Is Kelvin Shuggy Simon Ready for the Upcoming Debate on Monday? Or is He in Trinidad for Carnival?


LETTER: Is Kelvin Shuggy Simon Ready for the Upcoming Debate on Monday? Or is He in Trinidad for Carnival?

As the House of Representatives prepares for a crucial debate on significant national bills on Monday, many are expressing skepticism about whether Kelvin Shuggy Simon, the Member of Parliament for St. Mary’s South, will be present to represent his constituents. With a troubling history of missed debates and a track record of avoiding important discussions, Simon’s commitment to his parliamentary duties is under serious scrutiny.

Constituents are voicing their concerns, with many questioning Simon’s reliability. โ€œI bet you Shuggy won’t show up,โ€ is a sentiment echoed by numerous constituents, reflecting their disappointment and frustration regarding his frequent absences from critical discussions.

As the upcoming bills address vital national issues, Simon’s absence would further indicate his disengagement from the legislative process. Notably, the United Progressive Party (UPP) had a failed protest action related to these same bills, and Simon’s absence could be detrimental to public trust. His previous reluctance to engage in debates has turned into a concerning pattern, raising doubts about his capacity to effectively fulfill his role as an elected representative.

Moreover, Simonโ€™s long-standing “debating phobia” has kept him out of the discourse, leading many to question his fitness for leadership. His past performances have left doubts about his ability to adequately represent the interests of St. Mary’s South, particularly when critical matters require nuanced discussions and robust debate.

Questions about Simonโ€™s recent activities have further complicated matters. There are speculations regarding whether he is in Trinidad for Carnival, enjoying festivities with friends, or if he has been preoccupied with personal leisure activities like boating. Such distractions only amplify concerns about Simon’s priorities as an elected official. The public deserves clarity in this regard, especially when facing pressing national issues.

At the budget debate, Agernon Serpent Watts exploited Simon’s fears about debating, while others have demonstrated erratic preparedness, furthering the narrative around Simon’s possible disengagement. This pattern has deepened the perception of Simon’s leadership ambitions. The question must be asked: Is Simon genuinely fit to lead his party and represent the people effectively?

As Simon attempts to carve out a more prominent position within the UPP, one wonders if he is genuinely prepared for leadership or if he is content to remain passive while others tackle serious governance issues. The discrepancies between his personal pursuits and his political responsibilities raise valid concerns about his commitment to serious leadership.

The people of St. Mary’s South deserve better representation. Their needs and interests are compromised by a Member of Parliament more concerned with personal enjoyment than with fulfilling his duties. With a history of missed debates and a cloud of unanswered questions surrounding his commitment, the pressing question remains: Is Kelvin Shuggy Simon truly prepared to lead, or is he merely coasting on the coattails of his political career, leaving his constituents without the representation they rightfully deserve?

Where is Shuggy, and will he step up when it matters most? Is he in Trinidad for Carnival?

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    • not jealous, just DISAPPOINTED & PISSED! Receiving an MP SALARY to jump and prance, wine and winkkup????? You think that nice? when time come fu debate de bill, he quiet like wan church mouse. Wah can go so??


  1. How can he claim to fight for the people of St. Maryโ€™s South when heโ€™s missing in action for key national discussions?

  2. Oh, what a scandalous tale unfolds before us, dear readers! It seems the elusive Mr. Simon is more adept at vanishing acts than parliamentary debates. While the House prepares for weighty discourse, whispers abound that our dear MP may be indulging in revelry rather than responsibility. Will he grace the chamber with his presence, or shall his constituents be left longing for representation? One must wonderโ€”does duty call louder than the sweet melodies of Carnival? The people await, but will Shuggy show? ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿพโœจ

  3. NO! He is NOT and will NEVER BE READY! He and serpent have big chat on radio but are DISMAL FAILURES IN PARLIAMENT!!!! They scared to debate because they do not have the capacity to do so!!!

    as much as they mock Pringle and laugh at him behind his back, they are no better than Mr. Pringle

  4. Elected officials are supposed to work for the people. If Shuggy would rather enjoy leisure than debate serious issues, he should step down

  5. If this is true Kelvin Shugy Simon MUST RESIGN!

    Failing to represent the people and instead choosing to party overseas would be a new low, even for the UPP.

