his mental guts like he supposedly spilled Asot’s.
Gaston’s answers to the land deals, transfers of title etc says exactly how corrupt the system is. Gaston less hope, that when an Asot jumbie come to you in your dreams, it won’t be like those nightmares which Al Capone suffered from, that drove him crazy. IHI might be dead but Richard Lewis is after some heads, and when he gets the chance to be in the drivers seat, many heads are going to roll.
All singers for their meals. I have never seen. Where the likes of Dave Ray ever criticized Gaston Browne on any issues. Gaston Browne could go no wrongs in his eyes. Is it because he is looking for work in NYC with the Administration? Selfish, greedy, girly men.