Hundreds Attend youth job fair in Point/Villa Community


youth job-fair held in The Point/Villa community

Youths on the Move Inc., a youth non-political organization, on Saturday hosted a highly successful Job Fair and Resume Writing Workshop. The event, which took place with the support of the Prime Minister Gaston Browne, Member of Parliament for the St. John’s City West constituency, attracted over 75 eager young participants.

“The organization, which has been active within the community for several years, is dedicated to equipping young individuals with the essential skills needed to become successful citizens of Antigua and Barbuda.

The Job Fair and Resume Writing Workshop is a testament to their ongoing efforts to uplift and empower the next generation,” Senator Shenella Govia, one of the directors, stated.

A highlight of the event was the participation of prominent local organizations, including the management teams from the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority, the Antigua Port Authority, State Insurance Company…

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  1. Hundreds? The article states that the event attracted over 75 participants. This doesn’t instill any confidence that it was hundreds

  2. Who cares about the numbers @ Miss Wadadli??
    The issue is not the numbers but outcome of the program, the results…………. stop the politicking and get on board or shut up!!!

  3. Why the misleading “Hundreds” ? Any amount in attendance is a positive. Start my teaching honesty which is so lacking in Antigua.

  4. @whenever I am totally on board with any and all programme that benefits our teenagers. My issue is with bad reporting. If you are going to put anything out to the general public report facts. That’s what we expect from our reporters. Who are you to tell me to shut up. Have you ever heard of freedom of speech? Ignorant people like you really pisses me off

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