Immigration Minster, E. P. Chet Greene said action will be taken against Immigration officers who discriminate against non-nationals.
“I want to be very clear, abundantly clear, pellucid, that the Department of Immigration will not tolerate, for another day, any officer who thinks that their responsibility is to berate and insult persons who come to the department for services”, Greene said in Parliament on Tuesday.
“We pride ourselves with respect of our Caribbean civilization that CARICOM citizens, OECS citizens are special citizens. We are the same, he said adding, “We will not tolerate any officer telling you go back where you come from. Those are the kinds of reports that I get from time to time that cause me to think or to speak like this”.
The Minister said he will personally address any matter that is brought to his attention.
“I want to say to the Caribbean Nationals, especially in Antigua & Barbuda, that anytime that you go to the Immigration Department for services and you are confronted by any member of staff who treats you in that kind of fashion be careful and be sure to take their name and to report it to me, not the Chief, to me, the buck stops here now, the joke ends”, Greene said.
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Thanks for representing the People of the Caribbean Sir. This is the fear persons have when they go for services from the Immigration Departments. Sometimes you want to just breakdown. Remember we all migrate , something we do at times . Also some foreigners behaving rude too. But I know many decent Immigration officers who were critical of this issue , now they calm down .
In the mean time people are arriving and leaving the island with fake passports only to be discovered in a neighboring island. But that”s not so important at this time.
Now I understand why market street, Kentish road, and Spanish Squalla look the way they do.
Another set of ghost workers created.
With this encouragement foreigners will continue to be first, second and third in Antigua. At the back of the bus Antiguans.
Nothing about the old Jamaican security guard that was hired as an Immigration Officer when thousands of young Antiguans are at home jobless.
Mr Minister next time say it in Spanish for emphasis.
So this is the border security priority for 2020? This is the charge to the Immigration Officers?
You see why a man can no longer talk in his own house just like when the Guyanese man call in on the radio and told the Antiguan man to stop talking about Guyanese without knowing the facts…..
You have to travel a little bit to see the world. Im sure you children living in others countries. I’m sorry for you but nobody want to stay in Antigua,they come for business and back to other countries to don’t live with people like you.
Well said…..💯
Whoever you are.The man is right,don’t speak if you don’t know the fact,
This is really ‘…an unlike Mellie’ Complaint.’
Never a ‘…defender of the faith.’
Know that my ‘…gud fren) Mellie’ do not necessarily complain.’
Ras Smood’s spelling. Credit to him for the short words.
Seems the issue of ‘…treatment of people,’ as alluded to by the ‘…Immigration Minister,’ has either been ‘…inadvertently or deliberately’ overlooked or misconstrued.’
While there might be ‘…obscured reasons,’ why not see what the Minister is attempting to bring about – ‘…Employees reform in attitude and behavior.’
Well credit to him as well for saying so ‘…boldly and fearlessly.’
That is what I believe the issue is about ‘…Employees reform in attitude and behavior.’ Whether the folks are not from ANTIGUA , you treat people with RESPECT. Not because you are in a position of Power means your must tear down people. Sometimes your own people tearing you down never mind our Caribbean brothers and sisters
More pandering to nonnatioals for votes. Yawnnn!
Nonnationals can’t vote. Yawnnn!
Regardless of what we must do our best to help our Caribbean brothers and sisters,should unite as one black race under Heaven,migration was put in place by God and as long as this EARTH exist,people will always travel whether from Antigua and Barbuda or from other countries as well….
WoW is this what we have come to? Bitterness, Prosecution,Prejudices, Denial, insecurities,The Blame game… Who the Cap Fits..let him or her wear it..
Descrimination has no scuse.The minister is right in his posture to not accept it.If you want your neighbour to treat you right and not descriminate against you.Then you, you should start by not descriminating against anyone in your country.Don’t judge Donnal Trump if you are doing the same thing he is doing in the use with immigrants,but in Antigua; doesn’t make you any better than him.
Can’t recall ever hearing this darn word ‘…Scuse’ before now.
But when the word ‘…Me’ comes behind, sounds very much like ‘…Excuse Me.’
This is not only ‘…Common Sense,’ but also a ‘…courteous’ thing to say to people, before butting in or cutting in as some ‘…Spanish Radio Station.’
The bad thing about such ‘…cutting in,’ is that if you don’t ‘…speak Spanish,’ can’t understand a darn thing.
The music does be good though.
Well, if you can’t ‘…speak Spanish,’ then suppose you can ‘…dance Spanish.’
Not sure if he can ‘…dance Spanish,’ but do know that the ‘…Immigration Minister speaks it fluently.’
Even if you say ‘…Scuse me,’ still don’t cut in like ah darn ‘…Spanish Radio Station.’
When will we learn that we all are one? [Mighty Sparrow]
Some darn ‘…sheep or calf’ is going to ‘…bleat’ over this comment.
