Under the theme ‘We are More Impactful with More Hands,’ the Club will continue the nearly five decades of service to the community of Antigua and Barbuda; building on a formidable year of service led by Immediate Past President (IPP) Mr. Kevin Silston.
Silston, in his outgoing remarks at the Club’s recent handing-over ceremony, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the donor community of Antigua and Barbuda which stepped forward tremendously in support of the Club’s ambitious undertakings for 2020-2021. Thanks to this support, the Club was able to surpass its projected impact on the community – despite the challenges of COVID-19 and its impact on global health and economics.
Health, education, and social services took the front burner in the last Rotary year.
“Thank you very much to all Rotarians for the work that we have continued to do under challenging circumstances. Thank you, our corporate sponsors and social partners who were able to join with us despite your own setbacks. I believe that the convenient strength of Rotary was amply demonstrated this past year and our community is better for it,” Silston said.
He cited critical projects that were added to Rotary’s list of landmark and life-altering undertakings that were successfully implemented over the past 12 months and will continue into years ahead.
“I’m happy that at the end of this Rotary year, we are going to have some critical projects moving into the new year and onwards including those dealing with Child Obesity, Chronic Kidney Disease, and the recently renovated and fully equipped School for the Deaf.
“Thank you very much Rotarians. Thank you for your support. We now look forward to throwing our full support behind the new board and its direction for the Club in the year ahead,” Silston said as he handed the baton of leadership over to new President, Joanna Spencer.
Aside from its domestic waves, the Rotary Club of Antigua stood out significantly within the organization’s District 7030.
At the recent District Conference 2020-2021, the Club received the ‘District Governor’s 5 Star Award’ in honor and recognition of its “Outstanding Contribution to the Goals and Objectives of the District.” Individual awards were also presented to the Club’s outgoing President “For Outstanding Service to the District” and to its returning Assistant Governor (AG) Evangeline Allen who received the “Rotary Hero” District Pin for Outstanding Service.
Armed and ready to continue with the momentum, new President Joanna Spencer said, “As we close off a successful Rotary year and begin a new one, we are proud to be moving forward on a solid foundation reinforced annually with commitment to service and partnerships.”
Spencer thanked the outgoing president for “paving the way” for her and for putting in place long-term strategic plans that will add to the successes of the year of service ahead.
“Fellow Rotarians, thank you for endorsing me as your President for 2021-2022. I am honored to have been given this opportunity to continue to serve. I commit to the giving of my time in service to the community and doing all needed to keep our Club and its values together,” Spencer said. Her term in office runs from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
The new President began her Rotary journey at 21-years-old at the Rotaract Club of Antigua, where she served in several leadership roles including that of Club President. She later transitioned into the Rotary Club of Antigua where she served as its Treasurer and Secretary before advancing to the role of President.
Currently holding the office of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Digicel Antigua & Barbuda and Monserrat, Spencer is an Accountant by vocation with a stellar career record in the arena of finance and management throughout the Caribbean.
Other members of the 2021-2022 Board of the Rotary Club of Antigua include Vice President Mr. Eric Joseph; Secretary Ms. Julie-Ann Laudat; Treasurer Mr. Karim Edwards; Director of Service Projects Mr. Kirk Francis; Membership Chair Mrs. Jo-Anne Scotland-Gilkes; Rotary Foundation Chair Dr. Susan Snaggs-Wilson; Public Image Chair Mr. Alex Holder; Youth Service Director Ms. Linda Watkins; Club Administrator Mrs. Elisa Graham; and Sergeant at Arms Mr. Ato Kentish.
President-Elect (PE) for the Rotary Club of Antigua’s 50th Golden Jubilee year 2022-2023 is Ilean Ramsey.
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