Earlier this week a video has surfaced on social media showcasing an altercation between the MP for Barbuda Trevor Walker and a Peace, Love and Happiness (PLH) official where Walker could be heard saying racist comments.
The argument began when the Barbuda Council tried enter the Palmetto Point construction site with seven persons when they were only granted permission for five to conduct their investigation.
It was then that a verbal exchange developed and, in the video, Walker can be heard saying “a white man telling me that”.
When the official called him out on his racist comments, Walker who was visibly upset replied: “I was born racist! You are not going to come here and behave so stupid. I can understand if you said five and I brought 10, I can see your quarrel, but two extra persons?”
Walker continued by mentioning that the PLH official had no choice but to entertain him because ‘if he wanted to venture onto the property police would have to be called to remove him since they can’t touch him’.
The video concluded with the council members leaving the property quite disgruntled and even captured Walker using profanity when he was asked why he was threatening the PLH official.
But despite the incident, the PLH spokesperson Justin Wilshaw said there were no hard feelings taken against the comments made by Walker but instead they are hoping to move forward and “get along professionally”.
He said they were “looking forward to work along with anyone in Barbuda for the upward development of Barbuda”.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne also commented on the matter as humorous referencing a snippet of the video where a citizen told Walker that ‘you were born a dam liar and you go dead a liar’.
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When your life is about money you will sell your parents and children for a dollar.
The comment is a good one, if you are not racist another race will plunder you into extinction.
To be racist means you will do everything in your power to preserve and sustain your race. There is no greater love of self.
To not understand this in 2020 shows the education system has you caring for your slave master like how an abused woman loves her and will not leave the abusive man alone.
You, like Trevor Walker, are such an idiot. To proclaim that he is a racist and for you to try to defend racism exposes the very baseness you possess.
Wow! MELCHESIDEC I could not agree with you more.
Mr. Tabor, are you seriously endorsing those sentiments? Wow, I am floored. I’ve just lost the high esteem in which I held you.
You really expect any better from Tabor, ? Anything that opposes the government whether good or bad he will endorse abf even go as far and use his “legal” mind to justify it.
This was because the white guy stop him from bringing too many people into a work zone on the beach. You should resign as a MP. You have no ability to resolve or dialogue with people and that is your job. No other country you could do this and stay in office.
EMBARRASSMENT was is really bringing to many people? A few members of the Council were accompanied by two environmental experts to assess the damage being caused (or not caused) by the PLH project at Palmetto Point. Why should they be prevented from entering the area to undertake their assessment. The Environmental Division says their is no damage to the environment. We need to get a second opinion. I recall sometime ago that Diane Black Layne said that NEMMA was not a protected area when this area was protected since 2005 by then Minister of Agriculture Charlesworth Samuel. One has to take anything says by the Environmental Division with some skepticism. With all the nonsense going on with Barbuda and the people of Barbuda, they should really be now talking about secession to put all this nonsense behind them. They will survive.
What he is going there for is irrelevant. He out of order. If he worried about environment just push past the man and go look. Look how long ANTIGUAN PEOPLE been stealing sand from Barbuda and nobody say nuttn. You cannot be a representative of the people and be racist when we are dependent on Tourism. What they say bout snake and long grass ? Come on man.
EMBARRASSMENT are you serious? How canTrevor Walker just go on the property. He would be a trespasser. PLH did not want the invited invitees Council members to enter the property with two Environmental experts. If all their activities do not breach any of the environmental regulations what are they afraid off. The matter is as simple as that I.e., giving access to the property to facilitate an environmental assesment. The Environmental Division said there were no breaches. The Council believes there were breaches and want the investigate.The Barbuda Council is the government of Barbuda and has legal and constitutional rights in Barbuda. Those rights should be respected by all including the Central Government.
The guy has shown again that he is NOT a “born again Christian” or a “man of god”, as some maintain. A tree is known by it.s fruit, and his fruit is rotten. Even if he’s not a real Christian he can at least act like a grown up man, and speak with some intelligence, not like a foul mouthed red neck racist from Mississippi. I don’t know the guy, but I don’t like him, and don’t want to know him. I don’t care what party he belongs to. His “fruit” is not from a Holy Place, that’s for sure. It’s true, there ARE true believers and there ARE make-believers. They are worse off than unbelievers. By their fruit you will know them.
@kristi:You need to back from whence you came.In other words goo back from way you come fram.
Even when these investors take you all out of church to go and work on their plantation, move you off your land and have your children walking with a tray on their head, people like you would still be saying IT IS GOD’S WILL. You black people just slay me. Jomo Kenyatta said: “WHEN THE WHITE MAN CAME TO AFRICA HOLDING A BIBLE, HE MET THE PEOPLE WITH THE LAND. HE USED THE BIBLE TO TEACH THE PEOPLE HOW TO PRAY WITH THEIR EYES CLOSE. WHEN THEY OPENED THEIR EYES, THEY HAD THE BIBLE AND THE WHITE MAN HAD THE LAND.”
I guess its okay for black people to be racist against white then. Its just humourous.
If this were the other way around there would be uproar. Smh
EMBARRASSMENT are you serious? How canTrevor Walker just go on the property. He would be a trespasser. PLH did not want the invited invitees Council members to enter the property with two Environmental experts. If all their activities do not breach any of the environmental regulations what are they afraid off. The matter is as simple as that I.e., giving access to the property to facilitate an environmental assesment. The Environmental Division said there were no breaches. The Council believes there were breaches and want the investigate.The Barbuda Council is the government of Barbuda and has legal and constitutional rights in Barbuda. Those rights should be respected by all including the Central Government.
Then thats is the issue, stick to that. Mek he tap behind and somebody qualified go and look and take Picture and write notes or whatever. So many ways to work around the problem.
Tabor sometimes I wonder if you are in your right mind. The NON SENSE that you defend. My God I heard that you are a Lawyer but I questioned your QUALIFICATION. I never read of you complimenting the ABLP or Hon. Gaston Browne for anything. I came to the conclusion that you have not gotten over the TRASHING the UPP got in 2018( 15 to 1). I wonder what you will say when in 2023 when the UPP will lose ALL Their seats. All the UPP Members are living in DENIAL. UPP should concentrate on finding proper Candidates to represent Them and stop the WASH YOU FOOT AND COME policy. UPP attracts Candidates with ( WHO went to JAIL / PRISON for MURDER , WHO DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR CHILDREN and the list goes on. I believe that is what you should concentrate on and STOP writing CRAP.
By the way Tabor…..I heard Your OPPOSITION Leader on Radio. If you are so concerned about your Party I would recommend that Someone in the Party help this Guy with His presentation . Not good for Local / International Viewers !!!!!
As I figured the upp supporters dont see anything wrong with the language he used.
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