But really ‘…don’t care ah France.’
Anyone desires something to puff, please do not go to my ‘…gud fren Ras Smood.’
He might recommend ‘…Ganja.’
Good only for his brain.
Makes him poetic.
Duncy Bat? Na-a-ah.’
Might just come up with something ‘…Duncy.’
Not ‘ebry’ time though.
The News:
On the news story, heard innumerable people, ‘…nationals and non-nationals,’ religiously complained on the ‘…electronic and social media’ of the;
(a) ‘…Unprofessional;
(b) …Uncouth; or
(c) …Uncultured;
(d) …distasteful behavior exhibited; and
(e) …Degrading treatment’ meted out to them by ‘…employees in certain Departments of Government,’ and ‘…not ah darn thing has ever happened to the exhibitionists.’
Now, if the ‘…Immigration Minister’ is endeavoring to change an apparent mindset, by seeking to inculcate in the minds of his officers a sense of ‘…pride and self-worth; …courtesy and professionalism,’ not ah darn thing wrong with dat.’
Speaking from my own experience as a ‘…former Immigration Officer’ (before civilianization) when they took the darn Department away from the Police), can say that ‘…non-nationals who would have;
(i) …Overstayed their welcome;
(ii) …Brought no value to the socio-economic development of the nation;
(iii) …Became a public charge; or
(iv) …Engaged in criminality;’ they were then offered one of two options;
(a) …Voluntary Departure (Pay their way home.); or
(b) …Taken before the Magistrate; (of course, on a charge they had allegedly committed.’
If convicted, application is made for a ‘…Deportation Order.’ Government arranged the way out).
Often kept in detention until such arrangements have been formalized.
People should respect the ‘…dignity and worth of the human person.’
Thus, none shall encourage or tolerate ‘…incivility; …Nationality Profiling; or Discriminatory practices’ in any work place.
Don’t take my word for it though.
One may convince himself by visiting ‘…Section 14’ of the Constitution Order [I981].
Thank you!
What about the blatant discrimination against nationals? So you must be under foot in a foreign land and then get the same treatment at home too? Give me a break! When you travel to US, UK and Canada, do they put foreigners first? I’m not saying that anyone should be treated unfairly because of their nationality, however there must be some sort of distinction between someone who was born in Antigua and Barbuda and someone who came here from another country where they have full benefits and can return, otherwise what is our passport or sovereignty worth? Sometimes politicians need to sit down, shut up and just do the work they were elected to do and stay out of certain arguments.
U sound very dunce!
U need to sit down n shut up didn’t have enough toilet paper after reading this u owe me
I’m a foreigner and I agree with you 💯
Is there a large population of immigrants in St. Paul’s?
I take his point though. A lady from Jamaica sued Barbados and won at the CCJ.
Didnt he say this back in 2019’s budget debate?
Am having a problem with this cause am a born Antiguan, I have had Jamaicans and Guyanese security talk to me like am nobody, am not saying Immigration should treat anyone less than human but they aren’t innocent in this either. Do unto others as they would have them do unto you. I have 4 years customer services and work for an insurance company people come and go and I make sure I treat people how I want them treat me and always said if Immigration hired me the non nationals would love me
I am a born Antiguan too and yet I have also experienced a lot of nasty attitudes from other Born Antiguans and yes one or 2 security guards from foreign but it is rare..The fact is there is bad customer service in this country and it needs to be looked at. If you cant even treat your own locals good worse yet to non nationals, I am amazed we treat tourists good.
You look forward to them spending money yet you have issues with any loving it so much they stay and get a job over one of ours . Want cake and eat it too
I have been to Canada, USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, other Caribbean islands and never got treated like how my own people treated me so lets not try fool people that do travel as well. I am a good person, not vagabond ish, I come from a good family and I treat everyone with respect even when you disrespect me and I go into stores they looking at you, judging you..lazy..talking to you like you are nothing..I haven’t experienced that anywhere else yet and yes we have a right to look after our own but you shouldn’t be NASTY about it. We all trying to make a better life for ourselves.
Ill let you in on a little secret but wont call names..even the higher powers that be have said they prefer to hire non locals cause we Antiguan are lazy, Don’t know how to treat people, and (I was shocked at this one) ..Cant Count or read. Even our locals are tearing their own selves down saying “Antigua is not a reading Public.”
(EDITOR, COULD YOU PLEASE REMOVE MY PREVIOUS POSTS, and keep this one, sorry for the trouble.)
This is not about discrimination now it is about respect for other people’s countries.
Many non-nationals use Antigua as the hub of the Caribbean to conduct a lot of illegal activities from PROSTITUTION to drug trafficking, which is alleged to be some of these Politicians indulgence on the side. Yet, we are not too innocent in that trade as well, so we all should set a good example.
