Source Real News Antigua-
Staff at the Immigration Department’s headquarters on the Sir George Walter
Highway say they are disgusted by the smell of sewage that is permeating
their offices and upset by management’s response to their complaints.
They claim that, last week, dirty water from the toilets upstairs – where the National Solid Waste Management Authority is now located – flooded their office, which still carries the odour of human waste.
They claim further that management has failed to do anything to remedy the
situation because the food fid not affect the space that managers occupy.
Employees allege that when they arrived at work on Tuesday, the section
where they work was flooded with water from the toilets, and the smell of
feces was in the air.
When a complaint was made to management, the staff allege they were simply
advised to get the cleaners to mop it up.
“But mopping it up didn’t make sense, because it keeps happening and scent
was still there,” one employee explains to REAL News.
The staff member claims that the supervisor was unable to work in her office
on that day as they all were forced to inhale the scent.
The Department’s headquarters are located in the old Sealy Building that,
until a few years ago, housed a call centre.
It is not clear whether the complaint was escalated to the attention of the Central Board of Health or to the Public Works Department, which is responsible for the maintenance of government buildings.
However, insiders claim that the Works Department has not been able to draw down funds allocated in the Budget for quite a while now, as most of the Ministry’s resources are transferred to National Housing.
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“The staff member claims that the supervisor was unable to work in her office
on that day as they all were forced to inhale the scent.”
You were not forced to inhale any scent, you chose to inhale the poo poo scent because you wanted to, you had a choice and you individually made up your minds to stay there, sit and inhale and exhale the poo poo scent. Stop say that somebody made you do this and that.
@cush maybe this kind of employee,are scat people
Shut up because if management decides to send you to airport I’m pretty sure you would beg them to leave you in shit water. You all want to work only at the Head office so inhale shit and shut up.
Another typical example of the incompetence and poor administration of the management of the Immigration Department and the Minister responsible for immigration to address serious issues affecting the department. From the expired entry stamps at the Airport Immigration, to the expired Windows Operating Sytems that runs the Border Control System, to failure to pay overtime for Immigration Officers for working on Public Holidays as per the court Order since 2019 and now this? SMH!!!
@ The Mirror..don’t portrait as a ( donkey with a tied attached to his neck ) portrait as intelligent adolescent human. Keep your blue and yellow strip colors ( diarrhea style ) for your self.
If this lazy not like their situation,just resign and go…simple. Many today burocrats fall into the tik tok crap,be worst than minions to execute in a minimal way,for what’s this unruly people are paid ( I refer to those one everybody know for the under performance
Solid Waste coming from the Solid Waste Department. You can’t make this stuff up.
@Inquire. Your whole comment is filled with lots of grammatical errors such as ‘portrait’ when you meant ‘portray.’ You cannot even make a proper sentence that makes sense and explain yourself properly. You appear to be like an illiterate person who cannot read nor write. By the way where does politics and party colors have to go with my previous comment? Stick to the honest issue and the truth whoever you are. Talking about resign. You need to do the honourable thing and do the same. Pure waste of time and dunce you are!!!
I’m here for the comments! Lol.
You can bet your last EC Dollar that the Head of the Immigration Department Katrina Yearwood doesn’t have this “stinking” problem. Tarl!
@The Mirror.
Lmao..you are the best.lol.
Your comeback took the cake today..woi… 😂
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