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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
We offer fully customizable and flexible digital marketing packages.
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Wow. The ‘bio-secure area’ certainly seems to have everything under control.
Max Hurst will tell Darren Matthew-Ward tomorrow that the hotel plant and their guest is OUTSIDE of our laws.
A bunch of jokers.
Knight in Dull Armour, when are you coming back? The SnakePit at night dead without you. Miss you my friend. God bless.
Those in the Video are all Locals.Some of you would wished they were.That should not be allowed to happen,even if all guests are Vaccinated.For Vaccinated persons like yours truly,could get and spread that Virus.Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism should have a conference with the Management of the Hotel involved.This same Hotel had a super spread of 31 infected persons last month.There is something fundamentally wrong going on at the Royalton Hotel. What protocols and or ‘Pradacals’ are they following,none.
WHARF RAT you are cracking me up this good Sunday afternoon with your protocols and “pradacals”. The later of course referring to the pronunciation of our Prime Minister.
I was there. It wasn’t locals. It was a group of 174 Americsns who came to the hotel to celebrate labor day.
Seriously! The mix messaging is causing all the problems . Pure discrimination.
Are they all in a pool??
Don’t worry, the water’s been vaccinated!!! LOL
WHARF RAT you are cracking me up this good Sunday afternoon with your protocols and “pradacals”. The later of course referring to the pronunciation of our Prime Minister.
Of course it’s not a super spreader.
Perfectly legal and within the law.
All the protocols were followed.
As a matter of fact the new regulations are not in effect yet, they will be Monday when they are Gazette.
The people are responsible and there is absolutely nothing wrong with what transpired there.
MEL: Why is it not a super spreader? Do you think Covid-19 gives two damns whether the Law is Gazette or not? That Hotel had a Covid-19 uptick a month ago.No excuses,no damn excuses.
Forward that to the Cabinet! Let the blame game begin! You can’t enjoy your own country but they can! Atrocious!
I would never expect any better from you, all your utterances have been about Labour Party can do no wrong if that was a UPP EVENT with all vacinated persons oh you would have had the world to say. So let me say it since you clearly have cheese in your mouth or your a paid hac… THIS IS WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, If that was a local event at a hotel oh the police would be all over that locking up promoters and maybe even firing a few teargas for good measure. Oh but know it’s the tourist the unvaccinated tourist the tourist that does not have to show prof of vaccination, the tourist who just last month infected 31 workers at that same facility and send them out to their respective homes and communities to cause havoc, but that is all right with you. Because your country is not really first just Labor Party right? but dam to anyone else. Jesus call your kind hypocrites.
This should have never ever happened the same protocols exist for both locals and visitors alike..
Guess Melchesidec go blame Harold for this one as well
Well it must be your American tourists as coming from England I had to produce every vaccination certificate. 1 PCR on leaving England. A Lateral Flow test whilst I am here to get back on the plane to go home. And again another PCR test when I and at a cost of 600 pounds fir 3 of us. England very strict
For your information my offering was tongue and cheek exerts from Cutie Benjamin’s rant after the wedding.
To understand some things you guys must be up to date with current events.
All humor and sarcasm…….
MELCHESIDEC I must confess that your humour and sarcasm escape me as well. I know what Cutie Benjamin said to justify the numbers and other issues at his son’s wedding, but I really did not see the connection between Cutie’s comment and yours.
I guess this is all UPP’s fault as well.
Well said FLED!!!!!
Well said FLED!!!!! White makes Right American and European Tourist. Bring your VIRUS AND COME!
These WERE NOT LOCAL PEOPLE! They are ALL AMERICANS who came to ANTIGUA on a trip for Labor Day. Just because they are black DOES NOT MEAN LOCAL. There are black people who live in other countries who
Come here as tourist. So essentially these are just tourist on vacation so as long as the country is opened to tourist then they are doing nothing wrong
JOANN Knight in Dull Armour and Knight in Shining Armour are two different people. The Snakepit person is Knight in Shining Armour.
Why skin color and other prejudice coming to play with regards others HUMANS BEINGS in this country?…the British look like their do a great job messing up the brains for the black community untill today. Come on people,come on.
Where are the police with their riot squad to fire rubber bullets and tear gas at them?
That’s right they can do this but we can’t picket. Our constitutional rights are being taken away by world dictator traitor tyrant liar bully (HT) Gaston Browne and the rest of his cesspool gang who are showing their colours they are all DICTATORS.
They are already in the water. No need for water cannons.
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