So when our Immigration Officers thoroughly do their jobs, that they are hired to do, it blocks some of these Politicians from bringing in their side-chicks trained to slide down the poles or run their under-cover drug rings from their rum bars and night clubs they allegedly own.
Antiguans are afraid to talk in their own country where they were born and bred, not a shit!!
So when Antiguans travel to the “Big” Islands we can set up shanties all over, and curse out the natives there as we please?
Get real people, a line has to be drawn, NON-NATIONALS, know your damn places. Antigua and Barbuda is no dumping grounds for rejets. Why the intelligent, desent ones do not come to reside here, those are who we need to boost our economy, not the used-up have-beens with nothing substantial to offer but SEX, DRUGS and DISEASES to come and take up spaces.
And how dare Minister Greene disrespect our Immigration Officers like that, by telling these disgruntled non-nationals, who cannot have their way with our workers, to by-pass the Chief Immigration Officer and come straight to him to lodge complaints. Please remember that your seat is not carved in stone as a (non-established) Politician, presidence was set when the Honourable Prime Minister
in the blink of an eye gave Mr. Dean Jonas his walking ticket, so be very careful who you try to step on. Antiguans are who put you in that seat of power, NOT the non-nationals, so tread softly with your high and mighty talks.
For the record, I love and embrace all CARIBBEAN people, but know your places to show respect when you come to this “SMALL” Island as you call us.
Cheers and ONE LOVE.
Blah blah blah blah…..95% of u ranting is pure garbage. Nobody disrespecting u in your own country. They are just asking to be treated with respect and dignity. Foreigners (non nationals) help bring this country to what it is today. Stop hating and discriminating…embrace your Caribbean brothers and sisters. Together we are stronger. #onecaribbean
Your name said it all..smh..
Finally….!! True leadership. This bias and bad treatment towards non nationals been going on for years and no one in authority spoke up about it. Not just at immigration but all over the country this happens on a daily basis. Hotel workers …restaurant workers….on public transportation…everywhere u go non nationals are discriminated against. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!
It’s not only Caribbean nationals who are told these things. I, as a Black American, have had my fair share of degrading comments from immigration officers. I find it unfair that I love Antigua and Barbuda as if I was born here and have to deal with some of the nastiest attitudes from SOME of the immigration officers at the headquarters. It’s a good thing that I know that this island possess some of the NICEST people outside of the immigration office.
Discrimination against picky head Antigua people is ok, but not against foreign criminals. Antigua people ar’u vote fu dat?
Discrimination on any side of the fence is wrong. Why are you you calling Antiguans Picky head? Are you one of those people that like to call themselves Niggers cause we black? ITs still not cool..Are you Antiguan? if so you poking fun at your own
Not because people are in your country that does not give u the right to treat them like shit. Equal rights and justice for ALL…
Nar son..trust me they treat their own countryman like crap then be hypocrites when it suits them
SexyFemaleDog, when last you took the blinders off your eyes an had a look around.? I am sure I can highlight 5000 Caribbean ‘rejects’ who are contributing to the development of your country more than you. Maybe you should resume sliding down the pole to get rid of your bitterness. And when you go to church, go down on your knees. Ask the lord to deliver you. Smh
I support you ALL THE WAY Mr.Greene,for way to long officers in Antigua especially at the Airport treat foreigners like They are SHIT like they are not contributing to economy and the country.Foreigners Pay they dues this is the term the enjoy using” A WEY ARU CUM YA FA”!!!!!Antiguan‘s main industry is tourism and tourists are foreigners… that’s just clear discrimination!! time enough for someone to address this situation. The next BIG topic Mr Greene is CUSTOMER SERVICE at the main ports in Antigua.
Discrimination against ANYONE is not GOOD or HEALTHY. PEOPLE from any RACE or DENOMINATION HAVE A RIGHT TO GET RESPECT! SICK MY STOMACH NOW..YOU point your finger at people but 3 more looking back at you.
We not talking about Prostitutes, murderers, rapists..GOD KNOWS we have them here too…We are talking about people going into IMMIGRATION and being rudely dealt with. There is NO EXCUSE for that! I wouldn’t treat a dog , goat or wan CRAZY HORSE like that.
ALL Excuses ! That’s all I hear to justify how we treat people. Like parents never teach manners and respect GOSH man! but trust..GOD DON’T SLEEP! KARMA is real! Mark my words..
I told an acquaintance once that told me this girl did him something and now he plan to get her back cause he go be her Karma. I said boss you have it wrong..lowe her. People get this stuff wrong…If someone does something to you..lowe it Karma will deal with that person..but if you retaliate Karma coming after you too.. KARMA BLIND…WRONG IS WRONG..BADNESS COMES BACK 3 FOLD! then you wonder why things keep happening.
Why should decent non nationals even want to come here? I wouldn’t if I was a non national! Why would anyone want to subject themselves to disrespect and ill treatment
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