    Budget Boycotts, hardly ever talking in parliament and now this?

    Perhaps we will see Shugy rise in the honorable house today and all will be well… but I doubt it!

  6. The man is all about self and getting his ego stroked by attention.

    BTW, where is shoogy LAWFULLY WEDDED WIFE???

  7. This guy is just a Muppet I see, UPP will need a rebuild to gain the trust of the people because at the end of the day UPP party is still a big name in Antigua politics, policies are not that bad socially if they keep their words and most importantly they are currently the opposition in parliament to keep in check. Imo the social parties need work done both of them UPP in public opinion and DNA is getting seen

  8. Distraction from police brutality much? ANU have bigger problems than Shugy being unprepared for a debate in Parliament. I’d rather have unprepared MP’s than ROGUE COPS!
    Cops brutalizing a senior for a parking infraction but can solve any of the killings of teenage girls nor any of the growing list of missing persons. No wonder they don’t give a damn about their mediocre performance because people like this author shows no concern for the real problems that plague this nation.


    Well, under the Sun, there is a ‘…TIME FOR EVERYTHING:





    There is no darn way these could be had at the ‘…SAME TIME.’


    (i) …There is a ‘…TIME FOR CANNAVAL: and

    (ii) …A ‘…TIME FOR BACCANNAL.’

    These always go together.


    Still, there is more ‘…BACCANAL’ IN PARLIAMENT THAN AT ‘…CANNAVAL.’



    PLAY MAS.’



  10. How easily our passions get ignited! Is that photo a current one? Before getting beside ourselves do we know FOR A FACT that the MP is currently in Trinidad? This might be pure drama designed to make a lot of people look stupid and the MP in question surface in grand fashion, as another version of BATMAN! Then he would not need to open his mouth an inch. He would have already made his contribution!
    People stop renting out space in your head!!!

  11. Mr. Simon has NO LOYALTY TO SMS OR THE UPP. always running to miss Night show and badmouthing his Leader and his party. Jamal Pringle need to watch his back from the likes of Shuggy. dunno why shuggy jus dont resign or go independent, instead of bad-talking the party he is a member of. always taking shots at pringle

  12. yet they have this guy representing as an MP…..What a shame.
    I said before and I’ll say again, this guy is immature and is not even fit to represent himself and people have him representing them smh, shame shame shame.
    He’s a boy with air muscles and know when to be quiet around the big dogs, he’s very quiet when most needed to be the mouth piece for many, he’s simply not fit.
    Remove this guy, I’m sure a woman will do a better job.

    • apparently the Executive of the UPP is in agreement with your sentiments. That is why they BOYCOTT SHOOGY BY-ELECTION ANNIVERSARY ACTIVITY! Not even the party Chairman showed up. not even the party Leader showed up.

      The shirtless party boy is a fart bag and waste a time.

  13. With all that nonsense written about MP Simon by the AB LP Lickspittle Brigade Mr. Simon will prevail over that OVER INFLATED WINDBAG Dwayne George, MP Simon is neither a TURNCOAT or JUDAS. ROUND SOUTH PEOPLE not buying all your Bullshit

  14. I always heard that once elected,you should be there to serve the people at all times,

    So if he can’t manage or don’t have any more interest,he should step down.

  15. This is supposed to make Antiguans believe Shuggy is losing support. It’s all staged propaganda!
    Nice Try Tho! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  16. His Parliament is on Day day the Panty man show at nights being disrespectful to our PM and lying to his teeth and something needs to be done as an MP he has to respect his constituents by being of good Character and not buying the PM like a woman in the fish market and most of all he has pantyman using him on his shows for his own benefits as an instigator he is a complete moron says nothing sensible but just chating nonsense and he really believes in his mind that he sounds intelligent, what a stupid man using his mouth to say the worse of others calling the PM brown dog when he behaves like a real dog


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